Dek Rott
![]() |
Dek Rott | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Space |
Date of Birth: |
13 ABY |
Physical Description | |
Species: | |
Gender: |
Male |
Hair: |
None |
Eyes: |
Red |
Personal Information | |
Lightsaber Color(s): |
Single yellow |
Lightsaber Form(s): | |
Weapon(s): |
Lightsaber and Blaster |
Fighting Style(s): |
Dulon |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Mechanic |
Position: |
Appeals Panelist |
Era(s): | |
Personal Ship: |
Fighter |
Known apprentices: |
Egony, Bigstoo, Dyanmo |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Dek Rott is a Duros pilot, mechanic, and electrician born to space.
Dek grew up as a child of a space faring family. They worked on trade ships and occasionally did private work of their own. His mother was a pilot and his father an engineer. Through their work they taught him to best of both their worlds, and Dek grew up with a love for space as well as ships and computer systems. Eventually, a young Force sensitive would be a passenger on the same ship Dek was on. This young Force user would teach Dek some of the intricacies of his power, but not enough to fully grasp it as a separate tool. When the Force user left, Dek would continue to develop his abilities and use the Force to enhance them.
Eventually, his father would die in an engineering accident, with his mother not able to cope with being on a ship anymore. She retired and temporarily chose to live lavishly on Tatooine. After a few years, Dek left to do his own work by himself, and saying goodbye to his mother possibly forever. Dek would take jobs as a mercenary or a pilot escort for dangerous material. Eventually, hearing about an organization known as the Dark Jedi Brotherhood through trade secrets, Dek attempted to find out what this organization was. His search landed him eventually through Brotherhood contacts and then to the Cocytus System, where he currently resides as a pilot, electrician, and mechanic for Clan Scholae Palatinae.
Cocytus System
On his entry into the Cocytus system, Dek would first work as a pilot/merc for the Cocytus Empire. This work would slowly build up his repertoire amongst a few of the officers, some of whom felt his abilities were a bit beyond normal. Upon further testing, he was given more difficult work and more difficult missions (along with the money that goes with it). During a conflict with a group known as The Survivors, Dek was given a piloting and combat field mission where Imperial Scholae Intelligence was secretly testing him. Upon discovery of the test, Dek was given a position in the Empire itself through value.
During his further military training, he was given a task to infiltrate a Clan known as Taldryan. Opting to do it through hacking, he was eventually caught and brought back to Taldryan space by Andrelious Mimosa-Inahj. Instead of placing him in prison, he was given the opportunity to perform a mission alongside Andrelious in the form of helping to wipe out the undesirables within Dark Jedi Brotherhood space. TBC
Upon completion he was sent back to the Cocytus system to undergo further training and preparation for the final conflict between the Pacre Datship and Scholae Palatinae. It was before the conflict that Dek was made a Cipher Agent for Impeial Scholae Intelligence. He would hold one of ten prestigious positions only known to the Emperor, Grand Marshal, and Director of Imperial Intelligence. It was during this work that he was tasked with getting to the bottom of a mysterious temple on Judecca. In the temple, Dek had found an ancient Rakata named Akazel as well as the form of an ancient robot with a shortened G14 designation.
It was with these acts that elevated Dek to a higher standard of work in the Intelligence community, solidifying his place, but not his loyalty.
Physical Description
Dek Rott has red eyes (a natural color of the species), and off-blue skin. He is in the lower-average height range for his species, and wears whatever is on his Brotherhood dossier.
Overall Dek has positive and negative sides to him. In a positive light Dek will want to hear from you and listen to what you have to say. He will respect you if you respect him, although on occasion he has difficulty showing it. He can be light hearted with a few drinks, but will never get drunk if he can help it. He doesn't trust most people around him for he himself to be drunk. When he works he prefers to work alone. He values his own work and believes he can do it himself better than most can do with him or alone by themselves, even if they are stronger or more intelligent than he is. He isn't quick to respond either. He won't give useless banter to people unless he toys with them. But even then he won't toy with people unless he believes he is under someone's grasp or in trouble of some sort. He might resort to humor in more troubling situations, but won't outwardly laugh.
