Jordan Kendrix

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Jordan Leigh Kendrix
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

12 ABY (age 37)

Physical Description












Personal Information

House Odan-Urr

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]


Jordan Kendrix is a character that I want to spend more time developing. She is interesting because fictionally she is considered by others to be a fallen Jedi through her actions and not her feelings. She enjoys killing as an end in itself as oppose to using killing as an means to an end. Also, not hardwired as others, she doesn't kill out of anger or hatred, but as the natural conclusion to the ritual of combat.

To have a free reign of how Jordan Kendrix operates, I have made her immensely strong and skillful. In that sense, she is the antithesis of Aerin Taggart, who gets by on sheer luck. Knowing that "God" characters are really not appreciated, Jordan is an alternate character I use for individual competitions. To explain why a Jedi could operate, but not be present, this is what I have come up with.

Neither the Jedi or the Dark Brotherhood really like her on a philosophical level. She's a vigilante acting on her interpretations of what is good and right. She isn't above inflicting devastating, village leveling destruction to accomplish her end. She enjoys killing people who stand between her and her goal and she happens to be really good at it. But, the Dark Brotherhood doesn't like her because she still is a Jedi. She still has a party-pooping attitude of killing minions that violate her idea of good and right.

If all other options have been extinguished, the Jedi will consider asking for her assistance (for individual competitions). Using Jordan would weaken the Jedi image only if it is discovered because of the illegality and scandalousness of her potential actions. In addition, not to say that the Dark Brotherhood has sought her assassination, but they have been unsuccessful because she has a knack for avoiding real dangers.

She doesn't show up for events (run-ons, vendettas, etc.) because she is a lone wolf. She prefers to work in total isolation. Finally, like the gunslingers of the old west who managed to die peacefully of old age, she avoids and will go out of her way to avoid conflicts with other Jedi.