A Clan Naga Sadow Artifact
The Ring of Wrath
(Compiled by Romulus “Acerbus” Mandalore)
This report will give as many of the details concerning the famed Ring of Wrath that I can provide. The Ring of Wrath is one of the seven Sin Rings. When united, these rings will give the bearer access to a wide variety of Force Powers related to the Seven Deadly Sins – Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. Force Powers aside, the rings are similar in every manner except color and size.
The Ring of Wrath is a simple band of red metal, carved with runes of mystic power. It is a fairly small ring, large enough to be worn on the little finger of a man’s hand or the ring finger of a woman’s hand. As mentioned above, it bears resemblance to the other rings of the set in every way except size and color.
When used by a Force sensitive of the rank Archpriest/Battlemaster/Prelate or above, the Ring grants the Power of Rage for an unlimited period. Be warned however, that once in a state of Rage, the Jedi using the Ring will be unable to use any other Power, and some who have used it have battled until their very last drop of blood has given out, unable to access the Power to Heal. Just as in any other case, a sin cannot be committed without repentance.
The Sin Rings were created by a family of Krath to better control the primitive species of a world they had recently settled on. All remaining Sin Rings that are not in possession of the Clans remain in the possession of the Dark Council, until given out in competitions. For good reason – the Sin Rings could cause hellish damage if used by the wrong people.