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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|order = Jedi
|name= Aticus "Orian" Jade
|image= [[File:DestWiki.JPG|250px]]
|image= [[File:DestWiki.JPG|250px]]
|homeworld= Aeotheran
|firstname= Auron
|birth= 2 ABY
|death= N/A
|homeworld= New Tython
|birth= 11ABY
|death= ???
|species= Human
|species= Human
|gender= Male
|gender= Male
|height= 5'11"
|hair= Dark Brown
|weight= 188 Lbs
|eyes= Green
|skin= Caucasian
|height= 5'10"
|hair= Black
|weight= 173
|eyes= Dark Green
|cyber= 3 Titanium Ribs
|era= [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era]]
|allies= [[Odan-Urr Prospectus|House Odan-Urr]]
|affiliation= * [[Revan|Independent House Revan]]  
|enemies= ???
* Orianic Tribe
|saber= Etia
|form= * [Makashi]
* [Soresu]
* [Vapaad]
|fightingstyle= *[Broken Gate]
* [Kartranin]
* [Tu'rek]
* [K'tara]
* [Klarin Chi]
|profession= Jedi Knight
|position= House Member
|era= [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]
|affiliation= [[Odan-Urr Prospectus|House Odan-Urr]]
|ship= YT-2000 Rebellion
|masters= Corran Force
|dossier= [[dossier:3329|3329]]
{{Quote|Several flock to the thought of walking the paths of a [[Sith]], and very few survive the first few steps. Those that have walked its path for a distance knows that they have died a long time ago, but in the end these are not true [[Sith]] but minions of our will. A true [[Sith]] does not walk the path of the [[Sith]], they create one of their own.|Aticus Jade}}
{{Quote|Your opponant does not determine the outcome of the battle, you do!|Auron Maysonn}}

Aticus Jade is a [[Sith Battlemaster]] of the [[Revan|Independent House Revan]] and is the Last King of the Orianic Tribe.
'''Auron Maysonn''' is a Jedi Sentinel of the [[Odan-Urr Prospectus|House Odan-Urr]] and is Husband to Kaira Rohanna.

== Character History ==
== Character History ==
=== The Youth Aticus Jade ===
Aticus Jade was born 2 ABY on the planet Aeotheran and was for the beginning of his life was raised by his mother, Ania Orian. Unlike his half brothers who were raised in an Imperial manner, Aticus was raised as a member of the Orianic Tribe, and did not meet his father until much later in his life. Being a mixed blood made Aticus's life very difficult because the tribe took pride in being the descendants of a Sith Lord named [[Urias Orian]], who in their religion was a god.

It is believed that the Orianic tribe could possibly be the descendants of Urias as the entire Orianic Tribe was built up of force sensitives, and even some mildly trained force users. Despite being a 'half blood', Aticus was considered the most talented and gifted of any  of the Orianic Tribe to ever live. By the age of six Aticus had slayed his first Cannok, by eight his first man. It was very clear that a strong warrior bloodline flowed in the veins of Aticus, but with the boy being so strong and talented, conflict with the tribes religion took place. No none Orian bloodline, or half blood should hold as much power as he did, which resulted in the king having several assassination attempts placed upon the boy, each one a failure which resulted in the massacre of the assassins and further anarchy to the Orianic religion.
=== Early Childhood ===

Aticus by the age of ten was no longer a boy at heart, but a hardened warrior with the blood of twenty two men on his hands. Though the tribe refused to accept him into history as even one of its basic warriors, the king himself did agree that without Aticus to assist them during the Great War between the Orianic Tribe and Sessian Tribe, the Orianic would have never conquered the Sessian. When Aticus was rejected from being accepted as an Orianic by its king and his followers, even after his heroic display in the Great War between the two tribes, his mother began to raise Aticus for a new meaning. Before she did all she could to just make Aticus a common member of the Orianic, but she now realized that with the current leadership and religion in place her son would never be noted for any of his accomplishments, and would further more always be at risk. Ania Orian began to teach Aticus [[Sith]] Magic & Alchemy, as well as true Sith Religion, and told him that very soon the Orianic tribe would be his, and that he would bring forward a new age for the tribe. Ania filled her son's heart with rage, anger, and hate but filled his mind with intelligence, strategy, and technique. She did this for three years, and on his thirteenth birthday Aticus was finally of age to issue a Rite of Challenge to the king of the tribe.
Imperial logistics show that Auron was born an Imperial citizen by the name of Aticus Jade on the planet of Coruscant to father Benjamin Jade and Laura Jade, but it has recently been found that these documents were forged. While it took quite some time, this is the best of accounts for the early childhood of Auron Maysonn.

