Drodik Va'lence al'Tor

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 00:48, 11 October 2006 by Drodik (talk | contribs) (→‎History)

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It was on the planet Nagi that Drodik was born. The mother came from an extremely wealthey affluent family. His father, a soldier was immediately dispatched to move his family from their home. The recent invasion from the Tof obviously forced the entire Nagai race to immediately evacuate and flee their homeworld. Drodik’s mother and father had no time to pack their things. Upon evacuating the planet, Drodik’s father was to rendevous with his company an was immediately sent off to fight the Tof at the Nagi city Karthir. During the firefights the Nagai soldiers in Karthir lost the battle, and all Nagai had boarded emergency vessels and were carted away from the planet. Aboard a military transport vessel was Drodik and his mother. The mother was a young smooth-skinned pale Nagai woman. Bundled in her arms was a runt of a child.

Invasion Aftermath

After much mourning and grieving the Nagai race had conquered their first world and established their homes in the already existing cities. Thus beginning the Nagai Invasion. The war between the Tof and Nagai raged on but had quickly been resolved as soon as it started. Within the same year the war and invasion had dicipated. After the treaty had been signed between the Alliance, they liberated the planet Zeltros from the Tofs. Soon after they seized the Tof crown prince’s planet Saijo. After Saijo had been settled on, there was small blotches of resistence from the surviving Tof’s on the planet. Insurgency violence rose and during a massive attack known as the “Rubicon Wipe-Out”. Sadly, yet expectedly, Drodik’s mother was among those killed in the massacre.

Taking Leave

Left in the care of a good but sometimes abusive trader, he soon left his ‘father’ at the age of eight. Venturing to the city’s spaceport he stowed away on a bulk cargo cruiser. The ship had reached the homeworld of the infamous Zabraks themselves. Taking refuge in the the streets and alleys, Drodik’s first instinct was to find somewhere to live. Though he had begged and asked if there were places to stay, there was no place for displaced youths on the planet.

Solitary Surviving

Living alone, Drodik found it incredibly hard to survive with the help of others. The way he saw it, he could only trust himself. If he became dependent on other people, he would be just that. He live off three things that first six months on Iridonia. He only ate what he could steal. He only slept in the same place two nights in a row. And he never spoke to anyone. Some would find it hard to survive by ones self, but it was done.

A year later Drodik stumbled into a shop on a bustling Iridonian street. Inside the store was racks and piles of oddities. Jewelry, carvings, art, and all sorts of spiritual trinkets flickered in this shop. Seeing that most of this stock would be valuable, he soon stuffed his back with the piles of objects. A loud tap was heard from behind the store counter and a tall blonde haired man sat upon the couner. The man announced himself as “Jhoren Kysk” he was the owner of the shop and asked Drodik about himself. He convinced him to take Drodik in. Never before had Drodik had the warmth of a family.

Growing Trust

He lived there, tending to the shop for the first month he was staying there. An incredible worker, and then finally giving his trust back into people. With his newfound trust he became more social and as 'Normal' as normal can get on Iridonia.

And It begins

It was during this time that Drodik had first begun to stud the force. The shop owner Jhoren told Drodik of a box under the foundations of the shop he had hid. A week later Drodik crawled under the foundations and retrieved the box. Upon opening the box, were stacks of datapads. Jhoren then explained to Drodik of whom he did business with to attain these datapads. Jhoren confessed to Drodik he had done business with a few Jedi years and years ago. Upon reading the contents within an amazing discovery was made. Not even Jhoren had know this, but inside the tablets were unauthorized and documented recordings of Jedi teachings. Apparently one Jedi Jhoren had done business with had documented his own teachings with his apprentice.


After being given the tablets by Jhoren, Drodik began to study them. Somehow, he knew what they were teaching. The study sessions cam easy to him. During one session of training, Drodik learned about Midichlorians. Basing himself off of these, he assumed he had a high, if not above average count because of how fluent these studies were to him. The datapads were riddled with the personal views of a Jedi by the name of Phl'Kur. Even though the deceased Jedi was long dead and also not talking to Drodik. The teachings WERE mostly based on a conversation. It was almost as if he was talking to Drodik, even though he was talking o his own apprentice. Phl'Kur quickly became Drodiks primary mentor.

Even Further

Over the gradual pull of time Drodik became very adept at the teachings. Bypassing the years of 'understanding & commitment' it would have taken to come to where he was. He became consumed in learning the art of the Jedi. Upon one fateful night, the son of Jhoren raised an argument. The twenty-five year old son became enraged in the fact that Drodik had not been pulling his weight with the family business. Jhoren stood his ground about Drodik staying there, but the son only made the situation worse by threatening to pull himself out of the business. Jhoren did not care if his son would do so. But Drodik seized the opportunity to further his teachings and decided to leave. After a long winded celebration, Drodik was on his way and left the Kysk household.

An Advocate

Now that he was on his way and on his own Drodik ventured through different worlds. He traveled all over the galaxy in pursuit of understanding people. Drodik became a clear beleiver in equality. He began to never see race, or species in negative lights. Everyone was the same to him. This trait of Drodik would save his life on the planet Nythaspir. There through his actions with the Royal family he was granted the family name: Va'lence. And over the next three years he became te Advocate of Va'lence.

Still under construction

DJB Facts

Former Envoy of HEK

Former Clan Envoy of Clan Plagueis

Former BTL of both of House Exar Kun's Battleteams.

Former Aedile of the now closed, House Bane

Current BT Sergeant of Sacrum Diis


Drodik was the first member to be knighted after the merger of Clans Satal Keto and Exar Kun, granting him the title 'First Knight of Plagueis'

Drodik's name is often thought to be spawned from the Droideka destroyer droid, or a direct rip off of Dranik. The truth of the matter is the Name Drodik was created years ago during a creative writing session.

Often confused with Dranik (3417)

Original name was Ossus, though was later changed so as to not be confused with the planet.

Is a self Proclaimed 'Master of Paint'.