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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
(Created page with '{{Character |type = Obelisk |name= Saarin Vahn |homeworld= Kessel |birth= 10 ABY |species= Human |gender= Male |hair= Black, Bald, Full Braid Beard |eyes= Fiery Yellow (Grey Pre…')
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|type = Obelisk
|order = Sith
|name= Saarin Vahn
|homeworld= Kessel
|firstname= Saarin  
|birth= 10 ABY
|lastname=Vahn (Formerly Zi'aam)
|homeworld= Hutta
|birth= 12 ABY
|species= Human
|species= Human
|gender= Male
|gender= Male
|hair= Black, Bald, Full Braid Beard
|height= 1.82 meters
|eyes= Fiery Yellow (Grey Pre-Darkside)
|weight= 88.4 kilograms
|height= 1.88m
|skin= White
|weight= 102kg
|hair= Black
|cyber= Left Eye, Right Arm (Elbow Down)
|eyes= Red-Orange (Formerly Blue)
|saber= Blue
|cyber= Right Arm, Right Eye, Chin, Eyebrows
|era= DJB
|allies= *[[Cethgus Entar]]
|affiliation= Arcona
|enemies= [[starwars:Jedi|Jedi]]
|ship= Crimson Destroyer: VT-49 Decimator
|saber= Red
|masters= Cethgus Entar
|form= *[[Shii-Cho]]
|dossier= 10027
|fightingstyle= *[[Hapan]]
*[[Broken Gate]]
|position= *[[Dark Jedi Knight]]
|era= *[[New Republic Era]]
*[[New Jedi Order Era]]
*[[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation= *[[Dark Brotherhood]]
|masters= [[Cethgus Entar]]
|dossier= [[dossier:10027|10027]]

Saarin Vahn (formerly known as Mend’aar Ukri) is a male human Jedi Hunter, of the Clan Arcona, House of Galeres. Saarin, (not to be confused with former Grand Master Darth Sarin), has been with the Dark Brotherhood For some time, nearing 3 Galactic Standard Years, however his rank amongst his fellow force wielders is considerably low for his time with the Dark Brotherhood, the reasoning questioned by some, though understandable to most, Saarin had taken time to himself to reflect and meditate on a tragic situation, and to once again, re-evaluate his role in the galaxy. Recently However, Saarin Vahn has been quite active within the Brotherhood, Battling and sparring in the combat arena, and continuing his class studies in the Shadow Academy.
'''Saarin Vahn''' is a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He holds the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, fervently following the philosophy of the Order of Obelisk and proving his loyalty everyday as a dedicated member of both the Clan Arcona and the House of Galeres.

== Character History ==
== Biography ==
=== Chapter I: Early Years & Kessel Run ===
=== Early Childhood ===
Born Zi'aam Vin, in the year 12 ABY on the planet of Hutta, he was the product of a nights passion between two desperate souls. Saarin's mother, Gianna, worked as a hostess in the palace of a prominent Hutt Gangster on the planet of Hutta. It was here she met Kindrel, a Force Sensitive who ran errands and did small-time jobs for the Hutt. Before his birth, Saarin's parents were merely friends who enjoyed each others company however after the child was conceived his father made a proper home for himself and the future mother of his child.

Like most families who worked the mines of Kessel Saarin Vahn was a slave. He was born unto a slaved family, his father was a miner Saarin rarely got to see him or his mother who served drinks at one of the more prominent cantinas. He was almost always kept from his parents as initiative for them to work harder. He rarely had any interaction with others and was beaten if he disobeyed. When Saarin turned 12 his slave owner had him moved to the mines, at first it wasn’t too bad but he soon saw the effects of what the spice dust did to people who were long time miners, he wanted no part in that insanity, so as such he devised an escape plan. He had heard rumors of such daring and bold moves before made by other miners but they always ended in the kind of freedom Saarin wasn’t ready for. He had always heard the miners talk about going to a better place than the hell that was the Kessel spice mines, more often then not the ones who told the stories were usually no longer in hell anyways, though none the less Saarin was going to be the first one to actually make it off Kessel as a slave; alive, he just somehow knew he would.
Growing up as the son of a low level enforcer of (Blank) the Hutt, Saarin learned much of his father's trade at an early age, from handling and shooting blaster weapons to the fundamentals of starship piloting. When not at home being spoiled by his mother or tagging along with his father on long distant smuggling runs Saarin played with what other few children inhabited their city. Growing up in a rough neighborhood on a particularly rough planet, Saarin quickly learned to fight and fend for himself.  

