CS Guide: Force Powers

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
(Redirected from Suppression)
Real World Perspective.


Below, you will find the reference guide for the Character Sheet Force Powers. All documentation is based on the Force Powers 2.0 project headed up by the Combat Master, Voice Staff, and Character Sheet Development Team. This reference table aims to give members a better idea of the level of control/power they have of a given Force Power, and how they would write their character utilizing it both in and out of combat.

Force Use


Force Power usage is draining on a Force User, more so when used in the heat of combat. The stronger the display of Force, the more difficult it is to maintain the power. While a master of an ability can generate massive power, they can only do so for a short duration. Most masters are wise enough to apply their power with restraint. By using less strength, they are able to maintain the effect of the power for a longer duration. With limited training, a Force User may struggle to bring the full effect of a power to bear and maintaining concentration quickly becomes draining, resulting in shorter bursts of Force use.


Though the Force gives strength, a Force User is still limited by flesh and blood. Drawing on such power dwindles the Force User's reserves of endurance and willpower. Manipulating the Force, especially in combat, requires sharp mental control. While a Force User may draw on the Force repeatedly, it will usually become more difficult with each successive use. Some powers, of course, are more draining than others. But no Force User can limitlessly tap into the powers of the light or dark side without exhaustion setting in. Use of great power comes with great fatigue, and Force User should be aware of the risks of pushing too hard too fast.

Force Powers


Amplification allows a Force User to perform amazing feats of physical prowess. By channeling the Force, a Force User could run faster, jump higher, hit harder, and even react faster. This ability allows the user to push beyond the normal limits of their physical bodies and perform superhuman feats.
+1 At the most basic level, a Force User must concentrate for several seconds to augment one of their physical abilities through the Force. The Force User would feel fatigue after a single use respective to the complexity of the action.
+2 With further study, the Force User must concentrate for only a second in order to augment one of their physical abilities through the Force. A single-use will not cause fatigue, but subsequent use of Amplification in the next several minutes would.
+3 With consistent study, the Force User can instantly augment one of their physical abilities through the Force, but still experience fatigue when using Amplification several times over the course of several minutes.
+4 The Force User can instantly augment one of their physical abilities with the Force but still experience fatigue if they use Amplification many times over the course of several minutes.
+5 Mastery allows a Force User to not only instantly augment one of their physical abilities with the Force, but the effects of fatigue after use are effectively negligible.
Duration Downtime
Amplification is a power that pushes the Force User's body far beyond its normal limits for anywhere up to a minute. Amplification is a basic power, meaning it can be used multiple times in the heat of battle.
Related Feats Enhanced Sight I-II, Escape Artist, Force Scream I-II, Hammerhand, and Lightning Reflexes
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Barrier manifests the Force into a translucent defensive corona that can absorb physical attacks. These Barriers protect only the user, requiring them to remain stationary, and will shatter after enough impact. Barrier can stop repeated hits from conventional weapons (including blasters), but will shatter on heavy impact with things such as explosions or large projectiles like boulders.
+1 At its most basic level, the Force User must take several seconds to concentrate and focus their full will to manifest the Force as a protective Barrier. The user’s full concentration is necessary to maintain the barrier.
+2 With further study, the Force User must still take several seconds of concentration to manifest the Force into a protective Barrier but no longer needs their full concentration to maintain it.
+3 With consistent training, the Force User is able to summon the Force almost instantaneously to create a protective Barrier and can do so in the middle of combat.
+4 It is no longer a matter of training, but instinct that allows the Force User to will the Force into a protective Barrier as long as they are not already fatigued or under heavy duress.
+5 A master of conjuring Barriers may summon them at will, even when fatigued or under heavy duress.
Duration Downtime
Barriers can withstand anything from repeated minor blows from either physical or Force-based attacks (such as blaster pistols, slugs and other thrown projectiles, or lighter strikes from Telekinesis) to one major blow from physical or Force-based attack (such as blaster cannons, explosions, detonations, heavy Telekinesis, and Force Lightning). Massive explosions, fast-moving objects larger than a person or similarly destructive effects will shatter a barrier immediately and still have a reduced impact on the user. Barrier is an advanced power, that requires significant concentration to maintain. It can be used sparingly in the heat of battle, as it is entirely dependent on the concentration and level of training a Force User possesses.