In a negative light, Dek will simply not interact with you. Approaching him with negative intentions will lead him to make fun of you and humiliate you. He won't tremble at the site of people, and might be shocked by grand feats of the Force or power, but won't let people know that through his actions. He prefers to choose his company from what already exists, sometimes choosing to be alone until something else comes along to entertain him.
He isn't a shoulder to cry on either. If you come to him with problems, he will try to fix them. That's his job usually and as such he treats people similarly. As for love, he isn't opposed to it. He won't play games with people. If one person were to be more serious towards him, then he would be willing to be equally as serious.
On Different Paths
Dek has different personalities around different people. He prefers not to directly have fun or associate with Sith and Light Jedi. He finds their extremes to be their downfall; the Sith focused too much on how evil their actions are and the Light Jedi focused too much on how good and pure they are of emotion and practicality. If someone builds themselves up as one who works from the Force, then Dek finds them lackluster. He believes that a person is who they are once you strip away the Force itself. Hence why Dek defines himself by his actions and his skills. The Force merely exists to serve those skills and make them slightly better.
When around those of the Dark or Light paths, he tends to treat them similarly as he would Sith and Light Jedi. They have more value, but Dek still cares very little for them. He will work with them, but not attempt to associate with them.
To Dek, loyalty is something that is earned from one who believes they deserve it. Therefore, Loyalists, or people who devote themselves entirely one or two causes, are not seen as valued members of society to Dek Rott. To Dek they serve a purpose and fulfill those purposes for other people. He finds them annoying and their devotion equally annoying. Dek himself might have a facet of loyalty is certain aspects, but he does not live through it.
Dek will mostly associate those who follow the Grey or Merc paths. He sees Grey Jedi as people who wish to balance themselves or choose not to balance anything. They care less for what side they are on and more for what they are useful for. Mercs many times work through money, and money is a road to many different ideas and interests. A Sith may spend billions of credits to eventually dominate a world. A Merc will use thousands of credits to buy a nice house, relax on the beach, having an interesting art collection, a cool suit of armor, and a ton of interesting stories to tell. Or they could live in a small cabin in some random starship working as a hired gun for a crime lord. To Dek those who have a little bit of selfishness in them are more interesting people.
On Morality
Dek lives by his own code. He doesn't know what exactly encompasses it. There is a definite evil in the world, but what makes something good is entirely different and subjective for Dek Rott. Dek also doesn't know if it's his purpose to stop said evil. He performs actions based upon other actions, allowing him to mold morality to immediate desires. These desires might change on the go, as he attempts to think short term. When alone he will think long term, but he rarely has time for that.
On Scholae Palatinae
Dek Rott enjoys the work he is given from the Emperor. He feels his skills are put to the test and he usually does well with them. Will he die for the Emperor? No. But Dek feels greater attachment for the continued work he gives. The other members are a different story. Dek feels like he is being forced to work with people who are not at all reliable. Large groups of Sith are not a positive thing in Dek's mind. He prefers the diversity of the outside worlds rather than the single mindedness of power stricken entities. As such, he will work with them if necessary. Otherwise he will pay very little attention to them.
On Taldryan
His interactions with Taldryan have been enough for Dek. Andrelious captured him while on Nal Hutta, and brought him back to Taldryan space. Instead of giving him a normal trail or putting him in a prison for the rest of his life, Andrelious said he would give Dek a chance to be free if he helped in the Lyspair mission to destroy the Undesireables. Dek grew some respect for Andrelious, but still perceives him as a washed up traditionalist focused on Imperial ideas and Sith ritualistic behaviour. This being his only major interaction with Taldryan as of yet has Dek giving little respect to them. More interaction may drive that up or lower it down.