Cyra'ant K'nar
Cyra'ant K'nar | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Ryloth |
Date of Birth: |
11 BBY |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Twi'lek |
Gender: |
Female |
Height: |
1.2m |
Weight: |
45.4 kg |
Eyes: |
Ice Blue |
Personal Information | |
Allies: | |
Fighting Style(s): | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: |
Instructor |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
[ Source ] |
Cyra'ant is currently MIA from Mitsuhide's life. It is impossible to say when she will return, but he recounts what he knows of her when asked.
Early Childhood: 11 BBY - 4 BBY
Born in 11 BBY on the planet of Ryloth, Cyra’ant K’nar was born to M’vareth K’nar and his wife Si’vah. She was a quiet, serious child with extremely focused opinions. Soon after she was born, she was found by Terani Riketh, a Follower of Palawa.
Terani stayed with Cyra’ant until she was called home and left the young Twi’lek to her own devices. Cyra’ant was a remarkably intelligent girl who managed to piece things together as she went about her forms in Teras Kasi. She held to the beliefs that Terani had instilled in her and fought to protect her family and friends.
Soon after he twelfth birthday, tragedy struck her home. Her father left for work and never returned. She continued on with her life, even though without the presence of her father, it was a very hollow childhood.
In 9 BBY, her mother moved them away from her father's home on Ryloth and they took up residence on Corellia. She didn't much care for Corellia, but she suffered in silence. She continued to train herself, eventually finding another Master to instruct her in Teräs Käsi.
Late Childhood/Early Adolescence: 4 BBY - 4 ABY
In the start of her adolescence, Cyra'ant began to suffer from a sense of wanderlust. She began to be away from home for days at a time. She would come home afterwards and act as though she'd been there the whole time. After a time, she began teaching others how to survive and also started to bring in credits from those classes. When she wasn't out in the fields and nearby forests, she was also teaching smaller children exactly what she had been taught so many years ago by Terani.
She continued to keep this going until she was contacted by Mitsunori Akechi to train his son in Teräs Käsi. She felt that wherever this planet was might be a little far afield for taste, but she wasn't getting any new comers to her training classes and her youngest 'apprentice' had just moved away. She felt that she could go out on a limb and trust this Akechi, if for no other reason than the pay was good. She did not, however, expect the son to be such a serious and quiet child.
Adolescence: The Beginning 4 ABY - 15 ABY
At the first meeting, Cyra'ant felt a drawing towards the silent student of hers. She couldn't place it, but she seemed to feel that he would do either great evil or amazing good. She began first by teaching him what Terani had started with. She added her own experiences to the mix and ensured that at least one of the pupils would learn from her mistakes and her past. She wasn't a bad person, but she hadn't always been right. The boy, Mitsuhide took everything she said and compiled it faster than she expected. What took her months or even years to grasp, the boy did it almost instantaneously.
She found that the other instructors also had similar difficulty with the boy. They would teach him advanced forms in their styles and the child would grasp them almost immediately. He would work on them, however, until he was perfect in the technique before moving on to the next. They all felt dwarfed by the child's intelligence, but continued to persevere with him. It ultimately fell to Cyra'ant to quell the child's tendencies towards violence.
She soon began to teach him the workings of the Followers of Palawa as best as she could, but she didn't know everything. She taught him what she knew of Midi-chlorians and Jedi. Soon, she found herself sending for books from different sources in order to keep up with the boy's voracious hunger for knowledge. Within two years, Mitsuhide and Cyra'ant had learned everything they could find about Midi-chlorians and the Jedi. But, that wasn't enough for Mitsuhide.
In 7 ABY, Mitsuhide and his instructors were moved to Kuroshin castle in order for him to begin his duty as the protector of the daughter of the Lord Keibatsu. This concept was alien to Cyra'ant, but she said nothing. She wasn't there to cast judgment on the intricacies of the planet and its inhabitants, only to train the boy in Teräs Käsi. She would do that, but she still found it confusing as to why the boy and his father were indebted in slavery to these people.
The boy kept her active for many years until 15 ABY when the Lords of the boy's family were declared traitors. After the smoke and the death had cleared, she went looking for her student. She found the young man huddled in the rubble clutching a doll belonging to his ward. With her no where in sight, Cyra'ant believed Mitsuhide to be irrevocably insane. She felt that she would spend the rest of her life teaching him how to be human again.
Adulthood: Learning to Live 15 ABY - 16 ABY
Mitsuhide nearly proved to be impossible to fix. Cyra'ant spent most of her time living off the funds from Mtisuhide's now deceased father and taking care of the broken Mitsuhide. She would return from her days business to find Mitsuhide in the exact same place he'd been when she'd left hours prior. She felt that she would have to care for the brain sick Mitsuhide for the rest of his life.
Soon, however, Mitsuhide began to speak with her again. After he had been able to talk once more, they set out from the palce of memories and headed to Ryloth. Even years of being uninhabited, her father's home still stood. It looked as though some from the nearby village had stopped by every so often to see what could be fixed. She moved back into the house with her pupil and they began to train once more.
After they had been on Ryloth for some time, Mitsuhide expressed an interest in learning the language. She taught him what she could since the boy did not have the Lekku for some of it. She brought home books in both basic and Ryl so that they could continue to learn together.
Adulthood: Living Free 16 ABY - 18 ABY
Not long after Mitsuhide's fifteenth birthday, he expressed his feelings for his teacher. She had, of course, kind of expected it. She knew that the feelings likely came from being alone and having only her as company, but she gave into them anyway. The two of them began a relationship shortly thereafter.
They continued to learn together, study together and enjoy each others company for a few more years after. They learned much together and collected many tomes of knowledge until Cyra'ant had to leave. She didn't think Mitsuhide would understand, but she left him a vague note hoping that it would be enough. She learned that her mother had fallen on hard times and needed her severely. She expressed to Cyra'ant that she had become involved with the wrong people and was in desperate trouble.
So, after leaving a note for Mitsuhide, Cyra'ant stepped out of his life for the time being and wasn't heard from for some time. She fell off the radar for several years until she came home one day to find a note from Mitsuhide on their bed.
Character Details
Cyra'ant has the personality of a volcano. She will spend many years just fuming over something until it boils over. Her overall demeanor leaves nothing to be expected. She is silent and cold until someone makes the first move to understand her. Once that move is made, she tends to be overzealous about the things she knows while drifting to the background on things that she doesn't.
She follows the tenets set forth by her mentor Terani very closely and lives by them to the best of her ability. She sways from that path only rarely and only when in the company of Mitsuhide.