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Revision as of 18:41, 22 March 2013

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Template:Ship (individual)

One of six Corellian gunships captured by House Plagueis during the taking of the new Ascendant Fleet, the Wrath has become an attack ship of the Hellfire raid fleet. When outside of large engagements, it roves through both stellar and planetary battlefields, crushing fighter resistance and crippling freighters and defensive positions.


Built alongside the Cleric for use in the 108th Expeditionary Scout Fleet, the Hope was commissioned in 33 ABY and served as a component of the 108th's fighter defenses. Alongside its sister ship, it took down pirate fighters and the odd radical separatist or insurgent craft and helped maintain stability in the galaxy. In 36 ABY, it was among the ships of the 108th during their shore leave over Ord Pardron.

It was during this leave that the Ascendancy and her crew struck, seizing the ship as it was undermanned and crewing it with Subjugates. Hopping around the battlefield, the ship helped to deliver the House's Commando droids to where they were needed, the droids disembarking and boarding by virtue of floating in vacuum - metal combatants seldom need to breathe.

When the battle was done and the new Ascendant Fleet was away, the ship became a key component of Plagueian raid efforts.


Designed to serve more adequately as a vessel of war than its relative, the CR90, Corellian gunships had a greatly reduced amount of space for passengers, troops, or cargo. During their design phase, two words guided the shipwrights and engineers of CEC: Fast and deadly. As such, engines made up half of their available interior space, with the rest reserved for deflector shield generators and weapons systems. Because of this speed and lethality, they were ideal craft for raiders and pirate fleets, but also saw extensive use by the Rebel Alliance and were even used by local Imperial fleets.

The DP20 gunship bore a stock armament of eight double turbolaser cannons, four concussion missile tubes, and six quad laser cannons. This made the vessel useful for a number of reasons. Ideally, it was meant to destroy fighters, bombers, and other snub or shuttle craft en masse; where a capital ship's bulk made accurate strikes against such craft difficult, the gunship could pinpoint and destroy them with much greater accuracy. However, they were also capable of harrying and dealing damage to larger ships, while still being maneuverable and quick enough to evade powerful craft such as Star Destroyers. In Plagueian hands, these vessels have become central to crippling and raiding ships for supplies and slaves.

DP20 ships held accomodations for forty-five crewmen and forty-six gunners; in Plagueian hands, both posts are occupied by Subjugates. In addition, the 120-meter craft always house a Sith, and the crews rotate outward. In the close-knit environment of such a small ship, crew members become akin to families, something that increases the possibility of Subjugate crewmen finding identities and rebelling. To combat this, the crews of the gunships are routinely cycled out or, if necessary, purged. The Sith aboard is both a measure against boarders and a safeguard against slaves; in such enclosed spaces, a lightsaber and the Dark Side make them more than a match for invading soldiers or a crew of lightly-armed slaves.