As the years dragged on sluggishly he added more to his plan patiently waiting for the opportune moment to take action. By the time he had reached age 19 Saarin Vahn had a small group of miners who had decided to join him in his prison break scheme. Finally Vahn knew it was time. On a warm summer night they were to take cover of darkness and wait for the guard shift change there was a 12 minute window where there would be little to no patrols on the roads and many of the guard posts would be emptied or filled with lazy guards sleeping their way to and early grave. So this was his opportune moment, he had waited 7 long years for this day, for this very hour, they had the element of surprise and the tactical advantage of 7 years of behind enemy lines in observation, so it was now or never. They moved silently through the streets carful to make no noise lest they rouse suspicion. Alley after alley corner after corner they made their way to the dockyard and hangars. One of the group members Saarin hand picked to come along was tailing close. He was the only one among them who knew how to fly and had had experience flying, he was once a pirate captain of an Assault Freighter class VT-49 Decimator and rumor had it that his very ship was docked at Kessel, loading a spice shipment for the Hutts, the new captain and former first mate; was the main conspirator against the old pirate. So for him this was just as much personal as the next man.
It was not until he turned 9 that Saarin began to exhibit special talents and abilities his father recognized all too well. Saarin was Force sensitive. The term was used by the Jedi to describe an individual with a strong connection to the Force but untrained in its use. At times, he was able to tap into his raw abilities to see into the future. His father who too, had a modest level of training before the Jedi purge, helped his son foster these talents as best he could. However it was a difficult and arduous task with the limited knowledge he had from his training many years before.  
They were getting close to the hangar, they could already hear the intercom sending out transmissions to dock workers and clearing docking bays for incoming vessels. They snuck their way around back to docking bay 121, where the VT-49 was currently moored. When they got to the dock Saarin told his companions to wait for his signal to attack. Between the 8 of them they had a vibroblade, a stun baton, and 3 blaster pistols, so they weren’t necessarily sitting on mountain of armaments, but they had weapons which is more than can be said for the previous tried and failed escapees of the old stories. They sat there for what seemed an eternity waiting on Saarin’s signal. The old captain wasn’t sure what he was waiting for until he heard the words from one of the foremen, “alright Ordo she’s all loaded up.

A smirk formed across the old space raider’s lips ‘Saarin you little genius’, he thought to himself, “were taking our freedom back along with a ship packed full of precious spices,” he proclaimed to one of their cohorts. The spices were in place and the ship prepped for take off, now was the time to pull this off. Saarin nodded to the grayed captain, and he to Saarin who gave the signal to move with decisiveness and haste, allowing little room for error they cut a swath through the dock workers slowly but steadily making their way to the ship but then Kandar walked down the loading ramp, the mutinous first mate of the old space pirate. Kandar was rumored to have been a Mandalorian Battle master of the clan of Ordo at one point in time. He stood there with a vibroblade ready to take on all of the eight escapees, one by one they fell to the physically superior foe. Saarin jumped in with the vibroblade of one of his deceased followers and stood his ground. For being largely untrained he fared particularly well against this obviously skilled adversary who was no more new to battle than Saarin to the mines. They fought for a painstakingly long 3 minutes trading blows and countering counter attacks, wide sweeping arcs and overhead downward strokes; Kandar was born for this, though Saarin was fatigued with exhaustion and worn out from adrenaline withdrawals. Saarin suddenly became distracted by the sound of an alarm, even only for a second, but far more time than needed for Kandar to remove Saarin’s right arm from his elbow down and put a nasty gash through is right eye, meanwhile the old captain was already on board and had fired up the main engines. Saarin couldn’t believe that he had put trust in anyone, least of all a pirate. As he lay their bleeding to death awaiting his opponent’s final blow all he could think about was ending up like another story told in the mines like he had heard when he was a child. Saarin wondered would they say that he gave it his all only to be betrayed by trust or that it was foolish of him to even think he could get so far? Or maybe his name would go down in infamy and spark flames in the hearts of others to follow his lead, maybe his death would bring the revolution of his people, or maybe it would seal their fate and forever lock their hopes for freedom in the Sarlacc pit. Before closing his eyes to final peace Saarin heard a sound that he did not recognize, emanating from the ship Kandar dropped to the floor quicker than a myynok to electrical circuits, the laser turrets from the VT-49 came online and started blasting the hell out of that Kessel docking bay, buying Saarin enough time to get up and make a dash for the loading ramp. Kandar however was not through with Saarin, he grabbed him by his recently severed arm but Saarin whipped around and using his other hand pushed Kandar with the strength and power of a repulsorlift, sending him flying 20 feet in the air. Pausing for only a moment in awe of what his had just done; he once again became conscious of his surroundings and ran for the ships loading ramp. Once aboard Saarin headed up towards the cockpit to strap down and prepare for the jump to hyperspace…

=== Chapter IV: Vengeance ===
==== The Blessing In The Curse ====
Two years after the discovery of his new found abilities, Gianna wished to send her son to the new Jedi Academy for Juniors to be trained properly. His father, knew all too well the feeling of disappointment that accompanied failing the strenuous tasks, having failed the tests and training himself. Kindrel forbade Gianna to take their son to the Jedi, desiring to spare Saarin the same shame and disappointment he had been subjected to.