Related Feats Bounce It, Energy Dispersion, and Shield Wall I-III
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Battle Meditation

Battle Meditation
Battle Meditation is a Force Power used to boost the combat effectiveness of allies and reduce the effectiveness of enemies. With further training, the Force User can influence their tactical coordination and teamwork as well but does not allow for telepathic communication. The skill starts with affecting the immediate area around the user, growing to affect an entire battlefield, but does not work well on the scale of large space battles. Battle Meditation can generally turn a narrow victory into a rout, a narrow defeat into a narrow victory, or minimize the losses of a significant defeat.
+1 At the most basic level, the Force User may influence morale in a single confrontation nearby, and in the Force User’s line of sight.
+2 With some extra study, the Force User no longer requires a direct line of sight and can affect allies working as a team.
+3 The Force User can easily affect multiple small-sized groups fighting independently, influencing their courage, morale and will to fight, and improving or reducing their coordination with each other. The Force User will often turn the tide of small battles in their favour.
+4 Through dedicated concentration, the Force User can simultaneously affect groups of friends and foes across a small area, tipping the scales in any small or medium confrontation.
+5 A master of Battle Meditation may devastate the will of his enemies, while simultaneously amplifying the courage of his allies, across an impressive area. The Force User can influence the outcome of any medium or large confrontation.
Duration Downtime
Battle Meditation requires intense concentration, and the Force User must always be stationary or immobile to maintain a meditative state, leaving them vulnerable while maintaining their influence. Battle Meditation lasts as long as a Force User can maintain their concentration. Battle Meditation is an advanced power that requires significant concentration to maintain. Even at higher levels, affecting larger groups or maintaining focus for more than a moderate period of time will leave the Force User completely exhausted.
Related Feats Ace Aura, Force Meld I-II, and Space Battle Meditation I-II
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Blinding is a Force User’s ability to create a flash of blinding white-light with the Force. The effect is instantaneous and leaves opponents disoriented and unable to see as if hit with a flash-bang grenade. This ability can also blind the caster if they are not careful, and requires a hand gesture as a focus.
+1 Initially, the Force User must commit his full concentration for several seconds in order to create a flash of blinding white-light.
+2 With further training, the Force User can create a flash of blinding white-light with half of their concentration focused on the task, but requires full focus while in combat.
+3 With consistent training, the Force User can create a flash of blinding white-light with minimal concentration outside of active combat, and half concentration while engaged in combat.
+4 The Force User has become adept at creating a flash of blinding white-light with minimal effort in combat or out of combat.
+5 A Master of Blindness can create a flash of blinding white-light at will, without any noticeable effort.
Duration Downtime
The flash of light created by Blinding is instantaneous, and will cause disorientation lasting several seconds. Blinding is a basic power, meaning it can be used multiple times in the heat of battle. However, it can be draining on the user with quick, successive uses in a short period of time.
Related Feats Blinded By The Light, Primed I-III, and Whizz-Bang
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Concealment is the ability for a Force User to mask their connection and identity with the Force. This goes for hiding a Force User’s strength in the Force as well as alignment. While Force Cloak renders the Force User invisible from the eye, Concealment can make a user invisible to those searching through the Force. The more skilled a Force User is with this ability, the easier it is to maintain a veil of Concealment.
+1 Initially, the Force User can hide their signature, strength, and alignment in the Force with their full concentration devoted to the task.
+2 With further training, the Force User can hide their signature, strength, and alignment in the Force with half of their concentration dedicated to the task as long as they remain out of combat.
+3 With consistent training, the Force User can hide their signature, strength, and alignment in the Force with minimal concentration out of combat, but a committed effort of concentration while in battle.
+4 The Force User has become adept at hiding their signature, strength, and alignment in the Force with minimal effort whether in combat or not.
+5 A Master of Concealment is able to effortlessly hide their signature, strength, and alignment in the Force, effortlessly as breathing.
Duration Downtime
Concealment lasts as long as the Force User remains conscious of maintaining the ability, and does not attempt to call upon the Force in another way. Concealment is an advanced power that requires concentration to maintain, but can be used frequently, or for a prolonged period without taxing a Force User’s reserves.
Related Feats Haze I-III, Quey’tek Meditation, and Synergy I-III
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Control Self

Control Self
Control Self is the ability to manipulate and control one’s bodily functions through the Force. This includes the ability to dull or temporarily ignore pain, regulate body temperature, slow breathing, or even entering a trance-like state of hibernation for survival purposes.
