The Dark Times Saga
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The Dark Times Saga is a major cluster of events that is currently happening within Clan Scholae Palatinae. The purpose is to create a block of large events that lead to a massive change in the story structure. These blocks provide similar events, with somewhat of a clearer end goal for fictional activities.
Prelude - Scholae Rising
Upon returning defeated from the Great Jedi War, the people of Clan Scholae Palatinae felt weakened and defeated. They had provided next to no support in the war effort and had done very little to help the greater Dark Jedi Brotherhood as a whole. Demotivated and suffering, a group that had hidden themselves struck.
While being controlled by a mysterious power, Ric “Blade” Hunter blew up the HQ where the closed House Imperium was located. Although no one had died in the attack, investigations went underway in order to ascertain who had done this. Thanks to the efforts of the Clan members, Ric was discovered as the culprit.
During Ric’s trial it had come out that he was not fully there. This Ric had a chip planted in him that allowed him to be operated and controlled by others. These others were soon discovered to be in the old House Excidium base on Ullr Uvi.
Leading a strike team, Shadow Nighthunter attacked the old House Excidium base and discovered a group known as The Insidious to be there. The Insidious were a group of vengeful Sith who would take action upon those who did not answer Emperor Palpatine’s call of reunification. For decades, the Clan had rebuffed these calls entirely. Thus, The Insidious were here to take down Clan Scholae Palatinae for their perceived betrayal. With the help of the Clan, Shadow killed most of the members.
One child apprentice of the master of The Insidious was taken into custody and sent to the old Meraxis prison complex on Balerion. Ric was pardoned and let go as long as the chip was removed. In response, the Empress chose to create House Empire’s Chosen, a group that would oversee the rediscovery of the Clan identity and structures of old. The Xen Imperial Protectorate was also created as a loyal Imperialist outpost in old Meraxis territory.
- 1st Place - Xendar Thendaris
- 2nd Place - Xantros
- 3rd Place - Kell Palpatine Dante
- 4th Place - Rayne
- 5th Place - Wattrik Cronis
- 6th Place - Kadrol Hauen
Part 1 - The Uprising of the Force
The leader of The Republic of the Force slept in his bed a night. Just after he had sent the Elayan Democratic Republic military forces away from his country, he suffered an assassination. Clan Scholae Palatinae, keenly aware that they might be blamed for this event, investigated the assassination both in line with TRF government officials and personal, sly detective work. While little evidence was found, a Force presence was felt in the room.
Meanwhile, the Wards of the Force, a paramilitary Jedi group from the deep deserts of TRF, were able to not only wrest power from the old TRF government officials, but complete a coup that saw them as the leaders of the country. They solely blamed Clan Scholae Palatinae for the assassination, and believe that CSP must be brought to justice.
The Imperial Clan not only denied the charge, but actively worked to prove it as false. However, believing an attack to be immenent, Empress Shadow Nighthunter authorized a strike into TRF territory.
- 1st Place - Reiden Palpatine Karr
- 2nd Place - Xantros
- 3rd Place - Sykes Jade
- 4th Place - Xendar Thendaris
- 5th Place - Mune Cinteroph
- 6th Place - Shadow Palpatine Nighthunter
- 7th Place - Mauro Wynter
Part 2 - Operation Passion Force
With the potential assault incoming from the Wards of the Force, Clan Scholae Palatinae directed an assault towards The Republic of the Force in efforts to take it over. With massive efforts lead by Sykes Jade, Mauro Wynter, and Shadow Nighthunter, the Clan was able to beat back the hodge-podge TRF capital ships and fighters, as well as the immediate ground forces.
Over a campaign that lasted around a week, the Wards of the Force were slowly beaten back until the Clan got to Tokare City, the capital of TRF. It was there they discovered that Lanis, the head of the Wards, sent bombs to multiple locations that would go off. One of them being inside the replica of the Jedi Temple (where Lanis was holed up). A battle ensued in the city. Sykes, Mauro, and Reiden evacuated a lot fo the civilians, while also launching the abandoned Golan Defense Platform into a rogue TRF ship. Cello fought in the main chambers of the Jedi Temple, with Kamjin being a part of the arrest of Lanis (with Kell, Talon, and Dek).
Dek and Shadow discovered how Lanis came to be in this position. He was betrayed by the former Grand Master of TRF and his apprentice killed for seeking so-called dangerous knowledge. He was saved by the Cult of Kairos who smelted down statues of their Jedi God and attached the parts to the peeling and leftover skin and muscles of Lanis. Lanis returned to take down Troyckal only to find that somehow the deed had been done for him.
Shadow and Kamjin discovered that the power of the Force Bomb was being activated by Lanis' apprentice's spirit and Shadow had to convince the spirit to come to the dark side. The spirit blew up the bomb, but not as strong as thought. This created rip in the fabric of space and time, allowing for different ideas and thoughts to slowly come through.
With the TRF defeated, the Ragnath TRF continent was renamed the Dante Imperial Protectorate, while the Seraph continent was renamed the Karr Imperial Protectorate. The Jade Family was given a permanent land grant on CSP land with its own mansions, spaceport, and luxury goods. Kamjin was made Proconsul and Reiden was made Rollmaster. Most of the Clan chose to escort Lanis to the Balaerion prison colony. However, they received a distress call shortly before their arrival.
Competitions Assets
1. Mauro (27) (1st Place: 1) (2nd Place: 4)
2. Cello (27) (1st Place: 1) (2nd Place: 3)
3. Reiden (26)
4. Kamjin (24)
5. Xendar (15)
6. Kah’ri (9) (1st Place: 1)
7. Shadow (9) (1st Place: 0)
8. Talon (8)
9. Rayne (7)
10. Xantros (5) (1st Place: 1)
11. Sykes (5) (1st Place: 0)
12. Dante (4) (2nd Place: 1)
13. Thran (4) (2nd Place: 0)
14. Ulfsark (3)
15. Ellac (2)
16. Dukwtape (1) and Horus (1)
17. --
Conclusion - The Order
Epilogue - REDACTED