Deep in the Outer Rim, Somewhere near Nar Shadaa and Nal Hutta, on a private space station, A young man, close in age to 25, wearing glossy black armour and black robes underneath, a black and silver trimmed helmet covered in part by a hood, and a flowing Mahogany toned cape, walked up to a set of double doors, meant as an atmospheric pressure safety protocol for docking vessels, however it had long since been out of commission, the space station was at one point or another, added on to, though it now lay dormant, a perfect spot for smugglers and space pirates to call there home, and to use as a safe haven or place to collect ransom money in private. Saarin walked through the air locked blast doors and down the following corridor, feeling the crosshairs of Kandar’s Carbine blaster on his back, he couldn’t explain it, but he knew the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter was on the balcony behind him 3 stories up. Never before had Saarin felt so in tuned with the Force, though never before had he felt his heart race so fast. Though he thought it best to pretend he didn’t know Kandar’s whereabouts. To have the element of surprise, or to trick the enemy into thinking they do, is an important tactical edge to any battle, one such Saarin was going to need if he was going to make it out of this place alive. He continued walking, cautiously, though without displaying it, to the end of the hall, where he came to a large open room, which looked to be an arboretum though dead and lifeless now. His adrenaline started to rush; this was the location of the meeting place.

*Come alone and bring twenty thousand credits, and we’ll keep him alive*
After Kindrel disappeared, taking his son with him, Gianna put out a hit contract on her husband to get Saarin back. Kindrel's plans were to get his son as far away from the agenda and ambitions of his wife as possible, though ultimately, he would fail in this. A Mandalorian-Mercenary by the name of Kan'daar took the contract. He tracked Kindrel and his son to the Shuttleport on Hutta where he confronted them. Kindrel, who still refused to see reason, was gunned down by the Mandalorian who then took the boy back to his mother. Less than a day later, Gianna personally saw him off to the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV to begin his instruction.
the holotape had said, referring to Saarin’s old friend and former business associate Felnorr. However Saarin knew  that this was a ploy, that they’d already killed him and left his body floating in space, Saarin found it, either by chance or by the will of the Force, he’d found Felnorr’s body in dead space and gave him a proper burial. Though the ones with whom Saarin was about the meet with knew nothing of this.

Saarin walked to the center of the room which was mostly covered in darkness for good reason Saarin thought to himself, they’d likely have a dozen or more men with night vision optics and guns trained on him at all times. The center of the room was the only exception; there was a singe beam of light shining down to the floor from the ceiling. He walked to the middle where he heard a voice coming from a communications station tell him to set the case on the ground and take 3 steps backwards, he did as he was told, waiting for these cowards to show themselves so he could finish what they started.
=== The New Jedi Order ===
==== Padawan Saarin & Master (Blank) ====
Brief Summary: Saarin meeting his new Jedi Master, Blank, and being accepted into his tutelage.

Finally one of them came out of the darkness to retrieve the brief case. A rodian appeared from the darkness and picked up the brief case from the ground. Saarin stood there chest out, head high, the very sight of him was enough to make a battle hardened soldier run in terror. The sound of static clicking came from Saarin’s helmet and he said with the cover of his helmets baritone vocoder,
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

“I know you killed him, I know he’s dead, I’ve already given him proper rights, I know who it was, and I don’t care if you were there,” Saarin claimed in an icy cold tone. He then raised his voice so much that an arena of cheering crowds would be silenced by the command and anger in his voice.

“I know you’re here Kandar, I sensed you on my way in, you know as well as I, only one of us was ever going to make it out of this place, know now, as dead as Rudaurk is, so it will be, that you too, lay lifeless, pierced by my blade!”
==== A Grave Situation ====
Brief: Summary: A murder within the Order occurs and Saarin and his Master are sent to investigate.

The sound of a Kandar’s voice came ringing from behind Saarin.
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

“Then you are as I though you were, a Jedi, only a Jedi could have summoned the will to thrown me clear across the docking bay the way you did on Kessel. It should have ended when I took your arm, though this time ill aim a little higher!”

Kandar rushed the attack, using his EE-3 Blaster Carbine, a favorite among Mandalorian’s; he sprayed a flurry of blaster fire toward Saarin, though he took cover behind a rock. Three other assailants where in the arboretum that Saarin knew of, these were the once he could pin down due to being able to see the origins of the blaster fire, though most people would have lost that ability of detail and concentration In the hectic fray of battle. His strategy at this point somewhat lacking, hoping that in time the Mandalorian’s ammo would run low and he would be less liberal with the use of his trigger finger, which would give Saarin, Force willing, the opening he needed.  
==== Investigating the Black Sun ====
Brief Summary: All clues lead to the Black Sun and the killer of Saarin's Father.