+1 Initially a Force User is able to, through intense concentration, dull pain and soreness as well as delay the toll that an extreme climate would otherwise take on a member of their species.
+2 With additional training, a Force User is able to ignore intense pain and shape bodily functions and temperature to their will with less concentration than before.
+3 With consistent study a Force User can push through excruciating pain, sleep deprivation and radically alter their vital bodily functions with minimal focus. Additionally, the Force User can place themselves in a hibernation trance for survival, requiring no food or water, and very little oxygen (or other breathing gases) for a period of up to several days.
+4 It is no longer a matter of concentration; the Force User shapes their pain input and bodily functions by instinct alone. The Force User can operate for days in a climate much hotter or colder than their physiology would otherwise allow, and can increase the duration of the hibernation state for several weeks.
+5 A Master of Control Self can shrug off pain that would normally cause blackout. They can go long periods of time without needing food or water. The Force User’s ability to regulate their body’s functions is so great that their hibernation trance can be indistinguishable from death without a medical examination or sensing through the Force, and this state can be maintained indefinitely.
Duration Downtime
Control Self initially requires significant concentration to maintain but as training in the power increases the amount of focus required decreases. Control Self is a basic power, meaning it can be used multiple times in the heat of battle. However, it can be draining on the user with quick, successive uses in a short period of time.
Related Feats Field Triage I-III, Synergy I-III, and ‘Tis But A Scratch
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Creature Control

Creature Control
Creature Control The Force connects all living things, and with training, a Force-user can develop the ability to reach out and make a connection with a target creature. Creatures are classified as either: Domesticated, Tameable, or Untameable, with the individual’s level offering different degrees of control in relation to the creature's respective classification.
+1 With full concentration, you can connect with a Domesticated creature.
+2 With half concentration, you can connect with a Domesticated creature, and begin to form a connection with Tameable creatures.
+3 With minimal effort you can connect with Domesticated or Tameable creatures, and can create a basic connection with an Untameable creature to prevent them from eating you.
+4 You can effortlessly connect with any creature that is Domesticated and connect with a Tameable creature with minimal effort. With full concentration, you can maintain a connection with untameable creatures.
+5 You can effortlessly connect with any creature that is Domesticated or Tameable, and with enough focus even those considered Untameable.
Duration Downtime
Dependent on the Force-user’s concentration and ability to maintain their connection to the creature. Creature Control Creature Control is a basic power, meaning it can be used multiple times in the heat of battle. However, it can be draining on the user when used on creatures that are harder to control.
Related Feats Deep Bond I-III, Obedience School, and We Are Legion I-II
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Darkness uses the Force to create a sphere around a single target in which all light is eliminated. This power is initially draining, able to affect only a small area. As the Force User’s power increases, they are able to affect a larger area with greater ease. Darkness prevents natural vision and optical technology (such as cameras), but not the use of the power Sense.
+1 At its most basic level, Darkness is limited to a sphere roughly two meters in diameter, fixed on the center of the user. It takes about a second for the darkness to descend, and the effect will only last several seconds.
+2 With further study, the Force User can increase the diameter to about four meters, and anchor it anywhere within two meters of themselves, lingering for several seconds.
+3 With consistent study, the Force User can increase the diameter to six meters in size and anchor it anywhere within four meters of themselves, lasting for up to a minute.
+4 No longer a matter of study, the Force User can instinctively snap an eight meter diameter into place, anchoring it anywhere within six meters of themselves, lasting about a minute.
+5 With mastery comes perfection. The Force User may place a twelve meter diameter shape anywhere within twelve meters of themselves, anchoring it within the same range, lasting about a minute.
Duration Downtime
Darkness can be sustained as long as the user maintains concentration. Once concentration is broken, the darkness will dissipate gradually based on the Force User’s proficiency. Darkness is an advanced power, that requires significant concentration to maintain. It can be used rarely in the heat of battle.
Related Feats Darksight, Lil’ Bit Disco, and Primed I-III
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Farsight is the ability to gain vague impressions of events happening in other places or times using the Force, typically achieved through long meditation sessions. These visions focus on strong imagery and emotions. The future is always in motion, however, and is thus subject to change.
+1 At its most basic level, a user will feel emotions about events several days before they transpire, but is unable to extract meaningful information or images through the Force.
