If you do any gaming in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, you’ll need to know how to take screenshots on your own device so you’ll be able to submit your scores through the website. This guide will walk you through how to take screenshots on common devices through means that are generally built in to the device.
Be aware that you may be required to submit specific screenshots for different games, so be sure to read the competition rules carefully and/or review game-specific screenshot requirements on the Supported Games wiki.
Desktop/Laptop Screenshots
Windows 10
Print Screen
If you’re using Windows 10, you should be able to press the Windows key simultaneously with the Print Screen (PrtScrn or PrtSc) key in the upper right on your keyboard to automatically save the image to your Pictures > Screenshots folder. Some systems may also be set up to save images to your OneDrive.
Use Alt + Print Screen if you only want to capture your active window. This is the ideal choice for multi-monitor setups.
Snip & Sketch
Snip & Sketch provides another keyboard shortcut for taking Screenshots. Just hit Windows Key + Shift + S to launch a toolbar that gives you tools to choose more precisely what you’d like to capture.
Your captured image will be saved to your clipboard and a copy of it will appear as a thumbnail in the lower right of your screen. If you click on the thumbnail, you’ll have the option to save it as a .png, .jpg or .gif file.
Windows Game Bar
Windows Game Bar is designed primarily to record gaming sessions, but you can also use it to capture screenshots. The Windows Key + S shortcut will open the game bar; tap the camera button in the Broadcast & Capture section to save a screenshot to the Videos/Captures folder under your main user folder.
Older Windows Systems
If you’re not using Windows 10, almost any Windows PC will allow you to capture an image of your screen using the Print Screen key to copy the image to your clipboard (use Alt + Print Screen if you only want it to capture your active window instead of the whole screen).
It won’t seem like anything happened at first, but you’ll be able to paste that image into any image editing program or even into a Word document. Just type Ctrl + V to paste.
Make sure you save your image in an image format. If you paste it into Word, do NOT submit the Word document with the image. Instead, right click on the image and choose Save As Picture to save the screenshot as a .png or .jpg.
Current Systems
If you’re using a recent version of the macOS, you’ll be able to access a built-in Screenshot app using Shift + Command + 5. An editable selection will appear with a toolbar that will allow you to capture or record any section of your screen. Click Capture to take the screenshot.
Note that you can decide where you want your screenshots to be saved by clicking the Options button on the toolbar.
Older than Mojave
If you’re using a system prior to Mojave, you can use Shift + Command + 3 to take a screenshot of the entire screen, or Shift + Command + 4 to select a specific area of the screen to capture. Your screenshot should be automatically saved to your desktop with a time stamped file name.
These shortcuts work with newer systems, as well, so use whatever is easiest for you!
Mobile Screenshots
If you do any mobile gaming from your phone or tablet, you’ll need to know how to take a screenshot from your mobile device to submit your scores.
iPhone or iPad
If your iPhone or iPad still has a Home button, hold the Sleep/Wake button and press the Home button to take a screenshot. If your device doesn’t have a Home button, hold the side button on the right side of the screen (top button for iPad Pro) and the volume up button at the same time.
Typically, you’ll know you’ve succeeded if you see your screen flash and hear the sound of a camera shutter (if your sound is on).
Your screenshot will be saved in your Camera Roll and Screenshots album when you’re ready to access them to submit your scores.
Android devices are not as uniform as Apple devices, but one or more the following solutions may work for your device. Again, look for the flash of the screen to confirm you’ve succeeded.
- Hold the power and volume down buttons.
- Hold the power and home buttons (if your device has a physical home button).
- Hold down the power button, then select Screenshot from the menu that appears
- If you have Bixby or Google Assistant enabled, you can use the voice command, “Take a screenshot.”
- When playing a game, swipe up from the bottom of the screen (in portrait mode – swipe left in landscape) and tap the Game Booster icon (usually in the far left). Several options will appear; tap Screenshot at the bottom right.