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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
(This makes a mark on my Shadow Gate history so far.)
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== Shadow Gate ==
== Shadow Gate ==
When Incendus recieved his first assignment in Shadow Gate,He was confident.His mission was to take down a Black Sun warehouse.It's location was in Coruscant,and he had to take it down with just a blaster,himself,and the Force.Nevertheless, he new he would be successful.
The First Mission

When he reached the warehouse,he started taking down enemies stealthily.First,he took down a guard by using the Force to stab the man with his own knife.Then there was an Ithorian.He snuck up and garroted the Ithorian.Then he finally revealed himself,jumping from the platform he was on,shooting the guards on the ground.He immediately took cover behind a row of crates that he could shoot from.He used his blaster to shoot one guard,while force-choking another man.Then one man came charging at him.He immediately grabbed the mans hand,using the other to aggresively push the man's pressure,he then went to the elbow,pushing it up hard and breaking his arm.He then tapped the mans arm,also applying pressure with the Force.This sent the man flying back.Incendus immediately took cover again.Then he had an idea.He saw a seismic charge.He used the force to activate and throw it in the air.then he used the force to throw an astromech at it.Immediately,the bomb attached to the droid by magnetism.Incendus used his blaster to shoot at the windows,and took a run at them.He then dived out,and the seismic charge exploded.Incendus then landed safely,and made his way to a transport shuttle,and made his way back to Selen.
When Incendus recieved his first assignment in Shadow Gate,He was confident.His mission was to take down a Black Sun warehouse.It's location was in Coruscant,and he had to take it down with just a blaster,himself,and the Force.Nevertheless, he knew he would be successful.
When he reached the warehouse,he started taking down enemies stealthily.First,he took down a guard by using the Force to stab the man with his own knife.Then there was a Gran.He snuck up and garroted the Gran.Then he finally revealed himself,jumping from the platform he was on,shooting the guards on the ground.He immediately took cover behind a row of crates that he could shoot from.He used his blaster to shoot one guard,while force-choking another man.Then one man came charging at him.He immediately grabbed the mans hand,using the other to aggresively push the man's pressure,he then went to the elbow,pushing it up hard and breaking his arm.He then tapped the mans palm,also applying pressure with the Force.This sent the man flying back.Incendus immediately took cover again.Then he had an idea.He saw a seismic charge.He used the force to activate and throw it in the air.then he used the force to throw an astromech in the air.Immediately,the bomb attached to the droid by magnetism.Incendus used his blaster to shoot at the windows,and took a run at them.He then dived out,and the seismic charge exploded.Incendus then landed safely,and made his way to a transport shuttle,and made his way back to Selen.
The Racket Battle Against Black Sun
Incendus received a second mission,which was against Black Sun.He was to to over the XMI Manufacturing Plant.The location was in Dantooine.Incendus had ridden an LAAT Gunship full of Shadow Gate enforcers.Upon entering the atmosphere,he had suddenly felt something wrong.Then the LAAT started shaking.A sniper had shot the engine.Incendus immediately jumped from it and landed,then he used the force to assure it a safe landing.When he took a look at the engine,it had apparently been shot twice,and it was critically damaged.When everyone thanked him for rescuing them all,he had put the fear right back in them by force-choking the pilot.He then shot the pilots neck to cover up what had just happened.They then left for the manufacturing plant.When they arrived,the heavy trooper enforcer was commanded to blow the door down.As soon as he did,the Black Sun members started shooting at him.He then jumped on a balcony to attack the leader.He then realized that his troopers had been paid off.Then,Incendus retreated to another room.The leader followed.Incendus dropped down from the ceiling when the leader followed.He locked the door and engaged the Togruta leader in battle.He eventually killed the Togruta.Then,he ran out of the room and took down all of the other enforcers.He then extorted the business,cleaned up the bodies(threw them in a lake)and took a starfighter to get back to Selen.

Revision as of 23:12, 27 March 2012

Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

15 ABY

Physical Description





appr. 5'3


120 lbs


Dirty Blonde



Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Chronology & Political Information



Sith,House Qel-Droma, Clan Arcona, Dark Jedi Brotherhood, Shadow Gate

Known masters:

Andrelious J. Inahj



[ Source ]

Incendus is a dark jedi and a member of the Order of the Sith.

