User:Severus L'eonheart/ToDo

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

The following is a "To Do" list for myself related to Naga Sadow articles in relation to my internal "audit" of Sadowan articles to ensure they are up to date and easy to understand for new and old members alike. This list was last updated as of "March 29th 2011". Updates are to follow.


- Analyze and ensure that all current articles under the Naga Sadow Category are updated to reflect change in Unit status, all articles pertinant to "House Naga Sadow" will retain that scripture, all articles continuing with us will see changes.
- Below projects are to be updated as soon as possible, but structure changes are amongst first priority

Naga Sadow Conflicts

- All articles need to be completed, detailed if possible
- New Conflict articles to be added for detailed Sadowan History

Naga Sadow Dominion/Locations

- Dominion
 - Articles must be searched to determine if it's Dominion (Planet, Asteroid, Moon, etc) or Location (Building, forest, etc)
 - Outdated articles should include updated history to include recent events
 - Destroyed/Abandoned or Impossible to reclaim/recover Dominion should be re-categorized as Historic Naga Sadow Dominion
  - Category may have to be created
- Locations
 - Articles should be searched to determine if they still exists, ie. Not destroyed
 - Active articles should be updated with current history, Nifokalija for example
 - Destroyed locals should be re-categorized as Historic Naga Sadow Locations
  - Category may have to be created

Naga Sadow Military Order of Battle

Fleet Possessions

- '''Issues:'''
 - Too many HLAF-500 Fighters in service [12 over]
 - Too many DX-9 Transports in service [1 over]
 - Not enough XJ3 Fighters in service [12 missing, AKA: ALL OF THEM]
 - Not enough Z-95 Fighters in service [12 missing]
 - Not enough Bantha-Class Transports in service [3 missing, AKA: ALL OF THEM]
 - RSD Final Way: "Commander" Agrist was slain in prior service
 - Service History incomplete for most vessels
 - RSD Final Way should be Dlarit/Sadow Flagship with larger compliment in addition to superior Offensive and Defensive capabilities
  - In addition, Fleet Admiral Simonetti is stationed aboard the Final way and not the ISDII Harbinger

Vessel Specific details

- General Cruiser information:
 - RSD Final Way needs to be updated to Fleet Flagship, ISDII Harbinger removed from role
 - Article's introduction should be updated to include vessel specific information (date of acquisition, etc) if applicable
 - Vessel Info section needs to be updated to reflect Wookieepedia article unless alterations have been made
 - Commanding Crew/Staff needs update or add XO and supporting positions such as Navigations, Weapons, etc
 - "Action" should be renamed "Record of Service", conflicts should be linked to beyond Inos
 - "Fighter Craft" should be renamed "Vessel Compliment", Ground compliment should be included if applicable
- Starfighter/Transport Articles
 - In dire need of update to reflect a singular vessel in relation to the squadrons
 - Should reflect vessel details with squadron and assignment details lower upon the article
 - TIE Interceptors have 36 out of 96 with Shielding, the assignment of these vessels should be detailed here
