Third Starfighter Wing - Scholae Palatinae: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|size=36 Fighters, 12 Bombers, 7 Support
|command_structure= [[Scholae Palatinae Fighter Corps]]
|garrison= [[ISDII Warspite||ISD-II ''Warspite'']]
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|equipment= [[starwars:TIE Interceptor|TIE Interceptor]], [[starwars:GAT-12_Skipray_Blastboat|Skipray Blastboat]]
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'''Third Starfighter Wing''' of the [[Scholae Palatinae Fighter Corps]].
The '''Third Starfighter Wing''' of the [[Scholae Palatinae Fighter Corps]] is a collection of starfighters, bombers and support craft based at [[Ptolomea]] that deploys with the [[starwars:Imperial_II-class_Star_Destroyer|''Imperial II''-Class Star Destroyer]] ''[[Warspite]]'', the Second Flotilla Flagship, as part of the Second Flotilla of the [[The_Fleet_of_Scholae_Palatinae|Fleet]]. It is comprised of three squadrons of [[starwars:TIE Interceptor|TIE Interceptors]], one squadron of [[starwars:GAT-12_Skipray_Blastboat|Skipray Blastboats]] and support ships.  

==Wing History==

The Third Starfighter Wing is stationed in the [[ISDII Warspite]] in the Scholae Palatinae Corps. During missions outside the Cocytus System, this unit is used, primarily, to for advanced engagement - designated elite - encounters.
Provide starfighter support and defense to the Second Floatilla of the [[The_Fleet_of_Scholae_Palatinae|Fleet of Scholae Palatinae]], protecting the [[starwars:Imperial_II-class_Star_Destroyer|''Imperial II''-Class Star Destroyer]] ''[[Warspite]]'' above all else. As needed, the Third Starfighter Wing will carry out missions as designated by the ''Warspite''.

The most recent, prominent actions of this Wing were seen in the the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the unit was stocked with Dark Jedi from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Backside Blitz" & "Bombs Away" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a primary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their superior weaponry against Enemy Fighters.

During the 8th Great Jedi War and the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Scholae Palatinae Corps incurred terrible losses. On the front lines of the invasion, many of the Clan’s veteran enlisted pilots went MIA or were KIA helping the Clan to defend their home and place Second Overall in the GJW. In lieu of the Fleet’s reconstruction under Operation: Strike Back, the TIE Corps also saw a wave of upgrades and repairs. With new fighters, the Third Starfighter Wing stands poised to protect Clan and home once again…
===Starfighter Elements===

==Wing Command==
* Screaming Eagles Squadron - [[starwars:TIE Interceptor|TIE Interceptors]]
* Sithspawn Squadron - [[starwars:TIE Interceptor|TIE Interceptors]]
* Sand Squadron - [[starwars:TIE Interceptor|TIE Interceptors]]
* Wild Knights Squadron - [[starwars:GAT-12_Skipray_Blastboat|Skipray Blastboat]]

====General Nadezhda Uoya====
===Support Elements===
*'''Species:''' Twi'lek
*3 [[starwars:Bantha-class_assault_shuttle|Bantha-class Assault Transports]]
*'''Sex:''' Female
*4 [[starwars:Delta-class_DX-9_stormtrooper_transport|Delta-Class DX-9 Stormtrooper Transports]]
*'''Height:''' 5 Foot, 5 Inches
*'''Weight:''' 100 Pounds
*'''Color:''' Red (Skin)
*'''Eye Color:''' Dark Pink (Amethyst)

Nadezhda is the Commanding Officer of the Third Starfighter Wing. Nadezhda, the most capable of non-Force latent pilots, her skill is unrivaled by any equal within the military of Scholae Palatinae. By best estimates, her skills are on par with the upcoming pilot in the New Republic known as Gavan Darklighter.

==Screaming Eagles Squadron (TIE Interceptors)==
The most recent, prominent actions of this Wing were seen in the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the unit was stocked with Dark Jedi from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Backside Blitz" & "Bombs Away" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a primary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their superior weaponry against Enemy Fighters.

===Squadron History===
During the 8th Great Jedi War and the invasion of the aliens, the Scholae Palatinae Corps incurred terrible losses. On the front lines of the invasion, many of the Clan’s veteran enlisted pilots went MIA or were KIA helping the Clan to defend their home and place Second Overall in the GJW. In lieu of the Fleet’s reconstruction under Operation: Strike Back, the TIE Corps also saw a wave of upgrades and repairs. With new fighters, the Third Starfighter Wing stands poised to protect Clan and home once again…

The most recent, prominent actions of this squadron were seen in the the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the squadron was designated as Victor Squadron. Victor Squadron was stocked with Civil-Military Personnel from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Fighter Screen" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a secondary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their speed and agility to engage the Enemy Fighters of the opposing Clan

Motto: Harbingers of Death

====Commander Swaebhass====
*'''Species:''' Trandoshan
*'''Sex:''' Male
*'''Height:''' 6 Foot, 5 Inches
*'''Weight:''' 211 Pounds
*'''Color:''' Green (Scales)
*'''Hair Color:''' None
*'''Eye Color:''' Black

