Sidarace Rathden

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Despite their inherent connection to the Force, Miralukan Jedi were quite rare, and Miralukan Sith were completely unheard of in the Galaxy prior to the years following the Jedi Civil War.

Character History

years 6-9 for Sidarace

Growing up was hard for the three brother and mother of Sidarace Rathden. They did what they could to earn money for the five of them. Sidarace being a child at that time had little opportunity's to make a difference in the little lump some his family called a living. There was a caravan that came by one of the near by towns and offered jobs to the young Miraluka children.They would offer jobs to the children with "special gifts". Gifts that were normal to the Miraluka people. Such as Mind reading, future seeing, and the little tricks of the eye granted by the force. The caravan would set up sharp looking tapestries and banners that would hang down from the roof and door ways of the building that would attract tourists and the occasional passer by to come and see what was in their future. Or to hear their ancestors talk to them. The caravan especially liked Sidarace. He had special powers, powers that would allow him to tamper with lighting and to make the ignorant tourist hear things. Once the people would start acting up Sidarace would leave the room and one of the caravan workers would come in and tell them that it was a "cousin telling them to stay were they were and not leave the planet".Or "leave all your valuables or you will be cursed by the great Miraluka king of 3 millennium ago". The caravan had a nick name for Sidarace. They called him their little magician.

years 10-13 for Sidarace

Gradually as Sidarace got alder he started to realize that he was being used by the caravan. And he wouldn't allow it to happen any longer. So he told his second oldest brother Octaviouse, the humiliation he had received. Without a word Octaviouse rounded up the other brothers and began to march them down one of the streets of Alpherides briefing Shazair and Hec'Tanar of what Sidarace had just told him. As they were told what had happened they to got infuriated and without a moments notice began to run toward the caravans main facility. All four of them ran with such stealth and unkany speed, it was over whelming, it even took the breath right out of a passing women. Then suddenly there it was, no more than thirty meters away, the caravans streamers flapping in the wind. They charged. This time they didn't worry about the amount of noise they maid, they wanted a fight!as they approached the building,one of the caravan workers was exiting the building with a some what worried face. He was carrying a box with him of what Sidarace could tell only as pennants of some kind. As the man looked up to see the oncoming mob he looked perplexed, until he saw Sidarace. There was a rather soft Thump as the box he was holding hit the ground, and the man ran inside .The four followed leaping over the box that was supposed to be a little barricade.while inside Sidarace felt around with the force that approved his sight. From what he could tell it was dark, and there was many people in the room, with a feeling of Superiority. Just then Sidarace realized a man by the door before he could react there was a thud as the door slammed shut, locking them in. " you are under arrest by the imperial remnant. Through down any weapons or suffer the consequences" it was a voice of reassuring power. "Who's there?!" shouted Octaviouse. Just as the words slipped out of his mouth The lights came on, revealing 6 Storm troopers, and one Imperial Lieutenant. All carrying Heavy blasters. They handled them with the kind of seniority that said veteran plane and clear."There is only one thing you need to know and that is you have explaining to do" as the Lieutenant ended his sentence Shazair spoke as calmly and as kindly as possible"Sir" he said " what are the charges. What have we done to be graced with this accusation?"."Don't you patronize me" said the Imperial officer " For carrying contraband,or as it should be called 'Rebel junk'!" He ended in a mocking tone. "Sir i don't believe i know what you are talking about. we have had no part in the Rebel alliance, what so ever" he pleaded " what are you talking about?" the frustration was starting to show on Shazairs face. The Imperial officer seemed to like that he was causing pain for Sidarace's oldest brother. "Sergent, bring in the box of Junk". The Sergent with the green shoulder pad came back in a matter of seconds carrying the box the man had tried to block the brothers entrance with. The trooper brought the box to the Lieutenant as were his orders. The officer reached inside and pulled out what looked like plane Orange jump suites not uncommon for miners and such. And there it was , in black, the Rebel cross. The smirk on the officers face only Broadened, at the horor on the four brothers. " You will start by giving your names and were you live on this humble planet, it is very nice if i mite add. Soon the Empire will take real notice of this place, To bad you cant sick around and enjoy it a little more". "If the Empire is coming then there wont be anything left to enjoy!" this time Hec'tanar spoke, and with anger. " So the little ones do speak" Said the Imperial with a smirk. just then Sidarace started to get angry he could feel his brothers tensing and trying to get the others attention, he could tell they were ready to run at any moment. The officer could tell something was going on. " Sergent, put them in-" the lights had gone out and the last words were drowned out by a deafening screech. Sidarace had used his powers in the open, this time to save his brothers and himself. "Run!" was the word that all the brothers used. without delay they all bolted out the door and started running towards their home. As they got there their mother was nowhere to be found. Only a note stamped to the table that read, i have left to go on my own business, i shall never return. The words were a mixture of confusion and sorrow for all of the brothers. They had nothing to do now, they were fugitives now. They packed all their necessary items and left the planet in hopes to return to One day to the same old Alpherides, they knew and loved.


The Rathdens have a knack for being swift, quick and stealth all at the same time. Its A trade mark of the family. The caravan he worked for when he was a child always called Sidarace 'little magician'. That name( save the little) has always stuck with Sidarace, 'The Magician'.

Family: Sidarace has three brothers, Shazair the oldest, Octaviouse the second oldest and Hec'taenar, they also had a mother. She disappeared when sidarace was eleven. Her name, from what Sidarace could remember was Matair.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Sidarace: 1.Is an exceptional sharp shooter. 2.known on uba IV to have great melee skills. 3.Made his own Mandalorian armor. 4.can be a good charmer/persuader. 5. Can easily hide disadvantages from even the most powerful force wielders.

Disadvantages of Sidarace: 1. Never maid his own light saber while a Jedi trainee. And still hasn't in the DJB. 2. Has no visual sight. 3. Is subconscious of what he looks like and or what others think of him.