=== The Rite of Challange ===
Born on Harakoa which is now known as [[New Tython]], the future Jedi is believed to have been part of the Ontowanna Tribe, a now extinct people that were used as scape goats by the Harakoan government for misfortunes over the planet. How he managed to escape the genocide is unknown. It is known however that five years later records show that Auron Maysonn was on Coruscant being raised by the Jade Family. During this time both his father and mother, which he still claims to this day, raised him just as if he were their own. They ensured his academics were superior at all times, and kept his interest in fields that could eventually prosper him in life. With Benjamin Jade being an Admiral in the Galactic Empire's Navy it was difficult for him to be on Coruscant much of the time, so once Auron had turned twelve the General began taking him on his journeys aboard the ISD-II Black Rose.
It is law by the Orianic religion that when 'any' man of Orianic bloodline, whether pure or not, reaches the age of thirteen they are considered full grown, and are capable of undertaking any task, job or position in the tribe just as any other man, however the Rite of Challenge may only be issued once in an Orianic's lifetime and it results in either the contender surrendering to the challenge, and taking exile - or a battle to the death. The very morning of his thirteenth birthday Aticus approached the king and issued his Rite of Challenge for the crown. With his choices before him, and his natural hate for Aticus, the king chose to duel Aticus for the crown.

Being the contender, the king was given the choice of weapons to use and he chose wisely by saying "Our Surroundings.." which allowed anything and everything to be used as a weapon in the fight. The battle raged from that morning until nearly sunset. The two had battled each other from the village, all the way to the nearby ancient [[Sith]] temple. Aticus proved to be to much of a match for the king, as he defeated him using the [[Sith]] Magic taught to him by his mother, Ania Orian. Aticus had placed a Spell of Toxicity upon the king, which slowly turned his blood to poison, resulting in his death. Aticus removed the crown from the former king and returned back to the village. Unable to believe that their prior king was dead, and even harder to believe that a half blood was now king, several rebelled against Aticus. The new king wasted no time in destroying the uprising, and used it to strike fear into the hearts of those that would question his authority as king.  
Auron often found himself visiting the Docking Bay and Hangar aboard the ship to look at the many different Imperial vehicles and star fighters. His father knew his son would hold a major destiny before him, and become a warrior of legend but he had no idea just how far his son would go. For two years Auron travelled with Admiral Jade but upon his fourteenth birthday he was required to do what all young Imperials that ever hoped to have a future did - depart for Imperial Prep Academy. His father, mother and he took a voyage to Kuat and enjoyed a month vacation there before he left his home for good.

Over time the tribe came to love Aticus as their new king. The old religion was abolished and replaced with what teachings of the Sith and Jedi could be recovered from the planet, which not only made more opportunity for the tribe, but also made them stronger. The Orianic Tribe had grown to nearly four hundred followers in the two years that Aticus was king, but this was mostly due to his demand that the tribe breed to replace the warriors that he had killed, then breed to double the numbers, so many of the Orianic were but infants or toddlers while Aticus was king. Little did the tribe know, Aticus was beginning to hate them all. He had not forgotten the shun they had placed upon him, nor would he ever forgive them.
=== The Imperial Lifestyle ===

