Sword of Ka Tarvitz

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
New Order era.
Sword of Ka Tarvitz
Production information

Nikora Rhan


Alchemically Forged Sword



Possession Item:

ID 87751

Technical specifications




[ Source ]

The Sword of Ka Tarvitz was a Force-imbued blade created in the wake of Ka Tarvitz's death. With the fragments of his weapons and armour gathered from the battle against Lord Perdurabo, Nikora Rhan did her best to carry out the tradition of melting down their equipment and forging it into the weapons of the next generation. Without enough to form a full suit of armour or true blade, Rhan opted to use the alchemically enhanced metal to form a sword ideal for stealth operations; a fact which amused both of them given Tarvitz's complete lack of subtlety and preference for brute strength. Utilising the lightsaber crystal from Tarvitz's destroyed weapon, the blade was crafted as a narrow weapon ideal for single duels and rapid kills. This was then granted to Sirra Werd'la, as a final gift in place of the lightsaber she had chosen never to take up.


The Sword of Ka Tarvitz is a medium bladed weapon, intended for easy use in one hand, and ideal both for short stabs and pinpoint slashes. While constructed for use in quick stealth kills, its build is nevertheless ideal for close range duels and kills. The design and light structure heavily relies upon the speed and athleticism of its user, along with dodging attacks as much as rapid parries.

Although ornate for an assassin's weapon, it has been constructed from metals which do not catch the light and can be easily dulled further with oils if treated correctly. The blade itself is blackened at its core, while only the edges of its cutting points show a lighter edge. The hilt and scabbard match angular designs inspired by aesthetic elements from the Suoh family's household, with decorative colours of bronze and gold when not dulled. The blade's weight is easily offset by the weight of the pommel, allowing for easy single-handed use, and considerable force to be brought to bear when making short stabbing motions. Rancor leather and ash wood make up the hilt, with a trio of gold rings circling each point to improve an easy grip on the weapon. The lightsaber crystal within it is stored within the grip, and its effect upon the blade is notable, darkening its surface when in the presence of Dark Side aligned figures.

Although largely bereft of the same ruins typical of most blades of its type, several runes in Kyataran are marked at the base of the blade, but bare words in an archaic language: Victorus Aut Mortis. In Basic this roughly translates into "Victory or death".