Born in Chicago, raised in New Orleans, and a current resident of Tacoma, Ixazi is a long-time gamer, GM, administrator of gaming groups, professional caregiver, creator of settings and canon, and activist.
Her primary administration work has been in the Star Trek group Bravo Fleet, where she served, at various times as Commanding Officer of Task Forces 63, 72, and 99, Judge Advocate General, and Acting Fleet Executive Officer. She handled primary design work on the Breen and on Cardassian rank structuree, and helped with the Lagashi, Rish, and Verachians, as well as creating the Futility's End setting and working as co-writer of At All Hazards. In tabletop gaming, she created the Anthros and Starfall settings for Dungeons and Dragons, and is currently running a successful In Nomine campaign. She loves the creation of worlds - her great creative passion.
She is a lover of both science fiction and fantasy literature. Her favorite fantasy is Lord of the Rings, while her favorite sci-fi is Banner of the Stars. She is also fond of Twelve Kingdoms and Oz, and considers Wheel of Time a guilty pleasure.
Her love of Star Wars is largely limited to the films and a few odd bits of canon, though she considers the Lego Star Wars video games and TV specials surprisingly brilliant.
The best way to contact her is by e-mail, though if she likes you she'll give you her IM information.