Nekros Coven

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Nekros Syndicate
General information

Solas Night-Thorn


The Pyramid

Historical information

39 ABY

Other information
Notable members:

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

[ Source ]

"From the Darkness, Comes the Darkness"
―Nekros Syndicate Creed

The Nekros Syndicate is a battle team within House Mortis of Clan Tarentum. Formed by Solas Night-Thorn at the guidance of Kidouses


In 34 ABY Solas Night-Thorn would be given a vision of the base of the former Battleteam Spectre, The Pyramid. Night-Thorn would travel to Yridia III and seek out the hidden stronghold. Breaking inside, the Sith was greeted by the spirit of Kidouses. He informed his fellow Tarenti that he had determined that without members willing to go where no one else would, Tarentum would fall. He then tasked the young Sith with creating a haven for those who would be shunned or persecuted because of that calling.

And so Night-Thorn would join forces with Tarentum's then-Rollmaster Frosty Romanae Tarentae and his brother Dox. Together the three would form the Nekros Syndicate, a battleteam of Mortis dedicated to the rebirth of the art of necromancy with the Brotherhood, and as Tarentum's pipeline to the seedy underworld of the galaxy.

Operation Record

The following is the reports of the operations of the Nekros Syndicate. Links to the full After Action Reports included.

Retaking the Pyramid

While not an official operation of the Nekros Syndicate, the retaking of the Pyramid served as the catalyst that formed the Nekros Syndicate. Guided by the spirit of Kidouses, Acolyte Solas Night-Thorn, Battlelord Frosty Romanae Tarentae, Battlemaster Dox Romanae Tarentae, Knight Strask Rurra'bek, Acolyte Sul Ip, and several other initial members arrived on Yridia III at different times and explored the Pyramid and eventually cleared the structure and reestablished the base.

  • No After Action Report exists for this operation.

March to Dathomir

At the orders of the Tarentum summit the members of the Nekros Syndicate deployed alongside the rest of the Tarentum to the planet Dathomir. On the planet the members of Nekros Syndicate were each given command of a brigade of Tarentum troopers. These brigades were stationed around the planet to contain the growing hordes of ghouls. The Nekros Syndicate's Supreme Commander Solas Night-Thorn was given command of a full division. During the campaign Supreme Commander Night-Thorn led Outlaw Brigade to a large Nightsister temple. There the Supreme Commander fell out of contact after ordering Outlaw Brigade into a valley north of the temple. Days later the Supreme Commander returned to his base camp alone and has refused to document the events within the temple.

  • March to Dathomir After Action Report


Prospective recruits are often scouted by high ranking members of the Syndicate and following approval from the Inner Circle are guided to the Pyramid. There they will undergo training that tests them physically, mentally and emotionally. as well as testing their mental acuity and physical ability on military matters. Membership does not discriminate sex, gender, or race as members of various backgrounds are seen as part of the Syndicate's ranks and fields.

Uniforms and Etiquette

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The uniform of a Syndicate Initiate.

Upon entry into the Syndicate members are issued a single uniform. comprised of a simple light grey tunic, dark grey breeches, matching shoes, hand/forearm wraps, and a bone colored over-toga. Following a member's promotion from initiate they are issued a second uniform, this operations uniform consists of; a dark grey hooded jacket, black breeches and form fitting armor. The emblem of a member's selected operation role (a wolf for Hunters and a hawk for Runners) is emblazoned on the right shoulder of their jacket.

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The standard field operations uniform of the Nekros Syndicate. (Hunter on the left. Runner on the right.)
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The field operations uniforms of the Acolytes of Nekros. (Hunter on the left. Runner on the right.)

Those selected as Acolytes of Nekros are issued two new uniforms, a formal and an operations. The formal uniform is comprised of a set of heavy black hooded robes, pants, boots and a black colored mask with bone colored accents. The operations uniform of an Acolyte of Nekros consists of the same black breeches and armored boots of a normal operators, however an Acolyte's uniform includes a more elaborate hooded jacket and heavier leather armor. Again their uniform bears the emblem of their selected role (a wolf for Hunters and a hawk for Runners) this time appearing on their right pauldron.

