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Reman Khaar
Biographical Information
16 ABY
Physical Description
Human, raised as a Zygerrian
1.92 m
81.65 kg
Dark Brown
Two fingers, and his right eye.
Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):
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Chronology & Political Information
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Known masters:
[ Source ]
- "True mastery is to feel the flames of your passion, to dance with the fire, to live in it, to fully embrace the primal forces of destruction and creation, and not be burned to a cinder, to survive and prosper because you loved the flame, used the flame, but did not allow yourself to be consumed by it; this is greatness; this is Sith."
- — Reman Khaar
Reman Khaar is a newly-recruited member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood who has found a home within House Scholae Palatinae, and has devoted himself to the disciplines of the Sith Marauder. He makes his current residence within Daemon, the capital city of Caina. During his short tenure as a member of the Brotherhood, Reman has ascended through the ranks with astounding speed, surpassing a number of members who are his elder within the organization. His utter devotion to training himself in the ways of the Dark Side has earned him merit and recognition from his House, and he strives daily to continue his rapid rise, wholly seduced by promises of greater power.
Character History
Early Years (16 ABY-30 ABY)
Reman was born late in the year 16 ABY on the planet of Chorlian within the Chorlian Sector; near the border of Wild Space and the Outer Rim. Shortly after his birth, while he was still just an infant, Chorlian was hit by a large raid of Zygerrian pirates from the powerful Slavers Guild. During the massive raid, he and his family were abducted by the vicious marauders, and sold into slavery. The slavers took Reman, along with his family and the many other sentients they captured on Chorlian, back to their homeworld of Zygerria, and auctioned them off to the highest bidders. Reman's family would be sold from owner to owner for most of his adolescent years; traveling from planet to planet; visiting worlds throughout the Outer Rim as his owners bartered his family for valuables, and, occasionally, other slaves. Due to his age, Reman would not recall most of his owners, or even his family, after he was separated from them in 22 ABY.
At the age of six Reman was sold to a Zygerrian smuggler named Vol'gru who operated throughout the territories of the Outer Rim, and had contacts within many of the seedier criminal organizations of Hutt Space. Vol'gru was a sadistic, cruel alien, and took great pleasure in tormenting the young human and his fellow slaves. Any sign of disrespect would result in unrelenting beatings, and disobediance resulted in either a trip out of the airlock or the activation of the kill-switch implants the smuggler had embedded in their skulls. The implant lodged in his skull would be the least of his worries, Reman would soon find out, however. Were it not for another of Vol'gru's slaves, a young Force-sensitive Togruta girl by the name of Tissiq Ruu, Reman would most likely not have lived long enough to see his next birthday.
The arid landscape of Zonju V.
During the first week of his new employ, Reman was drawn into a skirmish with an Aqualish swoop biker while running an errand for Vol'gru in Zoronhed, capital city of Zonju V. He'd been sent to purchase rations for his master's ship in preparation for an extended journey deeper into Wild Space, and was too busy studying the list of supplies given to him to notice the row of swoops parked in front of the local cantina. The distracted youth walked head-first into one of the larger speeders and fell backwards onto his rear. As he looked up, the bike he hit tilted over and fell, hitting the next bike and causing a domino effect that resulted in the whole row crashing to the ground. Reman sat there, clutching his forehead in pain, until a huge, brutish-looking alien burst forth from the cantina entrance, gurgling and barking obscenities in his odd language. The biker's four monstrous eyes suddenly focused on the young human, and Reman let out a yelp as he was tugged from his sitting position up into the air. The youngling's legs kicked and flailed wildly in the air as the Aqualish held him aloft, still gargling out threats in his species' native tongue. Luckily for Reman, Vol'gru had forgotten to add several items to his list, and sent Tissiq off to tell Reman what else was needed. Tissiq arrived just in time to find the biker had nearly choking Reman in his vice-like grip, and reacted by charging as fast as she could at the large alien, ramming her montrals into his crotch.
An older version of Tissiq Ruu, Reman's best friend and companion prior to his joining the Brotherhood. After their seperation, she would eventually move on to join the New Jedi Order.The thug dropped Reman in surpise, falling over and clutching at his injured groin. Tissiq then grabbed Reman, still by the arm and dragged him into a nearby abandoned house. The two young slaves hid in the building for several hours, only coming out after they were certain that the thug was gone. They eventually made their way to the market and purchased the required rations, hurrying back to Vol'gru as quickly as possible to avoid being punished for their prolonged absence. Their owner was thoroughly displeased, however, and disciplined the two mercilessly. Both of the young slaves were locked in their ship's cargo hold for several days without food or water. This was the first of Tissiq and Reman's adventures together, but it was far from the last. Over the years they would develop a close friendship that would eventually progress into a serious relationship as the two entered into their teens.
