Titius Osseus (pre-fall)

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Titius Osseus
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

16 ABY (age 27)

Physical Description









Dirty Blonde




Bilateral aural stimulators

Personal Information



Dimir Osseus

Chronology & Political Information

Medical Device Tech


Chandrilan Medical Corps

[ Source ]

Titius Osseus was a Chandrilan male who served as a Medical Device Technician in the Chandrilan Medical Corps. Quick to temper but possessed a willingness to help wherever he was needed especially with mechanical issues. Despite his disability he was always looking to put a smile on someone's face.

Character History

Early Life

Born to Dimir and Anelise Osseus in Hanna City, life started out poorly for Titius. At the age of 8, he was injured when a converter tower malfunctioned, annihilating his ability to hear. His parents were not well off and thus could only afford a crude aural replacement implant. Spending the latter half of his childhood with the implant pushed Titius to pursue a apprenticeship in medical device repair and later to join the Chandrilan medical corps.

Dishonorable Discharge

Titius' life came crashing down several years into his career. The fall of the Empire caused several uprisings of loyalists conducting guerilla terrorism to reclaim the planet for the Imperial Remnant. Redeployed to maintain the mass casualty clinics, Titius was asked to repair a medpack for a soldier unit. Upon receiving it, the soldier commented:

" They're getting cripples, BLOBs and damaged goods fixing our equipment now. Good thing it cant hear us!"
―Chandrilan Security Forces to Titius

Titius responded by beating the soldier with their medpack until unconscious. Medical records state the soldier died three rotations later and an arrest warrant was issued for Titius.

The Final Straw

Finding work in a remote mining platform repairing the equipment, Titius was able to settle for a time. This was quickly disrupted when an Imperial Remnant fleet entered orbit of the station to rest. Several miners resented the Empire and expressed their thoughts to Titius, asking him to join a sortie to destroy the Imperial ships at the docks. According to official reports, Titius went mad, using a welding torch to carve off the leader's lower jaw while screaming "I cant hear your lies, now no-one can!" Any record of him past this incident is missing.

Physical Description

Standing at 1.80m, Titius is average height. Easily identified both by his messy blonde/brown hair and constant goofy grin. Aided by crude aural implants that pulse wildly and emit a low hum. Usual attire is baggy medical attire marked with MEDTECH.

Fun Facts

  • Titius loves to listen to avian calls.
  • Nicknamed Gears because he was constantly tinkering.
  • Banned from operating a speeder within the city limits of Hanna due to an unfortunate incident resulting in a melon being stuck on both feet.