Ulim Paxiom: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Latest revision as of 16:25, 29 July 2024

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
This article details the history of a character who no longer actively takes part in current events.

Ulim Paxiom
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

22 ABY (age 27)

Physical Description





1.75 m


55 kg





Personal Information

Lizeth Paxiom (neé Shipp) (Deceased)


Bryon Paxiom (Deceased)

Chronology & Political Information


Known masters:

Andrelious J. Mimosa-Inahj



[ Source ]

Ulim Paxiom is a Human Jedi serving in House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan, and the last surviving member of his family.

Character History

Early Life

"There goes that Paxiom boy again... "
―Unknown Grizmallti Noble talking about Ulim

Ulim was born in 22 ABY on the planet Grizmallt to Bryon and Lizeth Paxiom. The Paxioms were minor nobility in the Grizmallt Monarchy, and as such had some power, but in reality they had nothing to say when it came to politics, much like other minor families. His father owned several factories which produced several important commodities, most notably food for infant children. Even though his father owned the factories, it was his mother who really ran the place.

Ulim remembers his first years fondly. While he was not living in the lap of luxury, he did not want for anything. As a child he was known among other parents for being exceedingly polite and friendly, and was quick to make friends. He also became known for protesting bigoted behaviour among other of the nobility, and seemed to be able to sense when someone was thinking horrible or mean things about someone else.

When he was 5 he became an older sibling to twin sisters; Kasi and Illa. As any big brother does, he loved his sisters with every fiber of his being from the moment he laid eyes on them. He would run up to his mother whenever one of them started crying, even if she was already on the way to checking on them. Whenever not playing with his friend Stormy Weathers, a scion of another minor family, he would spend time with his sisters.

A few years later it was discovered that Ulim had a connection to the Force. He was the first in his bloodline to exhibit this trait, and Ulim parents went through the difficult process of letting Ulim go to study the ways of the Jedi. As family-oriented as the Paxioms were, the prestige of having a Jedi in the bloodline was cold comfort to them as the time came for him to leave to the Academy, on another planet.

Joining the Order

"Be a good boy and follow your teacher's instructions, Ulim. Ok? I love you, baby. I'm so proud of you. "
―Ulim's mother comforts her son as he leaves for the Academy

Ulim joined the Jedi Order in 30 ABY at the age of eight. Slightly older than the other students, he nonetheless quickly adjusted to his new circumstances at the Academy, though he was frequently homesick, missing his family. His teachers found in him a receptive student: Ulim was studious and was beginning to show an aptitude for biology and medicine, and his tutors began to steer his training in that direction.

Ulim had always dreamed of being in a position to help and care for people around him. Other students would come to him for everything from friendly advice to just having a sounding board. Fiercely protective of those he loves, he was beginning to think that his life was falling into place with the Jedi. He was allowed to return home after 2 years of training to see his family again, something which overjoyed him. Seeing his family and friends helped him to overcome the homesickness, and Ulimwould return to the Academy more determined to complete his studies.

Tragedy Strikes

"There is no death; There is only the Force... "
―Ulim saying a prayer at his family's funeral

After the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Grizmallt was one of the many Core Worlds that surrendered unconditionally to the Republic. Whatever Imperial forces remained on the planet either left or assimilated themselves with the locals, and for many decades Grizmallt enjoyed peace under the flag of the Republic. It was not to last, however.

In a bid to destabilize the entire planet, a group of Dark Jedi attacked Grizmallt right at the center of their power in 37 ABY: The Royal Parliament. These Dark Jedi were part of the many Imperial Remnants that tried to resurrect the Empire through whatever means available to them, and they had set their sights on Ulim's homeworld. Once a year, the Conclave is called where all members of Grizmallt Nobility were expected to attend to hear the annual state address by the Queen of Grizmallt. The Dark Jedi chose this moment to attack, hoping to wipe out all traces of leadership and allow them to take over.

Thanks to their use of the element of surprise and the power of the Dark Side, they held a siege of the Royal Halls, fighting against inexperienced and unprepared Republic soldiers, too used to peace to effectively make war. Their flagship bombarded the planet from orbit while the Dark Jedi slipped inside the Royal Hall, capturing the Queen and every member of the aristocracy, including their families as they were all required to attend. Several thousand nobles and the continuation of the Grizmallt Monarchy was now under threat.

