If anyone happens to read this, anyone happen to know why the wiki occassionally gives an error message of (I think) "GDlibrary missing" usually with something then like "createimagefromjpeg" or gif if its a gif. I thought it hated jpegs at first, then I realised I've used jpegs before so, can't be that, then I thought maybe it hated me telling it to resize, but its not that either as its resized other images. I've managed to work out solutions each time but its happened a few times in the last couple of days and it just seems odd- not had any trouble with image uploads before.
Come to think of it, it was messing me about with the char infoboxes an hour ago. That was just plain wierd. I copied the box, didn't display right, I then copied the exact same box, this time it displayed right... made no sense to me at all.--Xanos 10:40, 6 March 2007 (MST)
There's a problem with the wiki resizing images for some reason... It hasn't affected any old images, but if you edit an images size or add a new one it displays that error. Your best bet is to re-upload the graphic at the size you need. Pain in the ass, but it works for now.--Shadow Taldrya 11:57, 6 March 2007 (MST)