Eilen Ru'tyari

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New Order era.
File:SW - Eilen Knight Avatar 1.jpg
Eilen Jath
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

13 ABY (age 30)

Physical Description

Half-Bothan, Half-Selonian








Dull Brown



Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:
[ Source ]

"(Quote goes here)"

Eilen Jath is a Force-sensitive hybrid, the offspring between a Bothan mother and a Selonian father. She is a member of Clan Arcona, serving aboard the Voidbreaker as a saboteur and a starfighter pilot. What she lacks in talent for direct combat, Eilen makes up for in versatility, a thrillseeking spirit, and an endlessly awkward charm, of sorts.

Physical Description

Eilen is a hybrid born of Bothan and Selonian parentage, and has a combination of physical aspects from each side. The heavily mixed shape of her face almost resembles a ferret's, as does her tall and lanky silhouette. The eyes in particular sport a Bothan's more typical mammalian form, and almost seem to glow in their pale shade of purple. Her other predominantly Bothan features include her high-rising, pointed ears, and her fur pattern, which is primarily colored a dark, dull brown. In contrast, the most prominent Selonian traits are her thick, pointed tail and digitigrade, three-digit feet. She is quite tall, due to her Selonian roots, and her body is lean with the sinewy muscle of both species.

Like most Bothans, Eilen's fur grows thickest and darkest on her head, except for her face, on which it is very short and pale. Eilen's "hair" is mostly swept back, with only the front falling loose and long over the right side of her face, and the rest left in a thick, tangled mess. Random streaks and spots in her hair are dyed maroon and white.

Biographical History

Hybrid Origins

Eilen Jath was originally born as Eilen Ru'tyari, a hybrid child born between a Bothan mother and a Selonian father. Her mother, Lonae Ru'tyari, was an agent within the Bothan Spynet who helped liberate a captured Selonian named Rosica, who had long been inducted into the Spynet as a spy. To her surprise, Rosica was a rather dependent individual who was unable to safely return to his home, and thus sought a new shelter with somewhat assisted living. After some debate, Lonae almost reluctantly opened her home on Kothlis to him, as she had already learned how to manage many of his quirks. In time, however, they grew close, and eventually birthed fraternal twins: a girl and a boy, respectively named Eilen and Eiro.

As their mother maintained her busy and often hectic life with the Bothan Spynet, Eilen and Eiro were largely raised by their father in their earliest years. Given his own upbringing in Selonian culture but limited exposure to the larger galaxy, Rosica made for a surprisingly multi-talented but socially inept parent — something that passed on to both of his children in varied ways. When it was discovered that the twins were both Force-sensitive, however, he and Lonae knew they were reaching their limits as parents.

Lonae soon brought an old friend back into her life: a Kel Dor trader named Baro Jath, who had stood with her during the time of the Galactic Empire. Not only did Lonae trust him with her life, but Baro was also the only Force-user she knew directly, and he could potentially teach her children to manage their apparent powers. Although he claimed to be neither an expert nor a great teacher, he made an arrangement with Lonae and offered his best to act in place of a Jedi Master for them. Eilen and Eiro would hardly remember a time in their youths before Baro taught them some of their earliest lessons about the Force, though he always remained quite vague toward their queries about his own life.

As the twins grew and developed, one of the few differences between them became the focus of their attention. Eiro was always able to reign in his imagination and remain focused on what was in front of him, while Eilen’s daydreams and aspirations about what life could be ran wild. The two were educated from home and didn’t leave for much more than their lessons with Baro; during those rare opportunities out in the world, Eilen began stepping aside, and soon sneaking off, just to see what was beyond their small world. The sights of ships leaving from a spaceport near their home became the subject of her greatest fascinations, while even the thrill of doing magic became a normality to her.

Life Uprooted

The course of Eilen’s life completely changed at the age of 11. Lonae was covering a dangerous case for the Bothan Spynet, when her identity became compromised, putting her and her family at risk. When she tried to gather Rosica and her children to immediately go into hiding, Eiro was training with Baro, but Eilen had run off elsewhere. As everyone split up to search, Rosica found her shipwatching from one of her secluded spots. Her developing Force-empowered senses could feel the alleged danger right then, but it quickly escalated. Lonae’s newfound enemies had found her trail before she and her family could escape, and Rosica had been tracked. He died trying to protect Eilen, and gave her enough time for Baro to find and rescue her.

The surviving family found sanctuary, but they never fully recovered from Rosica’s death. Eilen came to blame herself and began slacking in all aspects of her life, even staying home when Baro sporadically visited to try and offer his continued lessons. When Lonae’s own stress hit a breaking point, she guilted Eilen for not staying closer to Eiro in light of the recent events, and subsequently let it slip that she also blamed her daughter for Rosica’s death. Lonae didn’t have a chance to try repairing the damage before Eilen ran away from home.

Baro once again found Eilen, and managed to comfort her as a mentor. When she refused to go back home, he considered the circumstances and soon contacted Lonae about a new arrangement. Until it was safe to return home, Baro was willing to shelter Eilen and Eiro on his own starship, keeping them away from Lonae’s ongoing troubles while he trained them further. She was reluctant and defensive, but Eiro convinced her that he could be strong enough for himself and Eilen with Baro’s help keeping them safe.

Eilen and Eiro adopted the name Jath in place of their mother’s compromised surname, and to anyone who asked about the strange trio, Baro had adopted them. The short time both twins were aboard his ship was frugal and protective, but the unfettered access to their mentor was a helpful change of pace and a welcome distraction. More importantly to Eilen, they were traveling the stars in a spaceship. Between the difficult moments internalizing the loss of her father and general way of life, she was able to find some joy in living out her dreams.

The twins were eventually called back home, and Eiro was prepared to return. Eilen, however, remained stunningly anxious at the thought of facing her mother again. Through further familial drama, it was ultimately decided that Eilen could continue to live with Baro for the time being, who promised she would be cared for like his own daughter. Eiro reclaimed his mother’s name, but Eilen maintained Jath, and the twins parted ways with a heartfelt goodbye.

Outer Rim Travels

(Coming soon...)

DJB History

Settling into Arcona

(Coming soon…)