+2 With further study and training, the Force User can now “see” vague images taking place several weeks in advance that are symbolic of what the future may hold with a slight degree of accuracy, though they will have difficulty interpreting these images before events unfold.
+3 Through focused meditation, the Force User may now “see” clearer symbolic images of possible futures several months before they occur, and can even glimpse fragments of important events in the future. The user will have an easier time interpreting these with moderate accuracy, but will likely miss details leading to the crucial event.
+4 The user can now “watch” events before they transpire as if experiencing a vague dream, and with the proper study and meditation, can interpret the meaning of important moments with a fair degree of accuracy a year before they transpire.
+5 The Force User’s mind sees with surprising clarity, with their visions being inseparable from having a vivid dream. Not only can they identify major key moments in the possible future, but also events that surround them, giving them a far more complete interpretation of what may transpire within years of these events occurring.
Duration Downtime
Meditation sessions are lengthy. While the vision itself will last for up to half a minute, a large amount of time must be spent focusing on what the images could mean, and how they relate to possible futures. Farsight is an advanced power, that requires significant concentration to maintain.
Related Feats Don’t Stop Believin’ and More Than A Feeling
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Force Cloak

Force Cloak
By manipulating light and shadows with the Force, the Force User can use Force Cloak to vanish from view and become invisible. A Force User cloaked in the Force in such a manner is undetectable to the naked eye or even by more technological scanners such as infrared or night vision, but still able to be detected by another Force User’s Sense or Precognition feats. The Force User must also remain immobile.
+1 Initially, a Force User must devote their full concentration in order to vanish from view, and the process moves slowly from the feet upward over the course of about half a minute.
+2 With further study, the Force User requires less concentration to maintain Force Cloak and can chose which part of their body the cloak starts at.
+3 With consistent training and discipline, the Force User can vanish from view in the space of a few seconds.
+4 A Force User can vanish from view almost instantaneously and remain shrouded with minimal concentration.
+5 Mastery allows a Force User to instantly vanish from view in the blink of the eye and at will.
Duration Downtime
Force Cloak can be maintained for as long as the Force User can concentrate and remain immobile. Force Cloak is an advanced power, that requires significant concentration to maintain. It can be used sparingly in the heat of battle, as it is entirely dependent on the concentration and level of training a Force User possesses.
Related Feats False Cloak, Ghosting I-III, Synergy I-III, and Take My Shimmer I-II
Common error: Ghosting is required to move while using Force Cloak.
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Force Lightning

Force Lightning
Force Lightning is the ability to manifest the Force into violent energy from the user’s own body in the form of electricity directed at a single target in a burst. Force Lightning can fry sensitive electronics and will cause extreme pain in the recipient. With more advanced training (Feats), this ability can be augmented into a sustained attack or even hit multiple targets.
+1 Initially, Force Lightning takes several seconds and powerful immediate emotional stimulus to harness. At this rank, a single use will leave the user feeling winded, physically, and emotionally taxed.
+2 After some practice, the Force User can call upon past emotional experiences for several seconds to provide fuel for Force Lightning. The aftereffects are still present.
+3 With consistent training, a Force User is able to lessen the aftereffects, and can use Force Lightning multiple times over several minutes.
+4 Force User can put themselves into the required mindset almost instantaneously and can call on Force Lightning repeatedly before being drained.
+5 A Master of the power can produce Force Lightning at will, with but a thought. The Force User can use the ability multiple times in quick succession with little effort.
Duration Downtime
At all ranks, Force Lightning can never be sustained for more than several seconds. Force Lightning is an advanced power that requires significant concentration to maintain. Even at higher levels, repeated use of the power over a short time period can leave the Force User physically drained.
Related Feats Bounce It, Lightning Deflection I-III, Primed I-III, Static Shock I-IV, and Tempest
Common errors: Static Shock is required for sustained blasts and hitting two or more targets (with or without deteriorating power), dependent on the tier accessible.
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Healing is the Force User’s ability to use the Force to cure injuries. This comes at a personal cost of energy and strength. Both dark and light side applications have the same set of ability to heal themselves and others. This ability merely accelerates possible healing a body would normally undergo. For major injuries, this acceleration can mean the difference between life and death, healing the body before it would die from its injuries. For example, this power can heal a serious torso wound by a lightsaber, but cannot allow a limb to be regrown. Physical contact must be maintained for the duration of the healing.
+1 A Force User can with full concentration on the task, heal abrasions, set minor bone fractures, and maintain bodily function. This effort is very draining on their energy. Serious injuries can take up to a day to fully heal.
