Solomon Ashe

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Solomon Ashe
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

21 BBY (age 64)

Physical Description







210 lbs





Personal Information

Independent House Revan

Chronology & Political Information

Disgraced Admiral


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


New Republic
Galactic Federation

Personal Ship:


[ Source ]

A man hell bent on destroying House Revan for the loss of his son and his career; Solomon Ashe has the assets and the network to make House Revan very uncomfortable.

Character History

High Ambitions

Solomon Ashe was the rising star and stalwart of the Galactic Federation's Naval Intelligence. An admiral by forty, he was considered by some to become the Chief of Naval Operations and perhaps the Chancellor one day.

Investigating Sun-Manadyne Advanced Logistics Services

However, he was informed of questionable acts committed by the Sun-Manadyne Advanced Logistics Services and sent his son to investigate intelligence that Dark Jedi were running the company. Kyle Ashe was killed by the Black Sun while assisting SMALS security forces in repelling them. The Black Sun covered their tracks by executing the survivors and staging the scene to look like the security force had killed Solomon's son.

Prisoner Guarding

Solomon was devastated by the loss of his son and swore he would find out who killed him. The following year would change his life. As the commander of a fleet, he was ordered to protect a political prisoner captured in a skirmish that a member planet of the Galactic Federation was involved in. This prisoner was very important, the son of a Black Sun Vigo and possibly the key to destroying a part of the Black Sun syndicate. Admiral Ashe was to hold the prisoner until he could be transported to Coruscant for trial.

House Revan had not forgotten about the destruction and the death of various security guards. After a long investigation and a trail of bloodied bodies, the Revanites had found which Vigo ordered the hit. Further intelligence uncovered that his son had been captured. As retaliation, a team of Revanites successfully entered the ship and killed the Vigo’s son, exfiltrating the ship without being detected.

Drummed Out

As a result of his failure to protect a high valued asset, Solomon Ashe was stripped of his rank. He had lost everything that was dear to him in under a year. Angry at this, he set his sights on those who had destroyed his life. Coming from an intelligence background Solomon had access to assets that a normal person would not. He had been able to build a large network in his 30 years of intelligence work which would serve him well in his quest for vengeance.


After a year of searching, he had come across those responsible for destroying him. Starting from the dealings of SMALS, he was able to link the corporation to Troutrooper and House Revan. Further intelligence from his contacts revealed that the commandos who stormed his ship and killed the prisoner wore the markings of House Revan.

Now that his enemy was identified, Solomon dutifully went about finding and destroying House Revan. One week later, his contacts informed him that members of House Revan had been spotted on Salas V in the Unknown Regions. Travelling there with a group of ex-naval commandos, whom he had worked with during his days in intelligence, they found and killed two young journeymen.


The Heracles was a heavily modified Arquitens-class light cruiser that Solomon Ashe had "liberated" from a Galactic Alliance shipyard that was awaiting decommissioning. The Arquitens-class was a veteran of the Clone War, this particular one a survivor of several battles. The crew required to run it was noticeably lower than most warships, needing only 2 pilots and a few engineers. It was perfect in Solomon Ashe's mind. Further modifications have been made. Upgrades have been made to the communications suite, power core and engines. Thicker armor and more weapons have been installed.