=== The Brotherhood Arrives on Aeotheran ===
Auron excelled in his studies, and completed in four years what should have taken him six. At the age of eighteen Auron graduated the Grand Imperial Academy at Coruscant withG honors, and the doors seemed to burst open for him. He was requested by many civil brances of the Empire to join them and make close to five million credits a month! This was not his dream though, and it was no surprise to Benjamin or Laura Jade when their son went directly from the Imperial Academy to COMPNOR's COTA or Candidate Officers Training Academy, located in the Golan Type III Platform "Valors Quill". It was here that he learned under many outstanding Imperial Officers with renouned careers, including a few lectures from his own father who was requested to speak there as an honored guest of the school. No doubt Auron's name (Aticus Jade at this time) held him to high demands. He was expected to be the best of the best, and fail only when he was dead. Auron was no robot though, COTA was a tough course and there were many times he wanted to back out and leave - but something inside him told him he needed these lessons, he needed to succeed here to reach his true calling.  
Approximately three months after Aticus's fifteenth birthday, word came to Aticus that the former god of the Orianic, [[Urias Orian]], had been reincarnated and was on Aeotheran with several other demigods to assist him. Curious about this Aticus made a point to assemble a small team in where he ventured out to find this 'reincarnation'. Aticus was gone for six days and when he returned he found his people worshiping a man by the name of [[Trevarus Caerick]] who would later become known as Shan-Long. Wise as he was strong, Aticus did not react harshly to this as he was curious as to just 'what' made this man a god. During a private dinner between [[Trevarus Caerick]] and Aticus, the Dark Jedi attempted to trick Aticus into thinking that he was really the reincarnation of [[Urias Orian]] by demonstrating his abilities with the force. Though much stronger than Aticus was at the time, Trevarus did not fool Aticus. The young king demonstrated talents with the force himself, and it became clear to Trevarus that not only were some of the Orianic Tribe force sensative, but also some educated in the arts of the [[Sith]]. Aticus held no grudge against Trevarus for his attempt however, because he himself ruled over the Orianic with the force so it was only natural that he would desire to do the same.

=== Joining the Brotherhood ===
COTA training took eighteen months total, with a dropout rate of sixty six perfect within the first seven months. Those that manage to graduate COTA training are given the rank of Lieutenant Commander immediately and assigned to either their choice of flying as a Starfighter Pilot or as an officer on one of the Empire's ships, or planet side facilities. Some of the officers were for the Imperial Army, others for the Stormtrooper Corps, TIE Fighter Corps, and some were even there for COMPNOR itself. Auron has decided to go in for the Imperial Navy so that he too could one day become an Admiral like his father - but his dreams were soon to no longer belong to him. He would face a destiny that he or no one could have ever foreseen. Unfortunantly he would have to suffer a terrible loss before hand.
Aticus never believed that [[Urias Orian]] was a god, as he himself had studied some of the Sith arts that his mother had taught him, thus he knew for sure that Treverous was no deity either, but he allowed the belief to continue so that he could watch the new comers closer than he could if he were to war with them. As he expected the Dark Jedi had no intentions to lead the Orianic to glory but rather enslave and destroy them over time, but in his heart Aticus desired this, so he met with the Dark Brotherhood personally to make a trade. In turn to accept him into the Brotherhood for training to become a Dark Jedi, he would give the Brotherhood the Orianic tribe and all its lands. At first he was laughed at, but when Aticus returned the next day with the tongues of those who laughed at him and presented them to the Grand Master, [[Chi-Long]], himself. He was seen as a worthy candidate to join the ranks of the Brotherhood.  

Upon turning sixteen Aticus was in his first year of training in the [[Dark Brotherhood]]. He was expected to die within a week, but he had made many of the elders look like fools, and had proven to be a very intelligent and strong warrior. Over the one year he had mastered speaking Galactic Basic along with several other languages, as well as obtained the rank of Guardian in the Brotherhood. During his first year of service to the Brotherhood, Aticus had served with several clans. [[Arcona|Clan Arcona]], [[Taldryan|Clan Taldryan]], and [[Clan Exar Kun]] but after his service with nearly all the clans he finally found one he could swear loyalty to, [[Naga Sadow|Clan Naga Sadow]].
=== Into The Fray ===

Upon turning seventeen Aticus was showing more potential than most Dark Jedi that had been training for six years, even though he was still only a Guardian - he had already killed two Dark Jedi Knight's in combat using their own lightsabers against them. Needless to say this accomplishment placed Aticus in the sights of several powerful Dark Jedi in the Brotherhood, among them was an elite unit called the [[Grand Master's Royal Guard]]. Aticus accepted the offer and took great pride in the accomplishments he had made before he had even reached adulthood.
Three months after his graduation, Auron had been assigned as the Navigations Officer of the ISD-I Yetti. The Yetti was actually a part of the Demon Task Force, the very task force that his father (newly promoted Fleet Admiral Benjamin Jade) was now commanding over. Both were proud to be serving with each other, and could only wish they were on the same ship - but the Empire made this forbidden for obvious reasons. Auron's father as stated had recently been promoted to the Task Force Commander of the Demon Task Force. His father was now on the fierce war machine known as the ISD-II Bane's Reach. No one really understood where the name came from but it was known that the ship was supposedly a blessed and cursed vessel. She always made it out of every battle she had ever entered, but every Captain over the boat had died in service. Benjamin Jade knew that maritime curses were very real, and he alone on the boat knew where the name came from. The curse would soon consume his life as well.