Dawning Years (30 ABY-33 ABY)
As Reman grew older, Vol'gru would often force Reman to assist him in smuggling operations against the teenage human's will. Using the boy to ferry contraband past the authorities in the more well-monitored spaceports, and to set up meetings with his more dangerous contacts, Vol'gru unknowingly tutored Reman in many different aspects of the smuggler's trade, and by the age of fifteen he was an accomplished crook in his own right. His skill didn't come without trials, however. Working for his owner was often dangerous, and over the years Reman would accumulate a number of near-crippling injuries; such as the loss of his eye to an angry Gran wielding a plasma torch. It was a hard, disorderly life, but Tissiq was always waiting for him back at their ship with a comforting gesture and warm smile.
In 31 ABY, however, a pick-up of sansanna spice on Ventooine went awry, and caused the dissolution of the trio of smugglers. While Vol'gru and Reman were off-ship meeting with the supplier, Tissiq was supposed to be in the cockpit monitoring the scanners for any sign of Galactic Alliance customs agents. The ship's scanners had been damaged in a previous escape from authorities in the nearby Jandoon System, however, and were unable to pick up a small transport that had followed them. While the two smugglers were busy haggling for a lower price with their suppliers, a squad of Alliance officers suddenly swarmed the building, and only through sheer luck did they manage to flee back to their ship. Once the two reached the ship, Vol'gru quickly removed Tissiq from the pilot's seat and took off, barely managing to jump to hyperspace before they were intercepted by an Alliance cruiser.
Immediately following their escape Vol'gru lashed out at Tissiq, striking her violently. He blamed her for their near-capture, and threatened to sell her to a particularly lecherous Hutt associate of his. This drew the ire of Reman, however, and the trio quickly became embroiled in a bitter argument. Shortly after the argument's inception, Vol'gru's patience wore thin and his temper flared. He pulled out a hold-out blaster and pointed it at the young couple. What happened next was chaotic and shocking, as both Tissiq and Reman instinctively reached out and hurled Vol'gru into a nearby bulkhead by using the Force. The two teens approached the limp body of Vol'gru to find that his spine had broken on impact, killing him instantly.
The following months were a trying time for the two newly-freed slaves. They had not only tapped into a new power that neither were previously aware of, but they had together used it to kill their master. With their proverbial shackles removed, the two lovers had to decide what they were going to do. They had inherited their former owner's ship, along with all the cargo within it, and the life of a smuggler's aide was all they had ever known. There was only one obvious choice in their minds, and so they decided to become smugglers themselves. Another important decision that had to be made was the stance they would take on their own Force-sensitivity. Reman sought to learn more and apply it practically, while Tissiq wanted to pretend it had never happened. After many discussions the two had reached an impasse, and each did as they saw fit.
As time went on the two continued their disreputable former owner's work, making back-ally deals and contracts to smuggle all different types of contraband from world to world. The credits were good, but they were nowhere near wealthy, and the work continued to be as dangerous as ever. Reman, practical human that he was, would often pick destinations for their smuggling trips not because of the potential for money they could offer, but for what he could discover in ancient ruins of Force-using sects such as the Jedi and Sith Orders. The planets the two lovers visited were many, with several included being Gamorr, Gentes, Ryloth, and Iridonia.
He searched long and hard for thse who could teach him how to harness the power inside of him, spending nearly an entire galactic standard year traveling from sector to sector, letting his instincts guide him. After hearing rumors of a dark mystic living in the radioactive swamplands of Nal Hutta, capitol of Hutt Space, Reman convinced Tessiq that it would be a smart idea to travel to Nar Shaddaa, the Hutt-controlled planet's largest moon, to make shipping arrangements with the local traders.
The stagnant wastes of Nal Hutta. Once they had arrived safely on Nar Shaddaa he began asking around amongst the locals if they'd heard any rumors of Force-users hiding on the planet while Tissiq stayed on the ship and arranged several trading deals with local merchants. Reman spent several days gathering information throughout the crime-filled moon before determining that the tales of dark magic-users on the planet were just that; tall tales. Apparently, the Brotherhood of Darkness, an ancient Sith organization, had once operated an academy on Nar Shaddaa that was dedicated to the training of Sith Assassins, and there were local legends which stated that the ancient Sith had escaped into hiding on the planet's surface after their order's destruction at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan.
Nar Shaddaa's cityscape as seen from above.
