Bold text years seven-eleven for sidarace Rathden.
Growing up was hard for Sidarace Rathden, his brothers and mother. They did what they could to earn money for the five of them. Sidarace being a child had little opertunitys to make a difference in the little lump some his family called a living. There was a caravan that came by one of the near by towns and offer jobs to the young Miralukan children.They would offer jobs to the children with "special gifts". Gifts that were normal to the miralukan people. Such as Mind reading future seeing, and the litle tricks of the eye granted by the force. The caravan would set up sharp looking tapastrys and banners that would hang down from the roof and door ways that would attract tourists and the occasianal passer by to come and see what was in their future. Or to hear their ancetors talk to them. The caravan expecialy liked Sidarce. He had special powers, powers that would allow him to tamper with lighting and to make the ignorent people hear things. Once the people would start acting up Sidarace would leave the room and one of the caravan workers would come in and tell them that it was a "cousin telling them to stay were they were and not leave the planet".Or" leave all youre valubales or you will be cursed by the great miralukan king of 3 millenia ago". The caravan had a nick name for Sidarace. They called him theyr little magician.