=== Service in Darkness ===
While out on a classified mission the ISD-II Bane's Reach met her final match. When course was entered incorrectly the vessel exited hyperspace into an astroid field taking moderate damage navigating out. Once out of the field the ship and crew found out they had wandered into a New Republic training facility for the SNOW(Special Naval Operations and Warfare) Unit! It took only twenty seven minuets, thirty three minuets to completely destroy the ISD-II Bane's Reach. Auron had to listen to the entire bout over communications and was not that far away. Despite nineteen desperate requests to go aide his father the newly appointed Naval Commander of Operations (a long time rival of Benjamin Jade and wished the mans death) denied each request telling Auron "Your father is the finest we have is he not? Let him live up to his reputation my boy, I'm sure he will do just fine..." Upon his fathers demise the Naval Commander then ordered all of Task Force Demon to return to Coruscant, which there they were to be decommissioned. This was not to be the fate of Auron. Before the ship could jump into hyperspace Auron fled to the hangar and highjacked a TIE Advanced and made the jump to his fathers grave. This immediately branded him a traitor of the Empire so he knew there was no turning back, but he did not care anymore. He was prepared to die and he knew that is what he was headed to. A glorious death, going down in a blaze. He would take many of those god damned rebels with him though, they would know to never cross a Jade!
Upon reaching 18 Aticus was now a Dark Jedi Knight of [[Naga Sadow|Clan Naga Sadow]]. The Brotherhood had embarked into its [[Exodus]], which Aticus later came to learn was why the Brotherhood had taken interest in Aeotheran to begin with. Battles between the Galactic Empire, and Brotherhood waged in so many places that it was almost impossible not to enter conflict when traveling the outer-rim.

Aticus alone had a confirmed kill count of 136 Imperial and Rogue Jedi combined. Seeing that he was a true asset, [[Naga Sadow|Clan Naga Sadow]] offered Aticus the opportunity to step into the true teaching of the [[Sith]] Order. He was tasked with returning to Aeotheran and eliminating the remaining Orianic Tribe, including his mother, which was originally planned by the clan when it first ventured into the [[Orian System]].
Upon reaching his destination Auron was surprised to find that the majority of New Republic

Aticus no longer had any love for his past, in fact he hated it so he took the mission as a great honor and glory given to him. Aticus returned to the Consul and Proconsul of his clan with twenty five golden boxes, and one platinum box. All of which contained the heads of the leaders of the Orianic, and the platinum containing the head of his mother. The summit was well pleased with his progression and granted him the rank of Sith Warrior where he continued to serve his clan and order faithfully for quite some time to follow.
-((To Be Continued))-

After the Exodus, both the Brotherhood and the Empire were greatly weakened - though not by the same means. The Empire had lost in the several thousands of lives by waring against the Dark Jedi, with the Brotherhood losing in the high hundreds. What the Brotherhood had lost most of was resources and technology - now with out the Empire supporting them it was up to them to survive on their own in the galaxy.

Like the rest of the Brotherhood, Aticus managed to survive and grow strong. By 22ABY, when [[Jac Cotelin]] was reappointed to the throne - Aticus was a well developed Sith Warrior. He had proven himself very worthy in the battles but his knowledge of the Order was still lacking to much to allow any further elevation. Outraged at not being allowed to progress Aticus vanished from the Brotherhood, and what seemed like the entire Galaxy. He vowed to return when he was stronger, and able to represent his clan and Brotherhood better. His self enforced exile lasted until 26ABY. During his time of self reflection Aticus met his real father, who he attempted to kill but came to find was actually trained equally to the rank of Dark Adept. He studied under his father for a short amount of time before departing to meet his brothers, in which he trained with as well.

