
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Family charinfo

Who We Are

The d'Tana family used to be a predominantly Arconan family, with ties to both great Houses of Arcona. Although, they have recently endeavored to spread themselves out over the Brotherhood systems in order to re-establish their presence. Founded by Voranyen d'Tana, he brought in several of those who were his Brothers in the Force: Alex and Koskian, and Gavin Dahl. Some years later Selene and Malidir were both brought into the family, recognizing their value and spirit of guidance that they were providing the Clan they were in at the time. Lucius joined the family after coming back from some time away from Clan Arcona. Recently added to the Family are Rho, who has recently been appointed Rollmaster and Envoy of House Galeres under the new leadership of Mejas Doto, Etah, who has held a number of different positions within Arcona and has proven to be a great leader and Orv who has also been a leader and has proven a great asset to making Arcona into a bigger and better place to serve the Brotherhood. The d'Tana's have since then been able to bring in more notable Brotherhood members into the family: Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine who happens to be the Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae and has great influence in his position, Debric d'Tana who has proven to be a great asset to the family, Adien Corsair d'Tana who has most recently joined and in whom the rest of the family has more than enough confidence that he will add to the family influence.

The d'Tana Family has been a driving force within especially Arcona since it's inception, if not on the actual Summit at times. They have been able to bring forth their quiet influence from the Shadows, offering wisdom to the leaders of the Clan. Often it seems that those who are distrusted by this family and it's fellows have not remained in power or the Clan for long.

What We Do

Over the last several years, and since Clan Arcona settled in the Dajorra system, the d'Tana family has seen fit to expand the Clan's power base in any manner they could; legally or otherwise. Mostly the latter is true. With the discovery of a type of spice on Eldar: Garconian, the d'Tana Family spear headed the initiative of getting mining bases and a trade routes to nearby Hutt space established. The Tana route has been a lucrative form of income for House Galeres, and helped fund many projects for Clan Arcona as a whole.

Smuggling has been in the hearts of the Family for several years as well. More often than not, the personal craft of a d'Tana coming back to Eldar would show signs of battle. Never have we lost cargo, nor a ship, and the heat of fighting off the 'good guys' of law enforcement is an intense draw and they see it as a challenge.

In more recent times, with Selene going Missing in Action in Tarentum territory (Pre-Alliance), Lucius leaving Arcona for another clan, and recently having a leadership change under the new Arcona Consul, Mejas Doto, a few others have been shifted out of their leadership positions. As a result, the family has lost some of the influence they had in the Brotherhood as a whole. Although, they continue with their family dealings as if nothing had ever changed and their influence on the Brotherhood Planetary Systems, they have confidence, will once again rise to its full potential.

The Family