The Dark Jedi demanded that all power in Grizmallt be given to them, and that the planet would once again fly the Imperial Banner. The Republic attempted to negotiate with the Dark Jedi, hoping to come to a peaceful solution, and the the least buy time for the Republic to initiate a counter-attack. The republic succeeded in the latter. As the stand-off continued Republic Special Forces, in a very daring raid, managed to free the Queen, most of her family, and a few other Nobles. The Dark Jedi retaliated by murdering every hostage they still had. While this was happening, Ulim felt something in the Force calling to him. Sensing something was wrong, he became extremely agitated and demanded to hear news of his family. Upon attempting to communicate with Grizmallt, the Jedi learned what happened and immediately sent him home along with a squad of Knights for protection.

When Ulim did finally arrive, he was too late. He was met by his old friend Stormy, and her father Daine Weathers, and stayed with them. He was told what happened; how the Dark Jedi stormed the Hall and the fighting that had taken place. He then learned the awful truth that he felt back at the Academy. His parents and siblings had been murdered, cut down by the red blades of the Dark Jedi's lightsabers as punishment to the Republic for freeing the Queen. Though a few of the Dark Jedi were slain, some managed to escape and are still at large.

Beside himself with grief, Ulim was allowed to stay for the funeral by the Knights that were escorting him. Given that in what was being called the "Blue Bloodletting" that the death toll was in the thousands, and an entire week was devoted to mourning and burying the dead. Many attendees would remember the impressive sight of a young Ulim, only fifteen years old, delivering the eulogy for his murdered family flanked on both sides by Jedi Knights in full regalia.

Sworn to the Brotherhood

"Something must be done. He has not eaten or slept in days, and does not leave the library. What are we to do?"
―Ulim's teachers grow worried

After burying his family and returning to the Academy, Ulim immersed himself completely in his studies over the next two years. He was able to distract himself from his grief this way, at the cost of his health as he had stopped eating or sleeping for long periods of time. When asked about it Ulim explained that he still felt the void in the Force that once was occupied by those he loved, and sometimes felt their presence in places he couldn't expect. He was haunted by them, and the Academy somehow reminded him of them.

His Master's pondered how they could help the young Jedi. The Master of the Academy had contacts with several other groups of Force users, and suggested that Ulim be sent to train further with the Jedi of Clan Taldryan.

Physical Description

Ulim is a young Human man of slightly lower than average height, with a thin, wiry frame and pale skin. He does not have the imposing gait of a warrior, but walks with the quiet determination of a scientist. A ruffled mop of short blonde hair sits atop his aquiline features, a pair of dark green eyes gaze ahead inquisitively.

When not in battle he is commonly found wearing the garb of a physician; a white labcoat over his tunic, stethoscope around his neck.

During battle Ulim will change dress depending on the situation, but will not leave without his combat medical supplies, which he keeps spread out across several pouches on his rigging.


The Paxioms

Ulim hails from this family, and by the time he was inducted into the Brotherhood they had been laid to rest for two years after being murdered in a political coup by Dark Jedi in 37 ABY.

  • Bryon Paxiom - A minor noble of Grizmallt Royalty, former Imperial and Patriarch of the Paxiom family, and Ulim's father. A quiet, diminutive man who was known for hiding a heart of gold under a sarcastic smile. Ulim did not have to doubt his father's love for him, and it was his father's love for chemistry that inspired Ulim to study medicine.
  • Lizeth Paxiom - Born Lizeth Shipp, she married above her station and bore her husband 3 children: Ulim, Kasi, and Illa. A kind, gentle being who provided the warmth in the family. She discovered she had a talent for management was was soon running her husband's factories for him, allowing her husband to spend time improving the products.
  • Kasi and Illa Paxiom - Five years younger than Ulim, Kasi and Illa are twin sisters to Ulim. They did not have much of a chance to discover their destinies, being only twelve when they were killed. Ulim loved his sisters and misses them most of all.

The Weathers

The Weathers family were closely related to the Paxioms throughout history. Since the attack that wiped out the Paxiom legacy Daine Weathers, patriarch of the family, has taken over the factories that the Paxiom family once owned.

  • Daine Weathers - Stormy's father. A hulking brute of a man, and former Imperial Officer, he peacefully changed allegiances after Grizmallt's surrender and was working closely with his good friend Bryon Paxiom. Now that Bryon is dead, he has taken over all aspects of the business and is grooming his daughter Stormy to take his place one day. Daine is the closest thing Ulim has to a father now.
  • Stormy Weathers - Ulim and Stormy have been inseparable since they were children, discovering the world together.