A now 25 year old Sith Warrior returned to the Clan only to find out that much had changed. The Jedi were now a rising influence in the galaxy, and there was now a new foe called the Yuzan Vong. Aticus was in no way out of shape, as for the past few years he had been pushing himself harder than any other point in his life and was performing on levels thought impossible for someone of his stature, but Aticus had always been a flaw to the order of ways, and it was only natural that he had done so.
[[Category:Rogue]] [[Category: Deceased Characters]]
Returning to [[Naga Sadow|Clan Naga Sadow]], Aticus was soon granted the rank of Sith Battlemaster, and served in both houses as a Sith Commander, Rollmaster and even as Aedile. He accomplished several things, but Aticus had long since left his desires to be 'king' behind, and what he did he did for himself rather than his people. Seeing this within himself, Aticus felt it best that another lead until he regain the urge to lead once again.
30ABY was an important time for Aticus, as had now grown into a man at 29 years of age. During this time Aticus was also one of the selected members of Naga Sadow to venture back to Antei to reclaim the planet, but when the Sith arrived he like the rest of the Brotherhood came to find that the Vong had all been wiped out by a more natural cause, but in place of the Vong there were now the rogue jedi of Omancor Crask. Aticus was among the several brave warriors to liberate the Brotherhood's home world and restore order to the galaxy. Upon returning back to Clan Naga Sadow, he was rewarded with being granted the title of 'Last King of the Orianic'.
Now at 31 ABY Aticus is nearing 30 years of age, and still stands as one of the Brotherhood's finest Sith. After much time and service to Clan Naga Sadow, Aticus chose to walk a different path. The Sith learned of a new formation in the Brotherhood, the Independent House Revan. After studying its ideals and customs Aticus saw to much potential and power to pass up, so he renounced his membership to Clan Naga Sadow and traveled to one of the Sigma Horizon's where the Quaestor and Aedile of House Revan were hosting a gathering of the new sect. Seeing the Sith there was at first feared by the new House Revan, but when the Quaestor and Aedile learned that Aticus desired to join them he was welcomed with open arms into this new division of the Dark Brotherhood.
== DJB Facts ==
=== Apprentice's of Aticus "Orian" Jade ===
Over Aticus's service with the Dark Brotherhood, he has trained four Dark Jedi. Two of which never made it past the rank of Novice and were slayed by Aticus for failure and who's names are not even worth mentioning here. The other two are noted below.
Guardian [[dossier:8350|Mordaki]] of the [[Sith]] Order, Wanderer of the Rogues
Mordaki was recruited to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood by Aticus around 23ABY. Mordaki, like Aticus, was a half blood as well though he was not of the Orianic Tribe. He served as Aticus's apprentice until roughly 24-25 ABY when he vanished from the Dark Brotherhood forever.
Jedi Hunter [[dossier:10484|Tiberius Di Cloud]] of the Sith Order, Member of House Revan
Tiberius is the current apprentice to Aticus. Though Aticus is not Tiberius's original master, any force sensitive that stands near the two can easily feel the bond between them both. It is one of the rare cases where the force wills an apprentice to a master. Currently both Dark Jedi worth together as members of House Revan.
[[Category: DJB Characters]]
[[Category: Deceased Characters]]

Latest revision as of 15:47, 29 July 2024

Auron Maysonn
Biographical Information

New Tython

Date of Birth:


Date of Death:


Physical Description









Dark Brown




3 Titanium Ribs

Personal Information

House Odan-Urr



Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
  • [Makashi]
  • [Soresu]
  • [Vapaad]
Fighting Style(s):
  • [Broken Gate]
  • [Kartranin]
  • [Tu'rek]
  • [K'tara]
  • [Klarin Chi]
Chronology & Political Information

Jedi Knight


House Member


Dark Jedi Brotherhood


House Odan-Urr

Personal Ship:

YT-2000 Rebellion

Known masters:

Corran Force



[ Source ]

"Your opponant does not determine the outcome of the battle, you do!"
―Auron Maysonn

Auron Maysonn is a Jedi Sentinel of the House Odan-Urr and is Husband to Kaira Rohanna.

Character History

Early Childhood

Imperial logistics show that Auron was born an Imperial citizen by the name of Aticus Jade on the planet of Coruscant to father Benjamin Jade and Laura Jade, but it has recently been found that these documents were forged. While it took quite some time, this is the best of accounts for the early childhood of Auron Maysonn.

Born on Harakoa which is now known as New Tython, the future Jedi is believed to have been part of the Ontowanna Tribe, a now extinct people that were used as scape goats by the Harakoan government for misfortunes over the planet. How he managed to escape the genocide is unknown. It is known however that five years later records show that Auron Maysonn was on Coruscant being raised by the Jade Family. During this time both his father and mother, which he still claims to this day, raised him just as if he were their own. They ensured his academics were superior at all times, and kept his interest in fields that could eventually prosper him in life. With Benjamin Jade being an Admiral in the Galactic Empire's Navy it was difficult for him to be on Coruscant much of the time, so once Auron had turned twelve the General began taking him on his journeys aboard the ISD-II Black Rose.

