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'''Ridex Deban''' is an important member of the Jedi Order.  
'''Ridex Deban''' is an important member of the Jedi Order.  
|type = NPC
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Latest revision as of 15:56, 29 July 2024

Ridex Deban is an important member of the Jedi Order.

Ridex Deban
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description





1,14 meters


37 kilo.



Personal Information
  • Master Ulick Tainma
  • The Jedi Order
Lightsaber Color(s):
  • Light blue
Lightsaber Form(s):
  • Ataru
  • Soresu
  • Shii-Cho
Chronology & Political Information
  • Jedi Master
Known masters:
  • Ulick Tainma
Known apprentices:
  • Hektor Ravenblade
  • Inna Oliga
[ Source ]


A Potential Padawan is Discovered

Ulick Tainma rescued by a Jawa Sandcrawler

The story of Ridex begins with a sequence of fortuitous events that some attribute to the force itself. It all starts with the mission of a Jedi Master named Ulick Tainma. He had been sent by the Jedi Council on Rodia (who was in a conflict) to help the people of this planet to find a solution to their clan wars. Unfortunately for this ambassador, as his mission seemed completed, a plot to eliminate the Rodian Grand Protector succeeded. Having supported the defun leader before this tragic event, he was considered as an enemy by the new self-proclaimed leader. He was then forced to flee urgently aboard his ship to avoid confrontation with the Rodians. He was chased by the Rodian starfighters who shot him and touched his ship severely. That deviate him from his original trajectory leading him close to Tatooine where he crashed in the middle of a desert. Underestimating the survival skills of Jedi in a crash, Rodians Hunters departed, thinking that although he was not killed in the accident, the unforgiving climate of the desert would take care of him. But they were wrong, he actually survived the accident. Alone and far from everything, he traveled on foot for one whole day under the burning sun. But despite the resources that the force entrusted him, the lack of provisions and the unbearable heat of Tatooine overcame him. He fainted on the sand with his skin burned by the relentless rays. The force should have been with him because shortly after, a Jawa Sandcrawler came by. Ulick was transported in the vehicle where they nursed and took care of him. He awoke a week later in one of their caves. He was very grateful for what they had done for him. But, given the limited vocabulary of Jawa who only speaks Jawaese, he was not able to make them understand it. That's when a young Jawa contacted him by the thought. It greatly surprised him because the races who had this gift were very rare and anyway, the Jawa were not among them. No, this singular power came from a familiar source for Ulick: The Force! He had not felt it in the beginning, but there was a very powerful Aura of Force surrounding the young Jawa in front of him.

By this means of communication, he learned that the young Jawa name was Ridex Deban and that what he took for a cave was actually the home of his family. Finally, after being totally restored, Ulick went to the nearest spaceport to leave this sandy planet and return to the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. With the agreement of his parents, he also took the young individual with the extraordinary potential with him to make him his apprentice. When they arrived to destination, the Jedi Council allowed him to begin the training of the young Jawa and that's how Ridex Deban started his path into the Force...

From Neophyte to Master

Along with his new master: Ulick Tainma, Ridex explored many planets during their missions for the Republic. Under the wise teachings of Master Tainma, he has also acquired a certain mastery of the force and has even discovered talents he did not suspect the existence. His training was almost a first for the Jedi Order. In fact, since their only means of communication was by thought, it made things a bit more complex ... It has nevertheless allowed his master to improve his psychic skills. In this way, Ridex was not the only one to make progress, indeed , this relationship was beneficial for both.

After ten years of instruction in the ways of the jedi, the Jawa learned to understand the basic language and became an accomplished jedi. Moreover, he brilliantly succeeded to the trials, thus earning largely, the title of Jedi Knight. Most surprising is that he had already surpassed his master in many areas, but had not yet reaches its limits. Decidedly, he had such incredible potential and was intended for a great future. When he became an important and respected member of the order, two young members made ​​their entry into the academy: the young Hektor Ravenblade and his comrade Inna Oliga. They would become his first apprentices after the council entrusted them to his care. He was only their basic instructor, but later he became the permanent master of the young Hektor.