Saarin pulled a DH-18 from its holster on his hip, and fired with moderate accuracy, the key was to keep Kandar actively wasting ammunition, and at the same time putting some suppressing fire over towards the other unknown attackers, if nothing else to keep them in cover and less likely to get a sufficient shot off. Kandar punched a couple of buttons on the control pad on his left gauntlet and fired up his Jetpack, hovering over towards Saarin, eliminating the advantage of cover, though this worked both ways. Saarin Rolled out of the way of blaster bolts whizzing by his head and tearing into the sandy earth in front of him. The rodian that picked up the case from the center of the room, tried to make a run for it, only getting half way through the door, before Kandar blew him away with a precisely targeted shot to the back of his head, the rodian dropped dead, still clutching the brief case in his right hand. Kandar was getting tired and frustrated with Saarin’s lack of willingness to die, the fact that he was still breathing this long into the battle was an insult to Kandar, never before had he ever had to break a sweat so badly to kill someone, Jedi or not, and to make matters worse, not only once but twice, it seemed to him as if they were destined to be immortal enemies battling until time in memoriam.
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP
Regardless of destiny, Kandar only knew he grew tired of this sport, all he cared to do now, was end this quick, take the case and spend the contents on cantina drinks, loose company and upgraded arsenal. Though Saarin was not about to roll over so easily, without knocking some teeth in first.
As the battle waged all other enemies or allies depending on whose side was in question were secondary, even the case seemed out of mind and memory, now it was all about killing the other, for one, it was a mere matter of principle and a score to be settled, for the other, pure Vengeance. Kandar took Saarin’s arm, his eye, and his one and only friend; it was time Saarin starting taking some things away from Kandar, starting with his life.
Blaster fire flew like a light show on independent day on Coruscant, near misses and grazing were about the extent of this firefight, Kandar ran out of ammunition and fuel for his jet pack, whilst Saarin was down to 4 shots left in his last power cell pack for his DH-18. He rushed Kandar full speed waiting until the last second to fire his shot, to be sure there were no foul ups or misses. Kandar too rushed Saarin, confident in Saarin’s lack of ability to shoot under pressure; they got within 15 feet of each other, when Saarin fired off his four last shots. Kandar was unsheathing his vibroblade firm in his hand when the three blaster bolts whizzed by his head, the fourth hit him in his shoulder throwing him back to the sand. Saarin wasted no time, and jumped in the air all the while drawing and igniting his Lightsaber in one fluid motion, to lunge down on his opponent and finish him off. Kandar rolled to the left barely escaping what would have been certain death. Saarin knew only hatred now, no mercy, no forgiveness, nor reason or compromise, only pure hatred.  

His fury was literally teeming from his body, his right eye, the only natural eye he had, turn red and blaze orange, nothing but contempt in them now, if ever there was any good in him before, it was now lost forever, replace with nothing but hollow emptiness, empty, yet full of emotion, heavy, yet light, he had fully succumbed to the Darkside and its lures.
Kandar Rose from the ground quick as ever, he now found himself at a disadvantage, he knew the young Saarin was a Force Wielder, that much was apparent, though judging by the blood red crimson hue of his Lightsaber blade, and black armour and robes, chances were, he wasn’t Lightside, which meant he had no qualms about dismembering and torturing Kandar, which was something Kandar preferred to avoid if at all possible.
Saarin used the force like a whirlwind sweeping up dust and rock and debris like a cyclone, the other three assassins hidden in the dark, were now caught up in great walls of the Force driven whirlwind, and at the center of it, in the eye of the funnel, was Saarin. The rage in him was at a boiling point, Kandar decided to cut his losses and leave, he hated deserters and found it enjoyable to kill and maim then, though, he held no such disdain for any who’d flee from Saarin, a powerhouse of destructive might, a true force to be reckoned with. On the way out of the doors, Kandar noticed the Rodian he’d killed and the brief case he was attempting to make off with.

“Finders keepers bug face,” Kandar muttered as he pried it from the dead grips of the rodian’s lengthy fingers and made haste to his newly acquired  star ship due in part to its owners  current state of health, or lack there of.  
==== Peace or Passion? ====
Brief Summary: Still focused on the discovery that his father's killer was alive and on Coruscant, Saarin makes haste to end the Mandalorian however, an agreeable distraction intervenes knowing the path he was heading down would only lead to pain and suffering. Though the investigation continues, Saarin become infuriated when his master removes him from the investigation. However, Saarin takes some solace when, in a moment of weakness, discovers the feelings he has long had for one of his fellow padawan's is well received and returned in kind.

Kandar ran for the hanger bay, his lungs felt like they were going to burst, and his legs wanted nothing more than to give out on him, but he pushed forward, this is what separates Mandalorian’s from the rest of the galaxy he told himself. Saarin pursued him with baneful ferocity using the force to throw miscellaneous objects at Kandar. From one end of the space station all the way down the corridor and through the air lock blast doors, Saarin made his way to the hangars. A devaronian made the distinct mistake of getting in Saarin’s way, He ignited his Lightsaber, and took the devaronian’s legs out from under him, and continued his pursuit.  
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

He made short work of most all defenses and obstacles laid in his path, dismissed as little more than annoyances. He sought nothing less than the satisfaction of hearing his quarry beg for death before being given such in a violent and painful manner.