+2 A Force User can heal abrasions, seal up open wounds, set bone fractures, and maintain bodily function. This can be done while moving, but without performing any strenuous physical activity. This effort is very draining on the user’s energy. Serious injuries can take up to a day to fully heal.
+3 A Force User can heal injuries more quickly. Minor wounds can be healed with less concentration. This effort is only moderately draining on the user’s energy. Serious injuries can be healed in hours instead of days.
+4 A Force User can heal injuries even more quickly, even in the heat of battle. This effort is moderately draining on the user’s energy. Serious injuries can be healed in hours instead of days.
+5 A Master of Healing can utilize this ability with barely any concentration and can be done while participating in combat. This effort is less draining on the user’s energy. Serious injuries can be healed in a matter of moments.
Duration Downtime
Healing can be maintained so long as the Force User remains focused on the task, and has the energy to maintain. The length of time required to heal a given wound varies by the severity. Superficial cuts and bruises can be healed in a matter of seconds, open wounds require minutes, and broken bones can still take hours depending on the Force User’s mastery over the power. Healing is an advanced power, that requires significant concentration to maintain. It can be used sparingly in the heat of battle, as it is entirely dependent on the concentration and level of training a Force User possesses.
Related Feats Accelerated Healing I-II, A Soul for a Soul, Field Triage I-III, Force Drain I-III, and Synergy I-III
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Illusion allows a Force User the ability to use the Force to trick the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) of a sentient being into perceiving something other than reality. Complex sensations — such as pain, odors and flavors — are more demanding on both the user and the believability of the Illusion, and the mind will reject the most severe instances. The more accomplished a Force User is with Illusions, the easier it is to affect the mind of other sentients.
+1 Initially, a Force User must devote their full concentration to conjuring an Illusion against their target.
+2 With further study, the Force User can conjure an Illusion with partial concentration, if not engaged in direct combat or under too much duress.
+3 Through consistent training, the Force User can manifest an Illusion with minimal concentration even while engaged in battle.
+4 The Force User can create Illusions with ease, with only a few moments of concentration required, even in the midst of battle.
+5 A Master of Illusions can cast them at will, even in the midst of battle, as effortlessly as breathing.
Duration Downtime
Illusions is an active ability, and once created takes on a duration of its own that is often related to a target's Perception and Resolve skill, or a specific Feat that combats Illusion. Illusion is an advanced power that requires significant exertion of willpower to cast. It can be used sparingly in the heat of battle, and is less effective when already used once on the same target.
Related Feats Faceless I-III, Force Projection, Loop It, Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain, and Prestidigitation
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Mind Trick

Mind Trick
The Mind Trick is one of the most famous uses of the Force in that it gives the Force User the ability to directly affect the mind of another sentient being. The memories, thoughts, and opinions of a target are left open to the user's machinations and can be manipulated temporarily. This allows for the target to be more easily swayed or nudged in the direction the user desires, even forcing them into unconsciousness if strong enough. It also allows for memories to be probed and even implanted, or opinions to be altered. Unlike Manipulation or Interrogation, this ability is instantaneous and thus can be useful in combat or other real-time scenarios.
+1 Initially, a Force User can influence the mind of a target with their full concentration. A hand gesture is required to help focus the mind.
+2 With further training, the Force User can influence the mind of a target with partial concentration. A hand gesture is required to help focus the mind.
+3 With consistent training, the Force User can more easily influence their target with minimal concentration against those of lesser Resolve.
+4 The Force User can influence the mind of their target with only a few moments of concentration, even in the midst of battle and against those of lesser Resolve.
+5 A Master of the Force User Mind Trick can effortlessly influence the will of those with lesser Resolve as easily as breathing.
Duration Downtime
Absent outside influences, the effect of a Mind Trick typically lingers for at least a few minutes until the subject begins to question why that that idea in the first place. If directly confronted about idea implanted by Mind Trick, though, the subject may ‘snap out of it’ sooner. Mind Trick is an advanced power in that it requires concentration and an exertion of the Force User’s willpower to be effective. If unsuccessful, the subject will become aware of the attempt and prevent the ability from being used on them again.
