Questionable Origins
“born on Dathomir in 16 BBY”
“Men were used only for breeding and slave labor, clad in nothing more than leather aprons or scanty tunics, and neither they nor the women seem to have realized that they retained latent Force potential. Typically, warriors were expected to find mates by capturing runaways or slaves from other clans, but the leading clan sisters could purchase men from each other, and if a mate could not be persuaded to love his owner, the equivalent of an amicable divorce could be enacted by selling him to another woman. The only way a man could go free was if he saved the life of a woman in his clan.”
If you were born, smugglers would be unable to tend to you. If they were sneaking into a camp of Dathomiri witches, they wouldn’t merely let you go. They need you to live (and the smugglers would probably be killed). So it isn’t possible that you were born on Dathomir and escape by ways of a smuggler, basically according to the cultural surroundings of Dathomir and the barren wasteland of the planet itself.Scyrone 03:43, 12 December 2009 (UTC)