Bastion Regimental Headquarters

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 02:44, 5 August 2008 by Joseph Zakhaev (talk | contribs)

Bastion Regimental Facilities

The core of the Bastion Regiment is stationed within the borders of the Serpent's Vanguard. While portions of the Regimental forces are also scattered across Ptolomea at various strategic points, the command center and heart of Bastion resides here. Placed well in a position to defend the majority of the Vanguard, the Bastion Headquarters are divided between two buildings, the Command Center along with the Barracks, and the Armory which also serves as a vehicle depot.

Barracks and Command Center

With three floors below ground level, The Catacombs, and three floors above it, the Barracks of the Bastion Regiment are easily some of the largest and most fortified military buildings on the surface of the planet of Ptolomea. Built with turbolaser resistant natural stone, its armored skin is more than two meters thick on all sides but with three meters at the top. The roof of the Barracks is littered with light turbolaser emplacements and anti-aircraft weaponry, as well as a strong defensive shield. It can withstand an orbital bombardment, and some of its occupants have claimed that if the planet were destroyed, the only sizeable piece left would be the Barracks.

Capable of housing 3,000 troops and officers, it's a rather imposing structure. Of course, not all 3,000 troops are stationed here, but the capacity was a requirement set down by the Consul who commissioned the building of the structure. The Barracks was built near the vehicle depot to allow for ease of transport between the two buildings.

The Catacombs, as they became known, are actually a natural series of caves discovered during the surveying for sites for the Barracks. The designers of the building decided that the cave structure would be stronger than any foundation that they could build, and this fact allowed them to use a stronger and heavier material on the building above. The walls and support beams were shored up, and strengthened with high-strength beams of steel. The Catacombs were divided into three levels to maximize space and the caves were then furnished as mass troop quarters.

Underground Third Floor

The Underground Third Floor contains most of the basic requirements of the general infantry soldier. Housed in the system of caves and tunnels are the trooper quarters, mess halls, and a tunnel for quick entry to the Vehicle Depot and Armory. The Underground Third Floor does not contain a recreation area, so troops stationed on this floor are allowed to visit the Underground Second and Underground First Floors. Additionally, all of the troop quarters on this floor are equipped with a small system for entertainment. The trooper quarters, more informally known as the Dug Outs, are spread out across the entire of the Underground Third Floor. One Dug Out is usually situated in one cave or series of caves, housing either a platoon or a company of men each. This allowed the designers to fit an incredibly high number of Dug Outs on the floor. The men stationed in these barracks sleep in two tier bunk beds, with areas in each Dug Out for hygiene and, because the Underground Third Floor is lacking of a recreational center, several holo-boards for entertainment.

Because the troops receive all of their meals in the primary mess hall located on the first floor, the mess halls in the catacombs are primarily there to provide snacks to resting troopers. Coffee machines are also provided, as are several other beverage machines. The Tunnel connects the Catacombs and the Vehicle Depot and Armory. This is a security feature as well as an evacuation route. As a security feature, it allows for quick as easy transportation of men and equipment without them having to be out in the open. As an evacuation route, the troopers from either building can retreat to the other if that building is taken or is under attack. This serves the additional purpose of helping to assault either building if it is taken, because chances are that any enemy will not know of the tunnel.

Underground Second Floor

The Underground Second Floor is much the same as its lower counterpart, but with several major changes. The troop quarters on this level are slightly larger than those of the Underground Third Floor, though this could be an illusion due to the absence of the small entertainment systems that each Dug Out on the lower floor has.

The Underground Second Floor makes up for this absence of entertainment systems with a large recreational center. This center contains equipment for a variety of different activities, including weightlifting and a small running track. The majority of these activities can be used to occupy the troopers mind and to keep his or her body in fighting shape.

The mess hall is located in approximately the same area and serves the exact same snacks and items as the one on the floor below. The Underground Second Floor also lacks the tunnel that connects the Catacombs to the Vehicle Depot and Armory because the designers felt that only one level should have this; else it would be too easily compromised in tense situations.

Underground First Floor

The Underground First Floor is much the same as the Underground Second Floor but with a few changes. The troop quarters are approximately the same size as those on the floors below. These Dug Outs also lack entertainment systems, like those of the Underground Second Floor.

However, unlike the Underground Second Floor, this level fixes the problem of lack of recreational room with a small cantina. The cantina is open to all of the troops, but due to size constraints, it has a maximum number of occupants. The cantina is a popular attraction for the off-duty troops, and is generally recognized as a location to unwind and relax. The cantina primarily serves alcohol, so the designers of the building decided to keep the mess hall as on the two floors below.

Ground Floor

The ground floor of the Barracks and Command Center has large airy windows of ultra-thick glass. Behind the windows, there is a reception desk, complete with several data-stations so that security checks can be done before any visitor, transferred officer, or trooper enters the building proper. The reception area also has seating, in case visitors are forced to wait for appointments because the officers they are looking for are busy.

To the left of the reception desk is a large archway leading into the primary mess hall. Serving an average of 1,000 meals a day, this Mess Hall of the Barracks is almost always busy. With a small legion of cooks and other staff, the Mess Hall keeps the troopers and officers healthy and strong with a variety of hearty and tasty meals, such as Nerf strip steak, and Nerf Herder's Pie. The primary mess hall is also used to make the snacks which are sent downstairs to be served in the other mess halls in the Catacombs, as well as preparing coffee and pastries for meetings and the Admin staff upstairs.

