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Titius Osseus
16 ABY (age 27)
Dirty Blonde
Blue, hints of gold
Bilateral aural implants
Sniper blaster, Explosives
Mandalorian Core, IMAS
New Order era
Emperor's Hammer House Caliburnus
Ellac Conrat
Titius Osseus is a male Mercenary serving under Clan Plagueis of the Dark Brotherhood.
Character History
Early Life
There are few surviving records of Titius before his joining. What few that were found indicate he was a Chandrilan citizen some time during the fall of the Galactic Empire. A New Republic arrest warrant was found but the file was corrupted.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Titius was officially recruited by Cade "Taurus" Tezo of Clan Scholae Palatinae and joined as a Mercenary after testing revealed he was devoid of Force sensitivity. Testing further revealed an incredibly refined Sniper and Explosives skills. Falling into rank with Clan Scholae Palatinae, he was quickly picked up by Ellac Conrat for training.
Equal among peers
Titius rocketed throught the ranks eventually reaching the coveted Equite ranks despite his Master's best efforts to kill him. Installing himself as a ruthless and morally depraved mercenary, Titius engaged himself in several contracts earning accolade and infamy for his dubious methodology.
Never content with the status quo, Titius took the reigns of House Tyranus
Physical Description
Standing 1.80m with slim build, fair skin and constantly bantha-licked locks of dirty blonde hair, Titius stands out in a lineup. Completely lacks external aural organs, lending the appearance of a skull, amplified by a permanent scowl. His facial expression is constantly set in a subtle grimace.
Titius walks in a light gait, stalking around.
Chosen dress
Titius is usually seen in muted black Inquisitor armour, seamed witha ready harness to stow equipment. When reduced to civilian duties he don a pair of medical scrubs, ever practical.