Nova Squadron
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Nova Squadron | |
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Nova Squadron was founded in 5 ABY by Taren Fenris and Lien Karlor as a small mercenary strike team. Over time it has grown and mutated to a large collection of semi-independent cells with varying MOs numbering over 9000 mercenaries. It is currently led by Taren's Daughter, Enlora Fenris, with Karlor (despite being in his late 60s) still leading the original cell of Nova Squadron.
Founded 5 ABY by Taren Fenris and former Imperial Sergeant Lien Karlor with Taren funding the operation, taking care of legal issues, etc., while Karlor led the original cell. It was small, only twenty five men counting Karlor. The two focused primarily on politically unstable areas (which largely continues to the present due to the nature of their business as well as various contacts and reputations Nova Squadron has built up). Taren, being almost entirely responsible for the book keeping noticed how well a bureaucrat not interfering with the mercenaries business worked and raised the funds to found another cell which was given similar freedom. This practice continued for several years, with Taren occasionally adding another mostly independent cell.
Passing the torch
In 14 ABY, Nova had expanded to 9 cells and a somewhat decent bureaucracy. The cells varied heavily; while Karlor's Cell continued to be small and focusing on conflict between petty warlords, others focused on high class assassinations and one, Zarcon Cell, became essentially a small army to make a former Jusadahian Noble proud, fully capable of fighting a war as a self-contained fighting force. Provided one wasn't worried about 20 to 1 odds. In the later part of 14 ABY, Taren became noticeably ill. The disease itself was not recognized, but he was given an estimate of one year. Two if he took it easy. Taren largely retired, placing a board of directors in his stead, though he required that all actions be passed through him before passing. He died in 17 ABY. His will left contact instructions for his family and passed Nova squadron over to his Father or, should his father not be found.
Profitable Chaos
Janti Fenris had absolutely no interest in running Nova Squadron beyond collecting money every week and living like a playboy. Which is exactly what he did upon inheriting it. Meanwhile, the Board of Directors began to drastically increase man power by permitting people to partially fund their cell it in return for using Nova Squadrons name, contacts, and assignment list. During this time, Nova Squadron maxed out at almost 50,000 mercenaries.
The return of the daughter
In 23 ABY, Enlora approached Janti with proof that she was Taren's daughter. Janti was worried that she wanted Nova Squadron, but she said that she was simply looking for a job and wanted to found a cell. Being grateful for this turn of events, Janti contacted the board and told them to provide her with funding levels normally only given to long serving Cell leaders such as Karlor (who maintained his cell despite his advanced age). While there was some objection, a simple threat to fire them and have them replaced silenced all objections; this was the only thing that Janti had ever brought up, so they didn't mind too much. Enlora focused on a high profile assassination cell.
A new leader
In 31 ABY, Janti was found having over dosed on Death Sticks. A newly revised will transferred all control to Enlora. Shortly after, Enloras cell and the Angel Cell were both disbanded with their members being paid an unusually large pension. No proof has been provided yet. Over the course of several years, Enlora has been cutting the size of Nova Squadron from 50,000 to its current number of 9340 men and 284 bureaucrats. All the remaining cells (28, in total) have been cut to very successful and profitable ones. However, that's not to say that they do not get casualties; only the small cells tend to go several missions without casualties, and one cell, Cadia Cell, prides itself on the fact that they have never had a mission in which there was less than 100 casualties on their side.
Organizational Structure
Nova Squadron is led by the Board of Directors, which is led by Enlora Fenris, and from there is divided into two major groups; a bureaucracy which deals with the legal, funding, job hunting, pay, and budget functions, and the Mercenary Cells, each of which reports directly to the Board. Each cell is fit to be led as the commander sees fit. On a rare occasion, orders may come to change something from the board, which are to be followed, but its usually more convenient for the troublesome cell to be dissolved and another made in its place.
Notable Cells
Cell 0
The original cell, still led by Karlor (who is now in his late 60s). Currently consists of a 31 man team with several non combat officers (technicians, a ship pilot, etc.). Due to the age of the cell, it is the most experienced and the most versatile (and, consequently, the most expensive), capable of performing various tasks from sabotage, industrial espionage, high profile assassinations, and even destroying military bases and space stations.
Zarcon Cell
Another old cell, Zarcon is still the military powerhouse of Nova Squadron and will often hire itself off as a full regiment to a military. It is currently fond of hiring freelancers and using them as cannon fodder, then hiring the survivors to replace their own losses
Cadia Cell
Unique among the cells in that it existed as an independent mercenary unit before being approached by the Board to join in exchange for money management. Every member is a follower of a small but fanatic religious sect which holds dying in battle as the only proper place of rest. Cadian initiates only obtain a single blaster and very simple (and largely useless) armor, where as some veterans having personal energy shields which are effective against most blasters. Cadia Cell prefers to take suicide missions in which most recruits fall in battle. However, the skill and capability of the Veterans mean that the organization remains effective (the psychological aspect of enemies which are simply eager to charge headlong into blaster fire likely has something to do with this).