Kandar however, managed to board the rodian’s vessel and get the engines fired up, he tried to get the main turret online but before he could do so, the blast doors came flying off the hinges at a velocity that would have severed a bantha’s head. Kandar quickly jumped into the cockpit, to the pilot’s seat and fired up the main boosters, it was now or never, the timing must be flawless Saarin thought to himself. He boarded his ship, a VT-49 Decimator Model, and fired up the thruster drive. He quickly turned the ship about to face away from the space station and flew through the force one way force field. Kandar was getting away, and with the briefcase in hand. Saarin’s ship scanners indicated that Kandar was firing up his main hyperdrive though his trajectory was dead space, “He’s likely going to drop out in dead space and make another jump to somewhere else” Saarin thought to himself. He and the old Space Pirate Felnorr had pulled that maneuver many times when being chased by multiple enemies, though it doesn’t go without its risks, Felnorr told Saarin once, doing so can often times, if done incorrectly leave your hyperdrive damaged and out of commission.  
==== Peace is a Lie, There is Only Vengeance ====
Brief Summary: Against the Jedi code and his Master's instructions, Saarin slays all Black Sun mercilessly, both the armed and unarmed even those who had surrendered. Facing his father's killer, the battle was intense. Saarin barely survived, if not for the intervention of his Master he would have. Kan'daar escaped before he could be apprehended.

Saarin thought to himself, “This is for the best.
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

Kandar made the jump for light speed, Saarin Waited about an hour, and then looked at the Heads up display on his ships control console, and punched in the coordinates to the Dark Brotherhood’s Shadow Academy, he had been gone for far too long, it was time to go “home.”

Kandar Ordo
==== The Betrayal ====
Hyperspace en route to Coruscant,
Still recovering from the events that took place at the Black Sun compound on Coruscant, Saarin became even more cold and distant. Having a hard time coping with his failed attempt to avenge his father's death. His master finally confronted him about it after making the connection with the crime lord Saarin had questioned and tortured, and the murder of his father some 9 years before.
Some hours later…

After making several jumps, Kandar decided that he’d lost the Sith Apprentice, and put in coordinates to Coruscant. While waiting in hyperspace He decided to kill time and crack open safe that he’d fought so hard for. Though the lock on it, took near an hour to figure out, he finally cracked the code, when he opened the case however it was not what he had expected, though he should have from the start. By opening the case, Kandar tripped an arming device which was set for 30 seconds. It took a brief moment of shock before Kandar realized what this was, a Carbonite infused Thermal Detonating Atom bomb. Kandar made a rush for the cockpit to drop out of hyperspace and then sprinted to the escape pods; this was cutting it close even by his standards. With 5 seconds now left he hit the launch button and hoped it still worked…
With every word his master spoke Saarin began to feel cornered, as if he was expected to admit guilt or suffer the consequences. Saarin experienced a rush of adrenaline and finally, all of his emotion he had hidden over the years, all of the anger allowed to build up over the course of his life exploded from him.  

