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Revision as of 23:13, 14 February 2017

Mei Ryoko
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

8 ABY (age 27)

Physical Description









Dark Brown


Dark Brown



Personal Information



Uncle (Jedi Knight), Uncle's Apprentice

Lightsaber Color(s):

Armory Saber Red

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi




Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Clan Naga Sadow

Personal Ship:


Known masters:

Krath Archpriest Mitsuhide Akechi (Former)

Known apprentices:




[ Source ]

Mei Ryoko is a Sith Protector of Clan Naga Sadow. She resided at House Ludo Kressh. Her master was Krath Archpriest Mitsuhide Akechi.

"Vae Victus: Woe to the Conquered!"
―Mei Ryoko

The Beginning

Mei has no memory of her family or her homeworld. When she was five, she was in a distant world, wandering. Desperate, she began to steal to survive. In her spare time, she would dig in trash and landfills, not only for food, but for knowledge. She would find old and broken book about the universe. As she got older, she became interested in robotics after reading old manuals. At age ten, she built her own spy robot with parts from landfills.

The Teen Years

At 14, Mei was still stealing from businesses and mugging travelers in order to get food and water for the day, but her luck would soon run out. At 17, Mei was nearly caught by an undercover officer when she tried to mug him. She escaped, but had to flee from the world she was staying in to Naboo. On Naboo, she had to lay low because of what happened. At 19, Mei took a job as a waitress in a small tavern. She was befriended by the tavern owners, an old and kind couple. She worked there for nearly three years, but it would end in tragedy.

The Adult Years

At 22, the tavern was burned down because the couple refused to pay for protection from a local crime lord. Mei witnessed the burning while returning with food. She was left unemployed and forced to live on the streets. On the streets, she began building more spy bots for pay. The pay was lousy, but it was enough for food and water. One day, she witnessed a young Sith Acolyte being attacked by a Jedi Knight. The Jedi was about to deliver the final blow when Mei intervened and stabbed the Jedi, but not before he used his force powers to throw her to a wall. The Sith Acolyte, grateful, healed her wounds and told her of the Shadow Academy.

The Shadow Academy

Mei joined the Academy, not only to hone her skills, but in the hopes of discovering her past. Mei was, at first, was taken aback by the academy because of everything she saw. As time passed, she grew accustomed to her surroundings. She thought that it was a great place for those who wish to be a Sith, a Krath or an Obelisk and hopes that one day, all three orders can truly work together and not let the past hinder that. She joined the Order of the Sith and was assigned to House Ludo Kressh.

Her Master

Recently, Mei found her master, or her master found her. Krath Archpriest Mitsuhide Akechi had been following her for a few days before finally confronting her. The two battled, with Mitsuhide being the victor. Afterwards, he expressed an interested in Mei becoming his apprentice because of her skills. Mei accepted and Mitsuhide became her master. After her classes, Mitsuhide and Mei would train until the late hours and when she wasn’t at Kressh, she would stay with Mitsuhide. However, instead of given her own bed, she had to sleep on the floor, by her master’s bed. Mitsuhide believe that she should earn it and until then, she’s nothing more than a dog at his feet.

The Ninth Great Jedi War

This is Mei’s first true war. By the side of Mitsuhide, they battled through the enemy. However, it took a turn when, Faram, Mitsuhide’s brother, possessed Mitsuhide and tried to kill Mei. But, thanks to Mitsuhide’s training, Mei was victorious, but ended up mortally wounded.


Mitsuhide was transferred to a hospital and Mei stayed by his side, not going to class or training. She thought about quitting the Academy when the Grand Master, Muz Ashen, convinced her to stay and that leaving would dishonor not only her master, but herself. She visits Mitsuhide for the first time and laid next to him on the floor. When she woke up, Mitsuhide was gone and she was given a note by him. After reading it, she decides to return to the Academy and not let her master down.


Even though Mei returned to training, her heart wasn’t into it as it was before. Sensing the conflict in her heart, Mitsuhide released his student, stating that her destiny lies outside the academy’s walls. With that, she left.


One week after Mei left, she was confronted by a man who said he was her uncle. He spent years trying to find her. He told her that her parents were killed by the Jedi. Her mother was a Jedi knight while her father was a Sith overlord. They were afraid that if anyone found out if they were in love, or that they had a child, they would die. They hid in a district star system where Mei was born. Her uncle found out about them. In fact, he and his soldiers killed them. Her uncle was a high rank Jedi Master would was sent to find her mother. Mei’s parents fought with everything they got, but the Jedi were too strong. Afterwards, he and the soldiers caught Mei and were on route to the Jedi temple where she was going to be executed. He said that she was crying and wouldn’t stop. Suddenly, the ship malfunctioned. They didn’t understand why until they noticed that Mei was causing it. Her uncle tried to kill Mei right there, but, somehow, she caused the ship to crash land on a nearby planet. Only Mei and her uncle survived. He was severely injured and had to be taken back to the temple to heal. Meanwhile, she was left alone. Her uncle tried to finish the job, but Mei killed him. However, his body disappeared, probably taken by his apprentice.

Life After

Mei is currently working as a chief mechanic in the pod-racing scene. She was confronted by Kharon Daragon, Warlord of the House Marka Ragnos and heir to Naga Sadow, who offered her a chance to return to the academy. Mei is still undecided whether or not to return.