Sen'tai Denari

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Sen'tai Denari
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

8 ABY (age 41)

Physical Description










Personal Information




Known Children:



Kit Kelsa- Deceased


Kelly Mendes


Slaver known only as "Kain"- Deceased


Plasma etched vibroblade, Lightsaber, Electrowhip

Chronology & Political Information

Mercenary and Slaver, former ship designer.





[ Source ]

Twi'lek female, Mercenary and slaver.

Character History

Early Life

Taken from her home on Ryloth as a young teenager, little is known of Sen'tai's early life. Like many young female twi'leks, she was sold into the slave trade. Passed from 1 owner to another, until she was traded to a Nautolan by the name of Kit Kelsa. Kelsa was a ship designer by trade, who found a name for himself in the criminal underworld in the outer rim territories. Over the next few years Sen'tai and Kit grew close and eventually they were married. They lived peacefully on the Planet Felucia, just a short distance from a small native village. While on Felucia, Sen'tai discovered an affinity with the force. Over the next few years, she studied the ways of the local natives, Felucians being sensitive to the force as well. Lacking "formal" training, and guided by self driven meditation and learning, she was never warned of the Dark Side of the Force.

This is something she would come to learn about all too well, however. As she returned home one day to find her beloved Kit tied to a chair, his throat cut open and lifeblood cooling on the ground below. She was immediately filled with such pain and rage that something within her snapped, and what kind caring there was, was forever lost. She set the hut ablaze, cremating her beloved's remains in the makeshift funeral pyre. Now cold and calculating, she set out to find the one, or ones responsible, and may the gods have mercy upon the poor bastards she found, for she certainly would not.

She took the last ship she created with Kit the "Freelancer" and started out into the galaxy at large. And LARGE is exactly what the Galaxy proved to be. Over the next 4 years, her hunt for justice continued, bringing her to such places as the planet Jakku, Tatooine, and even Nar Shaddaa. Where she learned that the killer in question was a slaver named Kain.

The trail went cold when she ran into one of her target's slaves trying to hustle a living on a backwater moon. She learned that the slave in question, one Ivy Grimblade, had killed the one named Kain in her escape to freedom. With this latest news, Sen'tai began to contemplate the direction her life should take. If she was honest with herself, she couldn't go back to Felucia, it would never be the same without her Kit, and she had learned much during her years hunting Kain across the underworld of the galaxy. She set her bearings in a random direction, and let the fates decide what lay in store for her. Whatever it was, it couldn't be worse than losing all she ever loved.

For the next 3 years she wandered about aimlessly. All the while slowly going mad from grief, and silently falling further into the dark side of the force. She was all but lost when she stumbled upon an inquisitor named Kelly Mendes, who, for some reason or another, saw potential in the all but broken woman. Kelly directed the Twi'lek towards the Sith training academy, seemingly convinced that Sen'tai would make a fine addition to the ranks of the growing Sith order. Upon completion of the academy, Sen'tai was taken into House Ajunta Pall, of clan Plagueis, where she spent her time as a mercenary, and Sith slaver.

She has become cold, and calculating, cunning, and ruthless. She will do whatever it takes to come out on top.

Physical Description

Blue-ish aqua colored Twi'lek female. Has "tribal" looking tattoos covering most of her body.