== DJB Facts ==
In a fit of rage, Saarin drew and ignited his Lightsaber and leap to his master to close the gap. His master hesitated for a brief moment before grabbing his own Lightsaber hilt. He went to ignite it but was caught off guard. Just as he landed in front of his master, his blade severed the instructor's hand. His hand fell to the ground, Lightsaber still in its clutches. Fluidly Saarin then wheeled back and drove his blade deep into his mentor's chest with a reversed lunge. Slowly he pushed it further into his chest, creating a gaping hole in the front of his torso, exiting his upper back. Several other Padawan's were present in the training rooms where Saarin had just slain his master. Unthinking, he continued his assault on all others in the room.
His master's corpse slumped to the ground just as Saarin raised his head slightly in the general direction of the other four Padawans. They too instinctively drew their own Lightsabers. Saarin slew the first two with relative ease however the last two left him with disfiguring marks on his face and body. The heated battle between the three Force users was intense.
Forced to resort to the Darkside for the sake of survival, one of the Padawans threw a flurry of lighting bolts at Saarin. Burning and scarring his face, head and upper body. At the same time the other Padawan swung vertically downward, aimed at his outstretched arm, severing it at the elbow. Saarin quickly retrieved his Lightsaber from his severed hand using the Force. Holding the hilt in his left hand, he re-ignited his Lightsaber just in time to parry his opponents attack. He then followed up with a counter attack of his own. Telekinetically, Saarin began to choke the Padawan standing directly in front of him. After the young man had suffered enough through lack of oxygen, Saarin spun around, performing a spinning back kick, hitting the young man with his heel, square in the jaw. The force of the kick was so great, it snapped the young Padawan's neck. As the third Padawan hit the floor dead Saarin began to walk aggressively towards the last Padawan. She swung vertically upward which he had not anticipated, the tip of her blade split his right eye wide open rendering it useless. He was taken back by the pain but only briefly. He forced his way past her defenses and drove his Lightsaber vertically through the bottom of her jaw, exiting the top of her head.
After coming to his senses, he knew there would be no recovery from this massacre. Knowing he would forever be hunted Saarin Vahn left quickly with only a few essential belongings. He made it as far as the Shuttle-port before being stopped buy blaster armed security guards. Left with few other choices Saarin drew his Lightsaber and slew the armed guards quickly and efficiently before stealing a small shuttle and making his escape.
Though he had no specific destination in mind, Saarin knew that he could never stay in one place for very long again. So with little in the way of choice, Vahn headed for Tatooine to get in touch with his father's old contact.
=== Lightsaber For Hire ===
Brief Summary: Saarin's time working as a freelance smuggler and mercenary. Traveling the Galaxy soul searching and looking for purpose.
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP
=== Discovering the Brotherhood ===
Brief Summary: Saarin stumbling onto the rumors of a Dark Jedi Brotherhood, though not fully given to the dark side yet his heart held great pain, anger and torment. The rumors called to him, and he followed them, to the footsteps of the Academies World.
Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP
==== Initiation ====
==== The Shadow Academy ====
==== The Apprentice of Cethgus Entar ====
==== Trials & Tribulations ====
== Appearance & Personality ==
=== Physical Appearance ===
Saarin Vahn has always been gifted with a rigid, athletic body, which complements the height of 6' 0" at which he stands. His skin is pale and his face and body wreathed with scar tissue behind which, lies dead nerves and atop which lie half faded markings of a pure blooded Sith. His eyes; which were once brown, have since turned a blazing Red-Orange just shortly before joining the Dark Brotherhood. Vahn has not been capable of growing hair on his head since after the slaughter he left on Yavin IV. Before his betrayal of the Jedi, his hair was as sable as space itself. He had fashioned his beard with a strip of hair at the middle of his chin and two long waxed and curled patches of hair separated on either side above his upper lip and his hair was kept long and well maintained.
=== Apparel ===
Saarin wears a black padded leather jumpsuit under matching black knee length outer-robes with tassels and a large hood. He wears a darkened durasteel chest plate with matching pauldrons, gauntlets and boots. Over the outer-robe he wears a black ankle length, short sleeved over robe with a larger flowing hood. He is rarely seen without wearing a well fitted helmet made of darkened durasteel alloy, usually worn under the over-robe's hood.
=== Personality ===
Though callous and hard on the outside, Saarin Vahn still clings to some of his former Jedi teachings. However, he is a recluse by nature, neither social or talkative unlike many of his peers in the Brotherhood. Vahn cares not for camaraderie or friendship but instead prefers to work on his own, constantly testing himself to keep his edge in combat to continue performing at the peak of his physical and mental capabilities. Results and outcome are his only concern. Over the course of his life Saarin has bottled his rage, storing it for battle, turning it into a weapon of its own. He seldom speaks, preferring instead to observe, though when the occasion arises that he needs to break his silence his voice can be described as calm yet firm, both confidant and wrathful.
== Martial Disciplines & Philosophy ==
=== Unarmed Martial Arts ===
Saarin has mastered the following three Unarmed Fighting Styles:
*[[Broken Gate]]
=== Lightsaber Forms & Application Tactics ===
Saarin Vahn has mastered the following Lightsaber Forms:
*Form I: [[Shii-Cho]]
== Facts & Trivia ==
=== Positions Held ===
=== Positions Held ===
Assistant (XO) Battle Team Leader (Revenance Virtuom)
* (Former) Assistant Battle Team Leader of Revenance Virtuom

=== Outstanding Achievements ===
=== Outstanding Achievements ===
High SA Exam Scores
* [[Dark Maven]] of Combat
Quickest Back to Back Promotion in Recent Record, Possibly a Clan Permenant Record.
* High Scores in the Shadow Academy Exams
* Record Fast, Back to Back Promotion
=== Character Trivia ===
* The Surname: Vahn (Pronounced: Von) comes from a mix of Van (as in: Chevy Cargo "Van") and Khan (which means: King) as in Genghis Khan: the Conqueror of China and first nomadic ruler to unite the Mongolian Steppe Tribes several thousand Years ago.
* Vahn's physical build and athletic abilities were inspired by a mix of Jason Stathom & Bruce Lee.
* Saarin's loss of arm is greatly inspired by Anakin Skywalker's. Though I doubt few whom have a cybernetic arm could say theirs was not in some way or another.

== Trivia ==
My Characters Name derrived from the Main Villan in Mass Effect: Saren.
The Surname of my Character: Vahn came from a mix of Van, from which i have a Star Wars Fan Van 1988 Chevy Work Van Converted, and Kahn as in Genghis Kahn, the Conqueror of Mongolia, and First Emperor of Mongolia/China, several Thousand Years ago.

[[Category: DJB Characters]]
=== Facts About Me ===
In real life I am:  
* Just as much a medieval history and swordsmanship enthusiast as I am a Star Wars fanatic.
* A Hobbyist who enjoys crafting Lightsabers as well as Medieval Armour for fan films and full contact sparring (respectively).
* Working on several Machinima Movies and Youtube Series' as well as Live action short-films of both Star Wars and Medieval Fiction.

Latest revision as of 15:55, 29 July 2024

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
This article details the history of a character who no longer actively takes part in current events.

Saarin Vahn (Formerly Zi'aam)
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

12 ABY

Physical Description





1.82 meters


88.4 kilograms




Red-Orange (Formerly Blue)


Right Arm, Right Eye, Chin, Eyebrows

Personal Information


Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:

Cethgus Entar



[ Source ]

Saarin Vahn is a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He holds the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, fervently following the philosophy of the Order of Obelisk and proving his loyalty everyday as a dedicated member of both the Clan Arcona and the House of Galeres.