Related Feats Dominate Mind, Force Interrogation I-III, Inceptioned, Manchurian Candidate, Moving The Masses, Puppet Master, and Your Weapons…You Will Not Need Them
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Precognition is the Force User’s ability to perceive immediate and intentional danger to themself through the Force as it enters their sphere of awareness — which is a fancy way of saying the space around the immediate person. This power often manifests itself in the form of gut intuition to dodge an incoming attack, like a slight nudge or “voice” advising them to duck under a blaster bolt that would have otherwise split their forehead.
+1 The Force User is able to sense imminent danger to their person, but often only a heartbeat or two before it occurs.
+2 As the Force User learns to trust their instincts, they can sense danger within two or three heartbeats before it happens, affording them the opportunity to react.
+3 With further training, the Force User may perceive danger several heartbeats in advance and, if able, can not only avoid harm but start to formulate a plan of action to avoid further harm from follow up attacks.
+4 The instincts of a fully trained Force User are sharp and focused, allowing the user to perceive danger several heartbeats in advance and even as intentions shift in a single moment, giving them time to not only dodge effectively if able, but figure out a countermeasure.
+5 A master of Precognition can not only perceive imminent danger, but with enough time to formulate and, if able, execute a countermeasure preemptively.
Duration Downtime
Precognition provides instantaneous, momentary feelings and impressions of dangers that threaten their sphere of awareness. Precognition is a basic power that works passively in the background of a Force User’s consciousness, and therefore can’t be actively harnessed like Sense can.
Related Feats Leaf On The Wind and Reflexive Counter
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Light or Dark, all Force User can will their entire being toward a single purpose. When letting their Rage fuel their body, a Force User can run faster, hit harder, and jump higher, beyond even what Amplification would allow. When the adrenaline subsides, however, the Force User often feels a heavy tax on their body and needs significant time to recuperate.
+1 Initially, when a Force User enters Rage they will be completely single-minded in pursuit of their goal, ignoring even self-preservation. At this rank, if the Force User is unable to complete their goal, their Rage will only end with the Force User’s death or exhaustion at the end of the power’s duration.
+2 With further study, a Force User entering Rage will retain their self-preservation instinct, able to change their course of action if continuing to do so would likely cause them grave physical harm.
+3 With consistent training, a Force User is capable of basic tactical thinking during Rage. They may give and take commands from allies, and are more aware of their surroundings.
+4 A Force User adept at Rage is capable of maintaining discipline and a mostly clear head during combat. The Force User’s situational awareness is only slightly diminished, and they remain capable of complex tactical maneuvers.
+5 A master of harnessing their Rage can harness the ability with a perfectly clear head. For all outward appearances, the Force User is in complete control of their actions, emotions, and able to dispassionately change course of action if they desire.
Duration Downtime
At all ranks, Rage lasts about a minute, though if the Force User accomplishes their goal, the Rage may dissipate sooner. Rage is an advanced power in that unlike Amplification, it pushes the entire body beyond its limits and has withdrawal-type side effects as consequences to using the power. As such, it cannot be used at any level without several hours of rest in between uses.
Related Feats Rage Against The Machine and Rampage I-III
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One of the most rudimentary powers of the Force User, Sense is the ability to open one's mind to the omniscient awareness of the Force and to use it to detect the presence, alignment, feelings, emotions, intentions, and even the Force strength of other beings. As the Force User grows more connected with the Force, they can decipher the heightened awareness with greater clarity and less effort of will. All Force User have the basic ability to feel the Force, but training is required to make any kind of use out of it.
+1 Initially, the Force User can close their eyes and focus solely on connecting with the Force to detect the proximity, presence, feelings, intentions, and emotions of sentient beings around them. The details can be overwhelming, though, while only the vaguest sense of alignment can be felt.
+2 With further study, the Force User can more easily connect with the Force to detect the proximity, presence, feelings, emotions, intentions, and alignment of sentient beings around them. Even a rough measure of an individual's Force strength can be felt. The details become more clear, and can be used to paint a basic picture of understanding of the details presented.
+3 With consistent training, the Force User can easily connect with the Force to detect the proximity, presence, feelings, emotions, intentions, alignment, and Force strength of sentient beings around them, even while in combat or under light duress. The details are fairly clear, but may be clouded if under duress.
+4 With only a moment’s concentration, the Force User can connect with the Force to detect the proximity, presence, feelings, emotions, intentions, alignment, and Force strength of sentient beings around them, even while in combat or under duress. The details are clear enough to paint a picture of what is happening, unless the Force User is under heavy duress.