A special note is that the First Acolyte of Nekros is issued a slightly different formal uniform. This uniform consists of the same heavy black hooded robes, pants, and boots. Only the robes are trimmed in gold, and their mask is bone colored with gold accents.

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The formal uniforms of the Acolytes of Nekros. (Standard on the left. First Acolyte on the right.)

Syndicate members are expected to give a formal salute to any and all superiors upon entry. Members of the Syndicate (especially those in Underworld Operations) are forbidden to engage in romantic relationships outside of the Syndicate in order to protect their identity as they are often undercover for their assignments. Members follow strict protocols which are punishable by detainment or death (in extreme cases) if disobeyed.

Operation Roles

When operating in the field, Syndicate operators are organized into two roles. Combat Action Operatives; aka Hunters, and Intelligence Action Operatives; aka Runners.

Combat Action Operatives

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The banner of the Combat Action Operatives that hangs in the offices of the Pyramid.

Combat Action Operatives are those operators who specialize in combat operations. They are often deployed to the field during major military campaigns. They are also contracted as bodyguards, assassins, and hired guns. The also serve as the heavies for any criminal ops.

Intelligence Action Operatives

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The banner of the Intelligence Action Operatives that hangs in the offices of the Pyramid.

Intelligence Action Operatives specialize in information gathering and transmission. These operators are most often deployed in covert operations. They are contracted as couriers, hackers, slicers, and cyphers. They manage the dead-drops, and all information relevant to a criminal operation.


The Nekros Syndicate generally utilizes blaster rifles, pistols, and various heavy weapons. They also employ various explosives and other forms of ordinance. They also use melee weapons in situations (Force users employ their traditional lightsabers).


The Nekros Syndicate consists of a single sect; Necromantic Studies, and two sub-sects; Underworld Operations and Special Action Operations.

All members of the Syndicate contribute in some way to the Necromantic Studies sect. Whether as an Acolyte of Nekros learning directly under the Grand Nekrosage and the Supreme Commander, as an Necromantic initiate learning the fundamentals of Necromancy, or as an outside operator providing materials and supplies.

Outside of their duties to the Necromantic Studies, members are allowed to choose to serve in one of the two sub-sects. Those who select to serve in Underworld Operations function as a pipeline to the criminal underworld of the Yridia system. and those who select Special Action Operations become covert operatives swaying the events of the galaxy to the goals of the Supreme Commander.

Command Structure

The Nekros Syndicate is structured in a simple tiered system. The Supreme Commander stands above all, beneath them are the two members of the Inner Circle; the Grand Nekrosage and the Kingpin. Beneath these three is the First Acolyte of Nekros, someone noted as the most gifted student of the Syndicate. The First Acolyte serves as the immediate superior of the Acolytes of Nekros; those who have shown that they have the skills to lead and operate independently. They stand over the eighteen members that have finished their initial training and now serve as the either Necromantic Apprentices, Underworld Operators, or Special Action Operators. And finally at the bottom of the Nekros Syndicate stand the Initiates; new recruits who are still being tested and trained.

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Member Designations


Syndicate initiates are addressed simply by "Initiate" and their surname. (Example: "Greetings, Initiate Clarke.")


Syndicate operators are designated by the codename of their leading Acolyte followed by a single number. (Example: "Come in Ash-One.")


The Acolytes of Nekros are identified by the codename given to them upon their selection. (Example: "Flare, your team is to deploy immediately.")

  • This designation applies to the First Acolyte as well.

Inner Circle Members

Members of the Syndicate's Inner Circle are to be addressed by their appointed title. (Example: "Greetings Kingpin, Sir!")

  • This applies to the Supreme Commander as well.

Established Units