Swaebhass is the Commanding Officer of the Screaming Eagles Squadron. Tends to be unnervingly calm when angered.
====Executive Officer Player Two====
*'''Species:''' Unknown
*'''Sex:''' Unknown
*'''Height:''' Unknown
*'''Weight:''' Unknown
*'''Hair Color:''' Unknown
*'''Eye Color:''' Unknown
==Sithspawn Squadron (TIE Interceptors)==
===Squadron History===
The most recent, prominent actions of this squadron were seen in the the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the squadron was designated as Echo Squadron. Echo Squadron was stocked with Civil-Military Personnel from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Fighter Screen" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a secondary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their speed and agility to engage the Enemy Fighters of the opposing Clan.
During the 8th Great Jedi War and the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Scholae Palatinae Corps incurred terrible losses. On the front lines of the invasion, many of the Clan’s veteran enlisted pilots went MIA or were KIA helping the Clan to defend their home and place Second Overall in the GJW. With new wings and fresh pilots, The Sith Will rise again!
Motto: Sith Happens.
====Commander Andreit Lavicq====
*'''Species:''' Twi'lek
*'''Sex:''' Male
*'''Height:''' 5 Foot, 9 Inches
*'''Weight:''' 158 Pounds
*'''Eye Color:''' Blue
*'''Skin Color:''' Dark Blue
Andreit is the Commanding Officer of the Sithspawn Squadron. The Twi'lek speaks in a very rough, broken Basic - a thick, Ryloth accent.
====Executive Officer Player Four====
*'''Species:''' Unknown
*'''Sex:''' Unknown
*'''Height:''' Unknown
*'''Weight:''' Unknown
*'''Hair Color:''' Unknown
*'''Eye Color:''' Unknown
==Wild Knights Squadron (Skipray Blastboats)==
===Squadron History===
A recently created Squadron created after the events of the Yuuzhan Vong Incursion, the Wild Knights have not seen any action in combat. They maintain a rigorous training regiment as dictated by High Admiral Thran Occasus. Surprisingly this squadron is known for having the shortest mustering time among the starfighter contingents.
Motto: Ready for Anything.
====Commander Lya Teff====
*'''Species:''' Human
*'''Sex:''' Female
*'''Height:''' 5 Foot, 6 Inches
*'''Weight:''' 110 Pounds
*'''Hair Color:''' Blonde (Short)
*'''Eye Color:''' Blue
Major General Lya Teff is the best Commanding Officer one could ask for when in circumstances that require thinking outside of the box. At a relatively young age, she is one of the most highly decorated of Clan Scholae Palatinae’s fighter pilots. While she would never disobey a direct order, a past relationship with High Admiral Thran Occasus leaves her prone to argue her directives and question the Admiral’s choices.
====Executive Officer Player Eight====
*'''Species:''' Unknown
*'''Sex:''' Unknown
*'''Height:''' Unknown
*'''Weight:''' Unknown
*'''Hair Color:''' Unknown
*'''Eye Color:''' Unknown
==Support Ships==
*3 Bantha-class Assault Transports
*4 Delta-Class DX-9 Stormtrooper Transports
[[Category:Scholae Palatinae Starfighters]]

Latest revision as of 03:36, 10 May 2017

Third Starfighter Wing
Unit Information

36 Fighters, 12 Bombers, 7 Support

Part of:

Scholae Palatinae Fighter Corps


|ISD-II Warspite


TIE Interceptor, Skipray Blastboat

[ Source ]

The Third Starfighter Wing of the Scholae Palatinae Fighter Corps is a collection of starfighters, bombers and support craft based at Ptolomea that deploys with the Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer Warspite, the Second Flotilla Flagship, as part of the Second Flotilla of the Fleet. It is comprised of three squadrons of TIE Interceptors, one squadron of Skipray Blastboats and support ships.


Provide starfighter support and defense to the Second Floatilla of the Fleet of Scholae Palatinae, protecting the Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer Warspite above all else. As needed, the Third Starfighter Wing will carry out missions as designated by the Warspite.


Starfighter Elements

Support Elements


The most recent, prominent actions of this Wing were seen in the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, when the unit was stocked with Dark Jedi from the Clan Scholae Palatinae and used to execute order "Backside Blitz" & "Bombs Away" to flank the enemy forces of Arcona in conjunction with an Ackbar Slash. Additionally, this unit was a primary factor in the Battle Plan simulation against the Enemy Forces of Naga Sadow in the second phase of the Rite of Supremacy - utilizing their superior weaponry against Enemy Fighters.

During the 8th Great Jedi War and the invasion of the aliens, the Scholae Palatinae Corps incurred terrible losses. On the front lines of the invasion, many of the Clan’s veteran enlisted pilots went MIA or were KIA helping the Clan to defend their home and place Second Overall in the GJW. In lieu of the Fleet’s reconstruction under Operation: Strike Back, the TIE Corps also saw a wave of upgrades and repairs. With new fighters, the Third Starfighter Wing stands poised to protect Clan and home once again…

Imperial Scholae Armed Forces
Imperial Scholae Navy
First Flotilla Victory-class Star Destroyer ISN SidiousVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser ISN Tarkin
Second Flotilla Venator-class Star Destroyer ISN VaderVindicator-class Heavy Cruiser ISN ThrawnAcclamator-class Assault Ship ISN Amedda
External Support EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate TBA • Haven-class Medical Station IMS Tipoca II
Imperial Scholae Army
The Imperial Legion 1st Regiment • 2nd Regiment • 3rd Regiment • 4th Regiment
Imperial Scholae Guard Regiment Judecca Guard Battalion • Antenora Guard Battalion • Ptolomea Guard Battalion • Caina Guard Battalion
For the Empire!