Early Childhood

Born Zi'aam Vin, in the year 12 ABY on the planet of Hutta, he was the product of a nights passion between two desperate souls. Saarin's mother, Gianna, worked as a hostess in the palace of a prominent Hutt Gangster on the planet of Hutta. It was here she met Kindrel, a Force Sensitive who ran errands and did small-time jobs for the Hutt. Before his birth, Saarin's parents were merely friends who enjoyed each others company however after the child was conceived his father made a proper home for himself and the future mother of his child.

Growing up as the son of a low level enforcer of (Blank) the Hutt, Saarin learned much of his father's trade at an early age, from handling and shooting blaster weapons to the fundamentals of starship piloting. When not at home being spoiled by his mother or tagging along with his father on long distant smuggling runs Saarin played with what other few children inhabited their city. Growing up in a rough neighborhood on a particularly rough planet, Saarin quickly learned to fight and fend for himself.

It was not until he turned 9 that Saarin began to exhibit special talents and abilities his father recognized all too well. Saarin was Force sensitive. The term was used by the Jedi to describe an individual with a strong connection to the Force but untrained in its use. At times, he was able to tap into his raw abilities to see into the future. His father who too, had a modest level of training before the Jedi purge, helped his son foster these talents as best he could. However it was a difficult and arduous task with the limited knowledge he had from his training many years before.

The Blessing In The Curse

Two years after the discovery of his new found abilities, Gianna wished to send her son to the new Jedi Academy for Juniors to be trained properly. His father, knew all too well the feeling of disappointment that accompanied failing the strenuous tasks, having failed the tests and training himself. Kindrel forbade Gianna to take their son to the Jedi, desiring to spare Saarin the same shame and disappointment he had been subjected to.

After Kindrel disappeared, taking his son with him, Gianna put out a hit contract on her husband to get Saarin back. Kindrel's plans were to get his son as far away from the agenda and ambitions of his wife as possible, though ultimately, he would fail in this. A Mandalorian-Mercenary by the name of Kan'daar took the contract. He tracked Kindrel and his son to the Shuttleport on Hutta where he confronted them. Kindrel, who still refused to see reason, was gunned down by the Mandalorian who then took the boy back to his mother. Less than a day later, Gianna personally saw him off to the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV to begin his instruction.

The New Jedi Order

Padawan Saarin & Master (Blank)

Brief Summary: Saarin meeting his new Jedi Master, Blank, and being accepted into his tutelage.

Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

A Grave Situation

Brief: Summary: A murder within the Order occurs and Saarin and his Master are sent to investigate.

Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

Investigating the Black Sun

Brief Summary: All clues lead to the Black Sun and the killer of Saarin's Father.

Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

Peace or Passion?

Brief Summary: Still focused on the discovery that his father's killer was alive and on Coruscant, Saarin makes haste to end the Mandalorian however, an agreeable distraction intervenes knowing the path he was heading down would only lead to pain and suffering. Though the investigation continues, Saarin become infuriated when his master removes him from the investigation. However, Saarin takes some solace when, in a moment of weakness, discovers the feelings he has long had for one of his fellow padawan's is well received and returned in kind.

Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

Peace is a Lie, There is Only Vengeance

Brief Summary: Against the Jedi code and his Master's instructions, Saarin slays all Black Sun mercilessly, both the armed and unarmed even those who had surrendered. Facing his father's killer, the battle was intense. Saarin barely survived, if not for the intervention of his Master he would have. Kan'daar escaped before he could be apprehended.

Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

The Betrayal

Still recovering from the events that took place at the Black Sun compound on Coruscant, Saarin became even more cold and distant. Having a hard time coping with his failed attempt to avenge his father's death. His master finally confronted him about it after making the connection with the crime lord Saarin had questioned and tortured, and the murder of his father some 9 years before.

With every word his master spoke Saarin began to feel cornered, as if he was expected to admit guilt or suffer the consequences. Saarin experienced a rush of adrenaline and finally, all of his emotion he had hidden over the years, all of the anger allowed to build up over the course of his life exploded from him.

In a fit of rage, Saarin drew and ignited his Lightsaber and leap to his master to close the gap. His master hesitated for a brief moment before grabbing his own Lightsaber hilt. He went to ignite it but was caught off guard. Just as he landed in front of his master, his blade severed the instructor's hand. His hand fell to the ground, Lightsaber still in its clutches. Fluidly Saarin then wheeled back and drove his blade deep into his mentor's chest with a reversed lunge. Slowly he pushed it further into his chest, creating a gaping hole in the front of his torso, exiting his upper back. Several other Padawan's were present in the training rooms where Saarin had just slain his master. Unthinking, he continued his assault on all others in the room.

His master's corpse slumped to the ground just as Saarin raised his head slightly in the general direction of the other four Padawans. They too instinctively drew their own Lightsabers. Saarin slew the first two with relative ease however the last two left him with disfiguring marks on his face and body. The heated battle between the three Force users was intense.