Reman, never one to give up, searched for the remains of the Sith academy on Nar Shaddaa for several weeks, using nearly all of his reserve credits to hire guides to assist him, but was unable to locate anything. To the best of his knowledge, it didn't survive the destruction that the Yuuzhan Vong brought to the moon's surface in 26 ABY. Resigning himself to once more returning to searching the galaxy for a teacher, he didn't notice as on his way back to his ship, he entered into the territory of one of the more dangerous gangs on the urbanized moon, the Tsijji. Before he knew it, Reman was surrounded by three vibroblade-wielding, Trandoshan thugs.
The thugs began demanding that the human hand over his credits and other valuables, but Reman refused. He slowly began to back away from the group, but they lunged in unison, intent on killing the young Force-sensitive. Reman instinctively lept backwards and avoided the vicious assault, yanking his vibroshiv off of his belt and preparing for a fight. The Transdoshans attacked him once more, but Reman was ready for them. He blocked and parried their attacks with minor effort, quickly felling the first two with merciless swipes of his blade, the anger within him swelling. As the third Tsijji turned and fled, terrified of the dangerous human, Reman let out a yell and chased after her.
After several minutes of weaving in and out of alleys and sidestreets, the former slave had cornered his prey. She was trapped in a dead-end alleyway, and had nowhere left to run. Reman approached her slowly, holding his blade high overhead, preparing to end the female Trandoshan's pitiful existance. She begged for her life, but Reman ignored her pleas and cut the alien down with a single stroke of his weapon. Reman spent several minutes glaring at the reptilian corpse before setting off for his ship, feeling greatly satisfied at having ended the thugs' lives.
He never made it back to his vessel, however. As he was exiting the alleyway, he felt a sudden tingling in the back of his mind, immediately followed by a sharp stinging sensation in the back of his neck. Reman's body was suddenly filled with a sense of great fatigue, and he began to lose control over his basic motor functions. The last thing that he could remember feeling was his semi-unconscious body fall forward onto the ground with a loud thud, before nothingness overtook him.
The Dark Brotherhood Years (33 ABY-Present Day)
(WIP) Mi bosco de andoba chik youngee bedwana!
Physical Description
Reman is a large, imposing human, standing at just slightly higher than 1.9 meters tall, and weighing in at over 80 kilograms. He has lightly tanned, relatively unblemished skin that covers a toned, muscular physique shaped by years of hard labor as a slave. The short-clipped hair that covers his scalp is dark brown, and his eyes are a discrepancy of color. The left eye is a sickeningly bright yellow outlined with a tinge of crimson, and the right, a cybernetic replacement, is the same dark, earthy brown as his hair.
Reman is strong and very resilient, possessing both the energy and vigor of youth. His large, muscular form lends itself well to his approach to confrontation; direct and aggressive. Subtlety is a word that finds little use from this warrior, as can be observed by his straightforward, overpowering movements. His size and strength don't take away from his dexterity or speed, however, and he can, with a slight effort, pull off minor feats of agility when necessary.
Mastery of both the Broken Gate and Kartranin forms of hand-to-hand combat gives Reman a steady base of both offensive and defensive velocities and sequences on which he builds his fighting style, supplementing it with the misdirection and feints of Carinor. In combat the young human will most often start off defensively, getting a feel for his opponent before quickly and aggressively swapping to the offensive, using a combination of hard strikes and sweeps that focus on strength from the shoulder, rather than from the arm, to debilitate his enemies and leave them helpless.
Lightsaber Combat- TBA
Reman's favorite choice of civilian clothing is a set of matching black tunic and slacks, black leather boots, and a simple leather belt that holds his comlink and lightsaber. When in combat, however, he dons a suit of medium battle armor made of lightweight plastoid-alloy composite that covers his torso, shoulders, upper-arms, groin, and knees, and he replaces his simple leather belt with a utility belt that not only holds his comlink and lightsaber, but also two medpacks, a breath mask, glow rod and computer spikes.
Reman is an amazingly stubborn, irritable individual who shows little to no respect for others. While possessing a gifted mind, and being quite intelligent, he is still known for his wild temper, and for lashing out at others with seemingly little provocation. This serves as a continual irritant for his superiors, and is one of the reasons he spends the vast majority of his time alone in his quarters studying through stacks of datapads, or within the training centers of Daemon practicing his combat techniques. While he doesn't actively try to be malicious, he does feel an exhilarating rush when taking the lives of others, and as a result loves the thrill of combat.
Reman is a quick learner, and has a unique set of skills that he has acquired over the years. He is proficient in piloting most starcraft in various conditions, be them in combat or otherwise, and has a sizable amount of experience slicing into computers and other mechanized objects. Another two skills that Reman is particularly proud of are his proficiencies in combat and battle strategy. His most impressive skill, however, is probably that of language, as he can communicate fluently in Basic, Huttese, Durese, Togruti, Sy Bisti and Bocce.
DJB Facts
Outstanding Achievements
- Made Protector rank within three days of membership.