The loss of a loved one

The Sexy Darth Kodan
Deban's Lightsaber

While the Jedi Council have just given a new mission to master Tainma, he, in memory of the good days, request to be accompanied by his former apprentice now become master. Having no objection to this, the council granted the request. Ulick quickly puts his loyal companion aware of their common objective:

"It seems that, as we were told, some discoveries were made on the planet Tython in the deep core. Unfortunately, these discoveries have claimed the lives of some individuals… It would be sith artefacts and these have a fearsome influence on their possessor. The council send us recover them before they make more victims! I had a bad feeling about this, so I asked for your assistance."

So they went on their way to Tython, the birth planet of the Jedi Order. Arrived at destination, it wasn’t too difficult to find the famous Sith objects, given the bloody traces that they left behind… After retrieving the majority of these dangerous artefacts, they make the unfortunate encounter with a mysterious Sith, Darth Kodan. This one was attracted to them because of the aura of obscurity that surrounds these objects and she was also searching them too.

This female Twi’lek born on this planet and sensitive to the force is unfortunately fallen, in the past, in possession of one of the most devastating artefacts ( the Holocron of a Dark lord ). She succumbed to the dark side of the force and has followed the teachings of the unknown Holo-master, Darth Jheri.

Despite not having as much experience as her two opponents, Kodan have the support of the dark side which ensures a rapid and violent mastery of the force, she is thus able to stand against them. The two Jedi try several tactics that they share with the thought, but Darth Kodan foils each. She later takes advantage of a defensive mistake that Ridex does by sending him sith lightning. Ridex is then knocked out for most part of the fight. Ulick finds himself alone in front of this powerful enemy and leads a desperate battle for victory. While Ridex barely find his senses, he witnesses the death of his master. Deban leaves very little time to his opponent to remove her blade from the body of his deceased master by redoubling energy for attacking. After a hard struggle, Ridex finally overcomes the Dark lord with an unexpected riposte.

Ridex approaches his master, who says his last words:

"There Is No Death, There Is Only the force ... Don't be sad, I will always be here! Complete our mission so i do not die in vain ... go, now, my young apprentice ... "

This is how one of the most important person for the poor jawa joined the universal kingdom of the force, . In the end, Ridex Deban did as his master told him, he recovered the last artifact, but not least, on the dead body of his tough opponent. With this sith Holocron and the other artifacts, his mission was finally completed. Then he left Tython with a heavy heart and returned to the Jedi Temple to enclose the cursed objects where they could no longer harm anyone.

Master Deban Versus Inna and Hektor Ravenblade


While the training of the young Hektor was finally over and that, in turn, he had become a seasoned Jedi Knight, he and his childhood friend, Inna, both violated the Jedi code by having relations together. Despite their dissatisfaction, they were expelled of the Order without delay. Even if Ridex had learned from childhood to silence his emotions, that day, he felt a profound disturbance in the force that shook himself. He no more heard of them for many years, until one day, during a mission, he heard about a famous bounty hunter named "Ravenblade"...

Finally, time passed, and he had to deal with his two former apprentices. This time, it was not as an ally but as an adversary. They were recruited by the Sith and had thus succumbed to the dark side. While a new war between Jedi and Sith had broken out, they found themselves on the battlefield, each in an opposite side. First, Master Deban tried to reason with them in thought, but seeing his vain efforts break down in front of the wall of hatred that Hektor and Inna had built and after trying every pacific possibilities, he had no choice but to confront them to stop their mad vengeance. Ensued an epic battle, the Jedi Master seemed to be at a disadvantage because of their number, but Ridex Deban largely compensated his weakness by a sharp mastery of the force. Finally, after several minutes of heavy fighting, by its exceptional velocity and cunning, he got rid of Inna with a well placed blow. Then, having lost all advantage of number and being destabilized by the loss of his beloved, Hektor rushed mad with rage on his master, leaving all his defense. Because of this thoughtless attack, Ridex had no difficulty carrying the deathblow ...

The Jedi Trials

The young padawan Ridex Deban was conducted by one member of the High Council in the Jedi trials chamber. The master opened the door, made him enter but left him alone in the room and closed the door behind him. Being neither Jedi knight or jedi master, Ridex did not know this place. The darkness of the place did not help either to get an idea ...