Forced to resort to the Darkside for the sake of survival, one of the Padawans threw a flurry of lighting bolts at Saarin. Burning and scarring his face, head and upper body. At the same time the other Padawan swung vertically downward, aimed at his outstretched arm, severing it at the elbow. Saarin quickly retrieved his Lightsaber from his severed hand using the Force. Holding the hilt in his left hand, he re-ignited his Lightsaber just in time to parry his opponents attack. He then followed up with a counter attack of his own. Telekinetically, Saarin began to choke the Padawan standing directly in front of him. After the young man had suffered enough through lack of oxygen, Saarin spun around, performing a spinning back kick, hitting the young man with his heel, square in the jaw. The force of the kick was so great, it snapped the young Padawan's neck. As the third Padawan hit the floor dead Saarin began to walk aggressively towards the last Padawan. She swung vertically upward which he had not anticipated, the tip of her blade split his right eye wide open rendering it useless. He was taken back by the pain but only briefly. He forced his way past her defenses and drove his Lightsaber vertically through the bottom of her jaw, exiting the top of her head.

After coming to his senses, he knew there would be no recovery from this massacre. Knowing he would forever be hunted Saarin Vahn left quickly with only a few essential belongings. He made it as far as the Shuttle-port before being stopped buy blaster armed security guards. Left with few other choices Saarin drew his Lightsaber and slew the armed guards quickly and efficiently before stealing a small shuttle and making his escape.

Though he had no specific destination in mind, Saarin knew that he could never stay in one place for very long again. So with little in the way of choice, Vahn headed for Tatooine to get in touch with his father's old contact.

Lightsaber For Hire

Brief Summary: Saarin's time working as a freelance smuggler and mercenary. Traveling the Galaxy soul searching and looking for purpose.

Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP

Discovering the Brotherhood

Brief Summary: Saarin stumbling onto the rumors of a Dark Jedi Brotherhood, though not fully given to the dark side yet his heart held great pain, anger and torment. The rumors called to him, and he followed them, to the footsteps of the Academies World.

Note: Will be elaborated on and written in time. WIP


The Shadow Academy

The Apprentice of Cethgus Entar

Trials & Tribulations

Appearance & Personality

Physical Appearance

Saarin Vahn has always been gifted with a rigid, athletic body, which complements the height of 6' 0" at which he stands. His skin is pale and his face and body wreathed with scar tissue behind which, lies dead nerves and atop which lie half faded markings of a pure blooded Sith. His eyes; which were once brown, have since turned a blazing Red-Orange just shortly before joining the Dark Brotherhood. Vahn has not been capable of growing hair on his head since after the slaughter he left on Yavin IV. Before his betrayal of the Jedi, his hair was as sable as space itself. He had fashioned his beard with a strip of hair at the middle of his chin and two long waxed and curled patches of hair separated on either side above his upper lip and his hair was kept long and well maintained.


Saarin wears a black padded leather jumpsuit under matching black knee length outer-robes with tassels and a large hood. He wears a darkened durasteel chest plate with matching pauldrons, gauntlets and boots. Over the outer-robe he wears a black ankle length, short sleeved over robe with a larger flowing hood. He is rarely seen without wearing a well fitted helmet made of darkened durasteel alloy, usually worn under the over-robe's hood.


Though callous and hard on the outside, Saarin Vahn still clings to some of his former Jedi teachings. However, he is a recluse by nature, neither social or talkative unlike many of his peers in the Brotherhood. Vahn cares not for camaraderie or friendship but instead prefers to work on his own, constantly testing himself to keep his edge in combat to continue performing at the peak of his physical and mental capabilities. Results and outcome are his only concern. Over the course of his life Saarin has bottled his rage, storing it for battle, turning it into a weapon of its own. He seldom speaks, preferring instead to observe, though when the occasion arises that he needs to break his silence his voice can be described as calm yet firm, both confidant and wrathful.

Martial Disciplines & Philosophy

Unarmed Martial Arts

Saarin has mastered the following three Unarmed Fighting Styles:

Lightsaber Forms & Application Tactics

Saarin Vahn has mastered the following Lightsaber Forms:

Facts & Trivia

Positions Held

  • (Former) Assistant Battle Team Leader of Revenance Virtuom

Outstanding Achievements

  • Dark Maven of Combat
  • High Scores in the Shadow Academy Exams
  • Record Fast, Back to Back Promotion

Character Trivia

  • The Surname: Vahn (Pronounced: Von) comes from a mix of Van (as in: Chevy Cargo "Van") and Khan (which means: King) as in Genghis Khan: the Conqueror of China and first nomadic ruler to unite the Mongolian Steppe Tribes several thousand Years ago.
  • Vahn's physical build and athletic abilities were inspired by a mix of Jason Stathom & Bruce Lee.
  • Saarin's loss of arm is greatly inspired by Anakin Skywalker's. Though I doubt few whom have a cybernetic arm could say theirs was not in some way or another.

Facts About Me

In real life I am:

  • Just as much a medieval history and swordsmanship enthusiast as I am a Star Wars fanatic.
  • A Hobbyist who enjoys crafting Lightsabers as well as Medieval Armour for fan films and full contact sparring (respectively).
  • Working on several Machinima Movies and Youtube Series' as well as Live action short-films of both Star Wars and Medieval Fiction.