+5 A fully trained Force User, with the Force as their ally, can connect to the Force at will and with no concentration required, sensing the proximity, presence, feelings, emotions, intentions, alignment, and Force strength of sentient beings around them. The details are sharp and clear.
Duration Downtime
Sense requires the user to concentrate to activate, and lasts as long as the user’s concentration allows. Sense is a basic power, meaning it can be used multiple times in the heat of battle. However, it can be draining on the Force User as it shifts their attention from the material world to the ethereal view of the Force.
Related Feats Battlefield Awareness I-III, Dowsing I-III, Elementary, Eyes Wide Shut, I Know That Feel, Bro, Psychometry I-II, and The Force is With Me
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Slow allows a Force User to hinder the movement of a target through the Force. With more advanced training (feats) a Force User can also stun a target in place, or bring them to a complete halt. This ability affects both organic and non-organic targets.
+1 Initially, a Force User can slow or hinder the movement of a target with their full attention set to the task.
+2 With further study, the Force User can slow or hinder a target with less than full attention, as long as they are concentrating on the task.
+3 With consistent training, the Force User can slow or hinder the movement of a target with half their attention and minimal concentration.
+4 The Force User can slow or hinder the movement of a target with minimal attention and only slight concentration.
+5 A master of Slow can effortlessly slow or hinder the movements of a target at will.
Duration Downtime
This effect lasts as long as the caster's concentration is maintained. Slow is an advanced power, that requires significant concentration to maintain. It can be used sparingly in the heat of battle.
Related Feats Primed I-III, Singularity, and Stun I-II
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Suppression allows the user to hinder a target’s body's ability to draw upon the Force. This power makes it harder for a Force User to focus on their connection to the Force, and at high levels, even weakens the target’s impact of the powers the target is trying to use. Target's resolve can resist this ability making it harder for them to be suppressed.
+1 With an intense and full concentration a Force User can hinder an individual target’s ability to draw on the Force, requiring their target to use a minor increase of concentration beyond their norm.
+2 With full focus a Force User can better hinder an individual target’s ability to draw on the Force, requiring their target to use a moderate concentration beyond typical usage.
+3 With moderate concentration, a Force User can hinder an individual target’s ability to draw on the Force, requiring them to use significantly more concentration on even their most basic powers.
+4 With moderate concentration, a Force User can not only force an individual target to use their full concentration on their Force abilities but decrease the effectiveness of those powers.
+5 With minor concentration, a Force User can force an individual target to require full concentration to use any of their abilities and lower those powers’ strength and effectiveness.
Duration Downtime
This effect lasts as long as the caster's concentration is maintained. Suppression is an advanced power, that requires significant concentration to maintain. It can be used sparingly in the heat of battle.
Related Feats Dampen I-II and Force Pulse I-III
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Telekinesis is the ability to lift, move and otherwise manipulate objects using the power of the Force — the energy that connects all things together — by directing it to enact their will. The result is a tangible manipulation of the Force as an energy that can be applied towards utilitarian uses as well as combative ones. This encompasses pushing, pulling, gripping, lifting, or even throwing physical objects, though the laws of physics still apply. Because of this, it is far easier to move something within a vacuum than an object in motion, where the user is working against gravity. Special training (Feats) allows for more advanced combat techniques.
+1 At an early stage, the Force User must put their full concentration for several seconds on a single object to will it to move. While it is difficult to lift something heavier than their physical limitations would allow, it is still possible with enough uninterrupted application of focus and effort. A hand gesture is required to help focus the mind.
+2 With an effort of will, the Force User can concentrate for a second to freely manipulate multiple objects while not under duress and can exceed their physical limitations. A hand gesture is required to help focus the mind. The more objects being affected makes it more difficult to have careful movement.
+3 Allied with the Force, the Force User can wield Telekinesis in the heat of battle. Most objects can be moved instantaneously, so long as no opposing force is applied, and sizable objects take a few seconds of concentration.
+4 The Force User can now control the world around them with a fine-grain, even intricate objects such as mechanical locks, with the Force. It is well beyond merely a power to lift rocks. Multiple objects can be moved around at will with a reasonable degree of accuracy.
+5 A master of Telekinesis can now easily and instantly influence any number of physical objects of any shape or size with the appropriate concentration.