Auron often found himself visiting the Docking Bay and Hangar aboard the ship to look at the many different Imperial vehicles and star fighters. His father knew his son would hold a major destiny before him, and become a warrior of legend but he had no idea just how far his son would go. For two years Auron travelled with Admiral Jade but upon his fourteenth birthday he was required to do what all young Imperials that ever hoped to have a future did - depart for Imperial Prep Academy. His father, mother and he took a voyage to Kuat and enjoyed a month vacation there before he left his home for good.

The Imperial Lifestyle

Auron excelled in his studies, and completed in four years what should have taken him six. At the age of eighteen Auron graduated the Grand Imperial Academy at Coruscant withG honors, and the doors seemed to burst open for him. He was requested by many civil brances of the Empire to join them and make close to five million credits a month! This was not his dream though, and it was no surprise to Benjamin or Laura Jade when their son went directly from the Imperial Academy to COMPNOR's COTA or Candidate Officers Training Academy, located in the Golan Type III Platform "Valors Quill". It was here that he learned under many outstanding Imperial Officers with renouned careers, including a few lectures from his own father who was requested to speak there as an honored guest of the school. No doubt Auron's name (Aticus Jade at this time) held him to high demands. He was expected to be the best of the best, and fail only when he was dead. Auron was no robot though, COTA was a tough course and there were many times he wanted to back out and leave - but something inside him told him he needed these lessons, he needed to succeed here to reach his true calling.

COTA training took eighteen months total, with a dropout rate of sixty six perfect within the first seven months. Those that manage to graduate COTA training are given the rank of Lieutenant Commander immediately and assigned to either their choice of flying as a Starfighter Pilot or as an officer on one of the Empire's ships, or planet side facilities. Some of the officers were for the Imperial Army, others for the Stormtrooper Corps, TIE Fighter Corps, and some were even there for COMPNOR itself. Auron has decided to go in for the Imperial Navy so that he too could one day become an Admiral like his father - but his dreams were soon to no longer belong to him. He would face a destiny that he or no one could have ever foreseen. Unfortunantly he would have to suffer a terrible loss before hand.

Into The Fray

Three months after his graduation, Auron had been assigned as the Navigations Officer of the ISD-I Yetti. The Yetti was actually a part of the Demon Task Force, the very task force that his father (newly promoted Fleet Admiral Benjamin Jade) was now commanding over. Both were proud to be serving with each other, and could only wish they were on the same ship - but the Empire made this forbidden for obvious reasons. Auron's father as stated had recently been promoted to the Task Force Commander of the Demon Task Force. His father was now on the fierce war machine known as the ISD-II Bane's Reach. No one really understood where the name came from but it was known that the ship was supposedly a blessed and cursed vessel. She always made it out of every battle she had ever entered, but every Captain over the boat had died in service. Benjamin Jade knew that maritime curses were very real, and he alone on the boat knew where the name came from. The curse would soon consume his life as well.

While out on a classified mission the ISD-II Bane's Reach met her final match. When course was entered incorrectly the vessel exited hyperspace into an astroid field taking moderate damage navigating out. Once out of the field the ship and crew found out they had wandered into a New Republic training facility for the SNOW(Special Naval Operations and Warfare) Unit! It took only twenty seven minuets, thirty three minuets to completely destroy the ISD-II Bane's Reach. Auron had to listen to the entire bout over communications and was not that far away. Despite nineteen desperate requests to go aide his father the newly appointed Naval Commander of Operations (a long time rival of Benjamin Jade and wished the mans death) denied each request telling Auron "Your father is the finest we have is he not? Let him live up to his reputation my boy, I'm sure he will do just fine..." Upon his fathers demise the Naval Commander then ordered all of Task Force Demon to return to Coruscant, which there they were to be decommissioned. This was not to be the fate of Auron. Before the ship could jump into hyperspace Auron fled to the hangar and highjacked a TIE Advanced and made the jump to his fathers grave. This immediately branded him a traitor of the Empire so he knew there was no turning back, but he did not care anymore. He was prepared to die and he knew that is what he was headed to. A glorious death, going down in a blaze. He would take many of those god damned rebels with him though, they would know to never cross a Jade!

Upon reaching his destination Auron was surprised to find that the majority of New Republic

-((To Be Continued))-