Khar Delba
Khar Delba | |
Astrographical | |
Region: | |
Sector: | |
System: | |
Moons: |
Khar Shian |
Rotation period: |
26 hours |
Orbital period: |
318 days |
Physical | |
Climates: |
Cold |
Gravity: |
1.0G |
Primary Terrain: |
Mountainous, Ice, Craters |
Points of interest: |
Societal | |
Native species: | |
Immigrated species: |
None |
Population: |
Unknown |
Affiliation: | |
[ Source ] |
The planet of Khar Delba is located in the Sith Worlds Region of the Outer Rim Territories. Shrouded in the Stygian Caldera and positioned along the Nache Bhelfia hyperlane, Khar Delba formed the heart of the ancient Sith Empire with Ziost, Krayiss II, Rhelg, and Korriban. Considered a sacred planet, Khar Delba served as a focal point of Dark Side power for the Old Sith Empire, Revan’s Sith Empire, and the Brotherhood of Darkness.
Designed as a fortress world, Khar Delba was ruled with an iron fist by the Sith King Adas during the pre-Republic Sith Empire. In 6,900 BBY the planet fell under the command of the Hundred Year Darkness exiled Dark Jedi who continued to taint the planet with the Dark Side of the Force. By the year 5,000 BBY, the planet became the base of operations for the Sith Lord Naga Sadow. Under the supervision of the Kissai, Massassi warriors toiled in servitude to build a citadel of magnificent proportions.
During the Great Hyperspace war, Naga Sadow’s citadel was destroyed by an orbital bombardment from Ludo Kressh’s forces. The citadel had served as a decoy for Sadow’s fleet which had been hidden on the moon of Khar Shian. Sadow’s hidden fleet routed Kressh’s forces and paved the way for Naga Sadow to become the reigning Sith Lord. Shortly after the space battle, Naga Sadow’s forces rebuilt his citadel surpassing the original structure’s design.
Over the course of six thousand years the planet of Khar Delba passed from the hands of one Sith Empire to the next before falling into obscurity until the Warlord Zsinj declared the planet a portion of his empire in 7 ABY. Imperial Intelligence records indicated the planet was used as a staging ground, but was not extensively studied by imperial archeologists.
In 35 ABY, elements of the One Sith attempted to occupy the planet of Khar Delba. Intelligence reporting indicates that their efforts were rebuffed and more than one expedition failed to establish a foothold on the planet. Recent reports from the Nache Bhelfia have shown hyperspace activity within close proximity to the planet.
Khar Delba is an icy world littered with craters and mountainous regions. Devoid of natural life, the planet was unremarkable until the pre-Republic Sith Empire utilized it as a fortress world for treasures and artifacts. The planet’s surface is now littered with the ruins of Naga Sadow’s citadel and the bases of countless subsequent conquerors.
Satellite Description
Khar Shian
Khar Shian is the sole satellite of Khar Delba. Khar Shian is tidally locked with Khar Delba resulting in a permanent absence of light on the far side of the moon. It was on this dark side of the moon that Naga Sadow built a hidden citadel and a large staging area to stage his hidden fleet. Khar Shian is devoid of life, completely exposed to vacuum, and stripped of its Sith treasures by Republic Scouts following the Great Hyperspace war
Points of Interest
Naga Sadow’s Citadel
Located near the planet’s northern pole, Naga Sadow’s citadel lays in ruins following the pillaging of five thousand years. Destroyed by looters and time, the great fortress has collapsed upon itself and is largely unrecognizable. Multiple underground passageways remain undisturbed and house the potential of artifacts and treasure, but are protected by roving Sith war behemoths who are permanently bonded to the citadel’s grounds.
Neo-Crusader Armory
Established in 3,996 BBY, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusader armory was built as a staging facility for Mandalore the Ultimate’s forces. Utilized to conduct raids throughout the Sith World regions, the Khar Delba Armory provided weapons, armor, and munitions for Mandalorian forces. Probe droid scans indicate the potential that this facility has remained largely intact south of the planetary equator.
Additional cross referencing has uncovered information indicating the Mandalorian Scientist Demagol served at this facility. Demagol’s research into the Force is considered a Dark Council priority and would bring great honor to any Clan or House responsible for its recovery.
The One Sith
Unknown Sith Lord
Dark Brotherhood intelligence indicates multiple One Sith expeditions have failed to establish permanent operations on Khar Delba; however, it is believed that at least one Sith Lord level combatant has remained on the planet and is conducting experiments with the Sith war behemoths living on the planet. It is assessed that this Sith Lord has mastered the ability to control large herds of the beasts and is capable of commanding them in combat.
Limited information is available on this unknown Sith Lord, but it is assessed that he is male, near human, and possesses and extraordinary capability to utilize the power of beast control.
Sith War Behemoth
Sith War Behemoths are derived from a variety of species and were originally utilized to augment Massassi ground forces. These massive beasts were capable of carrying troops into combat, breaking the lines of ground forces, and inspiring fear amongst the Sith’s enemies. The Sith War Behmoth’s varied in size, but most stood from 12 to 15 meters in height with an average weight of 10,000 KG. The beasts possessed hardened leathery skin, shaggy fur, and a hard shell that protected their back and heads. Additionally, the beasts featured long curved tusks that were used to impale combatants.
War Behemoths often travelled in small herds of two to four, but those on Khar Delba have been known to travel in mega-herds. These mega-herds can range upwards of 20 behemoths and are capable of engaging large elements of ground forces. These herds are known to be extremely territorial and it is assessed that Naga Sadow’s citadel and the Neo-Crusader armory are overly saturated with the beasts.
Over the past 5,000 years the Dark Side taint of Khar Delba and the genetic side effects of Sith alchemy have resulted in the War Behemoth’s ability to hunt those who are force sensitive. Additionally, it is believed that the Khar Delba variant of these creatures possess a mild resistance to lightsabers.
Sith Aspirants and Acolytes
The One Sith expeditions to Khar Delba have failed multiple times, but there is a potential that they are operating in secret within the planet’s atmosphere. Potential aspirants include scientists and force sensitive to sycophants of the Sith cause. Trained in combat, the One Sith support personnel’s competency is on par with elite military Special Forces across the galaxy.