Not dissimilar to the normal billet for a naval officer onboard a ship, the Company Officer quarters are small, but have all the essentials. These rooms are private enough to have small meetings between two or three people, due to the small, sound-proofed windows. The designers were required to make these offices small because many of the Officers of the Bastion Regiment are at the Company level. This group of officers includes those at the Platoon level.

Second Floor

The Senior Officers in each legion of the Regiment have quarters allocated to them in the Barracks. Each of the quarters comes fully equipped and furnished with all one would expect of a room befitting an officer of this level. While these quarters only have three rooms: bedroom, bathroom, and office, these rooms are spacious, and quite comfortable. The Senior Officers quarters also have another perk: their proximity to the meeting rooms.

Known informally as the stadiums, the meeting rooms have several tiers of seats in a stadium set up, in a semi-circle around a center platform. On the other side of the 'half' of the room is a holo-projector, and a large white board for writing on. This room is used to brief the officers all the way down to Company level on the upcoming operations and missions. Mission planning can also occur here, in addition to training.

Watched over by the Weapons Master of the Regiment, the Main Armory is the nerve center for all of the armories under the Regiment’s control. More an administrative location than an actual storage area, the Main Armory coordinates the transportation and the issuing of the various weapons and other supplies at its disposal. It is also in charge of maintenance and replacement of parts and weapons, as during a campaign, a broken gun is a useless gun.

Third Floor

As there are only six main Regimental officers their quarters are spacious, housing several rooms with more than a few creature comforts. The commander of the Regiment, of course, has more luxurious accommodations, but the general layout remains the same. There is a sitting area, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a large bedroom. Though a kitchen is present, officers are more likely to order a meal from the Mess Hall and have it delivered upstairs, than to cook for themselves.

Each senior Officer at the Regimental level has an office on this level. This close proximity to each other allows for the making of quick decisions and the giving of quick advice. Each office has the usual furnishing, but also has an escape hatch to allow the officer to slip down to the Catacombs in seconds. Hidden behind a different item in each office, be it painting or sculpture, the escape hatch is for use in the unlikely event that the Barracks are under assault.

The Army, it is said, runs on its stomach. The Supply Administration is there to make sure that the food is available and sent to the troops, along with a large variety of other essentials. This administration is also in charge of the issuing of ammunition as well as getting the supplies to the troops, which often means dealing with freighters.

Regimental Armory

The Vehicle Depot is located a few hundred meters from the main Barracks and it serves as the main storage for the weapons and vehicles of the Bastion Regiment. This vast supply of material for protecting House Caliburnus and Ptolomea, resides here. Built from a similar material as the Barracks, it is far less imposing due to the fact that its main bulk is underground.

Above ground, the structure is short, and has several of anti-air emplacements gracing its roof. However, underground is a massive cavern known as the Hole.


The Vehicle Storage Area, informally known as the Hole, is a massive cavern cut directly from the bare rock under the Depot above. It has various areas where either vehicles are stored or machine shops are located. The machine shops maintain and repair the vehicles, keeping them ready for battle. The Vehicle Lift is located in the north eastern corner of The Hole. Several cargo elevators connect the Hole with the Ground Floor, enabling vehicles to be launched simultaneously if a problem occurs or the facility is under attack.

The Tunnel connects the Catacombs and the Vehicle Depot and Armory. This is a security feature as well as an evacuation route. As a security feature, it allows for quick as easy transportation of men and equipment without them having to be out in the open. As an evacuation route, the troopers from either building can retreat to the other if that building is taken or is under attack. This serves the additional purpose of helping to assault either building if it is taken, because chances are that any enemy will not know of the tunnel.

Ground Floor

The sliding doors of the Armory open onto a quiet reception area. Located here to chronicle comings and goings of each vehicle and officer of the depot, the reception desk is also in charge of all security within the building. If one does not have the proper authority to utilize a vehicle, they will not be allowed to go any further than the reception area.

To the right of the reception desk is an archway that leads down a short hallway. At the end of this hallway are the entrances to several cargo elevators that are used to transport vehicles from the Hole below to the Ground Floor. The elevators also open onto the exterior of the building. The elevators are approximately thirty meters across and have the ability to lift two AT-ATs side by side at once. The mechanism is powered by an underground hydro-plant, and the actual lifting of the elevator cars is accomplished by massive hydraulic pumps. The lifts is made from the same stone as the building itself, so as to make the lift strong enough to keep working under bombardment.

To the left of the reception desk is another archway leading to a mess hall. Serving an average of 1,000 meals a day, the main mess hall in the Depot is almost always busy. With a small legion of cooks and other staff, the Mess Hall keeps the troopers and officers healthy and strong with a variety of hearty and tasty meals, such as Nerf strip steak, and Nerf Herder's Pie. One of the most important tasks for the Mess Hall is to provide snacks and drinks for the mechanics down in The Hole.

Located behind the reception desk are the quarters for both the officers in charge of the various mechanical units, as well as the Officer in charge of the maintenance teams. These quarters are small but well furnished. With a small en suite bathroom, and single billets, the officers are in good comfort.