While everything seemed strangely quiet and dark around him, Ridex saw a laser beam that appeared to have been shot from a blaster. He had no time to deflect it with his training lightsaber which was still hanging on his belt, but still managed to avoid it. Few seconds later, an incessant rain of gunfire rang out in his direction, but this time the Jawa had activated his lightsaber and he was able to defend himself by using the form Soresu designed specifically for this purpose. As the laser traits were moving almost all to him, it was impossible to avoid them all. Because of this, he was forced to stay in constant motion.

As he ran in a random direction at a speed rather sustained, a laser-shield wall with a height of 2 meters rose suddenly before him. At the speed that Ridex moved, he had no choice, he must jump over or end up burned on the wall. He used the force and made an impressive somersault above the shield. When he passed on the other side of the facade, the shooting stopped.

While Ridex thought finally be able to catch his breath, he noticed in the distance a padawan of his friends in trouble. She was, indeed, surrounded by 6 sith lords with scarlet blades. The jawa knew it was possible that many padawan pass the trials at the same time. Although not being enought strong to face the 6 Sith together, Ridex did not hesitate even for a moment to come and rescue his friend even if it cost him the failure of trials. But when he reached them, they all disappeared at once, Ridex then understood that they were only illusions ...

"She was, indeed, surrounded by 6 sith lords with scarlet blades."

Then, a subtle noise at first then more and more noticeable filled the vast hall. The jawa recognized the sound of hundreds of steps heading straight toward him. He then saw an army of humans equipped with lightsabers running in his direction with the intension to kill.

He used the form of defense from Shii-Cho to prepare for the impending assault. When the first wave of warriors came upon him, he tried to parry every attack, but soon he realized that the attackers were also fictitious. Their blades crossed its defenses without any effect on him . However, overwhelmed by their numbers, Ridex wasn't able to counter each of their attacks and had real injuries. Despite the pain, the young jawa stood without flinching.

When he realized that his attempts to defend himself were futile , he has an idea. Like when he was training, Ridex Deban closed his eyes, and focused not on illusions, but the origin of the real attack he suffered. Then he felt the familiar presence of someone in the force. As guided by his instinct, he was able to parry the real blows .

But when he opened his eyes, there was only one person in front of him, he was also surprised to find that he was confronting himself or at least an evil double of himself . His opponent seemed to know each of his techniques, each of his tricks ... But , Ridex finally put an end to the battle using a new aerial technique he had recently acquired by learning the form IV, Ataru.


At that moment, everything around him disappeared and he found himself in a large room well lit. In front, somes masters were focused on him and master Tainma, although not being a part of the jedi council, was among them.

One of Jedi broke the silence:

"Young Ridex Deban, since your arrival in our academy, we have followed with interest, I must admit, your progression. As your master told us, you seem to be ready to become a Jedi Knight and you have successfully built your first lightsaber so that's why we have allowed your application for the trials. You should probably already know that the trials that you just did, are divided into five categories:

-The first one is the skill trial, which is to show your abilities in areas such as handling of the saber forms or the mastery of the Force. You satisfied beyond our expectations in this area especially with the way you avoided, opposed or deflected firing blasters. The way you used the force to make your jump and finally by using multiple techniques in your final battle.

-The second is the courage and bravery: by trying to assist the illusion that you took for your friend despite the risks, you also succeeded this trial.

-The third one is the flesh trial, this is an endurance and pain test. You succeeded by standing facing the pain that caused the attacks without flinching.

-The fourth trial was "insight" which have the purpose to evaluate your capacity to see through illusions... well at first.... you failed when you jumped near the six sith, thinking they were a real threat for your comrade, but in the end you were able to recognize the fictif from the real, so you success in it too.

-And finally, the last is the spirit test, this one was designed to pit the padawan against their most dangerous enemy: the darkness within themselves. You confronted your double and have prevailed!

Always keeps the lessons emerging from this last test ... you can face your destiny only by mastering yourself first. It will take considerable time and effort, moreover, even the greatest master has not yet fully reached it. To do so, you will have to train really hard.

But let us finish with this endless speeches .... you should understand now .... you are now an Jedi Knight! Knight Ridex Deban approach and kneel!"

Ridex complied, the master dubbed him passing his saber over his shoulders...


  • Original informations and pictures created by Waldron Ravenblade (except for the sandcrawler pic.)