Early Life

As a child,Incendus(who's name was Xion Krayt at the time)was an intelligent student at the Coruscant Academy.He had a problem though.He was depressed,and many of the students were afraid of him because he was often suicidal.One day, a teacher from the school came to his house, carrying a shotgun.Xion's parents were out,and he was home alone.He locked the doors, and hid.This did no good, as the teacher shot at the windows and attempted to climb in.Xion then pressed the emergency lockdown button that his father installed.All of the windows and doors were reinforced by a plasma shield and an extra layer as a result.Incendus heard the plasma shield shut down,and glanced at the panel.It said, "PLASMA OVERLOAD.POWERING OFF."Suddenly,a burst of red energy came through the door.It then started circling,and when it went around all the way,the door burst open.The teacher said,"I am tired of having to listen to your complaints about depression.I sense great power in you.Too much power.Now you will feel the power of the dark side.Now you will feel true pain!!".But just when the sword was about to fall to Xion's head,a red light of energy went through the teacher.Another figure stood behind him.The figure said,"When you turn 20,come to the cantina.I will be waiting there for you.Now all he had to do was wait.

The Cantina

Xion was now 20 years of age.He was in deep thought about the man who had slain the teacher 5 years before.Suddenly there was a voice in his head."Go to the cantina".Xion then left for the cantina.Upon entering,he saw the man he had come to meet.The man told him that he needed somewhere to learn to control his power.He told Xion to go to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.After long thought,he finally agreed.

In The Brotherhood

When Incendus arrived at the academy,He immediately began the Test of Lore,without knowing that the questions that he was asked counted towards his promotion.He passed,the whole time not knowing that he was being tested.When he had access to the computers,he did some research on his family history,and found out that, a long time ago,he had an ancestor who was a Sith Pureblood.His name was Incendus.Hoping to become as powerful as his ancestor,He chose his cover name to be Incendus.

Shadow Gate

The First Mission

When Incendus recieved his first assignment in Shadow Gate,He was confident.His mission was to take down a Black Sun warehouse.It's location was in Coruscant,and he had to take it down with just a blaster,himself,and the Force.Nevertheless, he knew he would be successful.

When he reached the warehouse,he started taking down enemies stealthily.First,he took down a guard by using the Force to stab the man with his own knife.Then there was a Gran.He snuck up and garroted the Gran.Then he finally revealed himself,jumping from the platform he was on,shooting the guards on the ground.He immediately took cover behind a row of crates that he could shoot from.He used his blaster to shoot one guard,while force-choking another man.Then one man came charging at him.He immediately grabbed the mans hand,using the other to aggresively push the man's pressure,he then went to the elbow,pushing it up hard and breaking his arm.He then tapped the mans palm,also applying pressure with the Force.This sent the man flying back.Incendus immediately took cover again.Then he had an idea.He saw a seismic charge.He used the force to activate and throw it in the air.then he used the force to throw an astromech in the air.Immediately,the bomb attached to the droid by magnetism.Incendus used his blaster to shoot at the windows,and took a run at them.He then dived out,and the seismic charge exploded.Incendus then landed safely,and made his way to a transport shuttle,and made his way back to Selen.

The Racket Battle Against Black Sun

Incendus received a second mission,which was against Black Sun.He was to to over the XMI Manufacturing Plant.The location was in Dantooine.Incendus had ridden an LAAT Gunship full of Shadow Gate enforcers.Upon entering the atmosphere,he had suddenly felt something wrong.Then the LAAT started shaking.A sniper had shot the engine.Incendus immediately jumped from it and landed,then he used the force to assure it a safe landing.When he took a look at the engine,it had apparently been shot twice,and it was critically damaged.When everyone thanked him for rescuing them all,he had put the fear right back in them by force-choking the pilot.He then shot the pilots neck to cover up what had just happened.They then left for the manufacturing plant.When they arrived,the heavy trooper enforcer was commanded to blow the door down.As soon as he did,the Black Sun members started shooting at him.He then jumped on a balcony to attack the leader.He then realized that his troopers had been paid off.Then,Incendus retreated to another room.The leader followed.Incendus dropped down from the ceiling when the leader followed.He locked the door and engaged the Togruta leader in battle.He eventually killed the Togruta.Then,he ran out of the room and took down all of the other enforcers.He then extorted the business,cleaned up the bodies(threw them in a lake)and took a starfighter to get back to Selen.