Duration Downtime
Telekinesis is a power that requires absolute mental control. As long as the Force User can maintain his or her focus, the power can be wielded. However, as one gains mastery over Telekinesis, it becomes more difficult to break the Force User's concentration. While arguably the most common power of the Force User, Telekinesis is an advanced power that requires concentration to maintain; and while short uses of the power come easily to most Force User, the more effort spent on the power, the longer it will take to recover.
Related Feats Force Crush I-II, Hammer Time, Hexing I-III, Matter Bender I-II, Plasma Manipulation I-II, Primed I-III, Telekinetic Combat I-II, Telekinetic Strike I-III, and Use The Force, Luke I-II
Common errors: Anyone can hurl a lightsaber, but to use it as a remote weapon beyond that requires Telekinetic Combat. Anyone can use Telekinesis to push, pull, or strike an opponent, but Hammer Time or Telekinetic Strike are required to emulate a punch.
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Telepathy is the ability to instantly receive or read the thoughts and intentions of others. This power is more suited to utilitarian applications but can still be applied to combative scenarios. With training, it becomes easier to send more complex messages while tapping into the passive thoughts and intentions of others. A skilled practitioner can tap multiple minds at once, and even project mental images as part of that communication. While it is possible to communicate over great distances with those the user has forged a strong bond with, generally the practitioner must be near the individual.
+1 At an early stage, the Force User must apply their full concentration for several seconds to affect a single mind. It is a struggle to convey anything beyond a simple concept, such as a call for help, and the Force User cannot touch on the passive thoughts or intentions of others.
+2 With further study, the Force User can more easily convey full messages to a single mind but still requires several seconds of concentration to do so. They can convey simple concepts easily when not under duress and even pick up vague intentions and a general idea of another's passive thoughts.
+3 With consistent training, the Force User can communicate easily with a single mind, but still requires several seconds of concentration to tap into multiple individuals. At this level, the user can glimpse passive thoughts of a single target while actively concentrating and can pick up on their intentions.
+4 A Force User adept at Telepathy can communicate with multiple individuals easily. When not under duress, they can glimpse the passive thoughts and intentions of multiple minds while actively concentrating. They can even apply mental messages and images in more invasive ways, such as to create confusion or harm in disrupting thought patterns. These instances are subject to resistance from the target, and still require concentration.
+5 Mastery over Telepathy affords the Force User the ability to communicate with others effortlessly. It is almost quicker to communicate mentally as opposed to using actual words. They can glimpse the passive thoughts and intentions of multiple minds while actively concentrating. Confusing thoughts and distracting focus can be done with partial concentration, but is still subject to resistance.
Duration Downtime
This effect lasts as long as the caster's concentration is maintained. Telepathy is a basic power, which can be performed indefinitely if the Force User affords the right amount of concentration to sustain its effects for the duration of its usage.
Related Feats Force-Link, Mechu-deru I-III, Memory Meld, and Static Feedback
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This Force Power utilizes some of the most twisted methods of drawing upon the Force. Users can utilize Terror to haunt enemies with their own latent fears, making individuals question their motives and morals to crush their morale.
+1 At an early stage, the Force User must devote their full concentration to turn the fears of another being against them. At this rank, it can take up to a minute for the power to cause the target’s fears to fully rise to the surface.
+2 With an effort of will, the Force User can invoke panic and fear in another being when not in combat or under duress. At this rank, it can take up to a minute for the power to cause the target’s fear to fully rise to the surface.
+3 With consistent training, the Force User can manipulate a target’s fears with mild concentration, but will become distracted if engaged in combat or under heavy duress. At this rank, it takes several seconds for a target’s fear to fully rise to the surface.
+4 The Force User can now finely manipulate fear in their target, even during combat, and can even use the power on multiple targets at once. At this rank, it will take several seconds for a target’s fears to rise to the surface, and the time roughly doubles for each simultaneous target.
+5 A master of Terror is able to finely manipulate fear, with only the slightest concentration required. They can instantly instill fear in a single target, or cause panic and dread in any creature within their general vicinity after only a few seconds.
Duration Downtime
The fear caused by Terror will last as long as the user maintains concentration, and typically lingers a few minutes. Individuals with high Resolve may shake off the effects more quickly, while the effects linger on in weak-willed individuals for considerably longer. Terror is an advanced power, that requires significant concentration to maintain. It can be used sparingly in the heat of battle, as it is entirely dependent on the concentration and level of training a Force User possesses.
Related Feats Aura Of Fear, Debilitating Fear, and I’m Rubber, You’re Glue
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