Nemo Dupar

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Nemo Dupar is a rogue jedi who use to be the master of Gaidal Dupar. He has teamed up with the Crimson Tide and plans to assist them in their attack against Clan Plagueis, the same clan with a 20,000 credit bounty on the rogue Jedi's head.


The padawan of Jedi Master Kai Nolan, Dupar received his Force training at the Jedi Academy on Dantooine. Almost a mirror image of his cousin, Gaidal, in Force-sensitivity, the Kyandrian was regarded as being a little too overeager at times - not unlike Anakin Skywalker before his transformation into Darth Vader. An orphan, Nemo had been raised in the ways of Luke Skywalker’s fledgling New Jedi Order, having had no contact with his only known relatives - his father, Darius, who was presumed deceased, and his cousin, Gaidal, who had killed his Master, Jomar Vacul - until a mission to Korriban brought them a-cropper of one another.

Information is fuzzy, but what is known is that during the course of the confrontation on Korriban, his friend and Jedi Master Nerun was killed. Whether the other members of Nemo’s group survived or not is unclear, however physical evidence points to their demise on Korriban.

It is believed that this is the catalyst responsible for Nemo’s fall from the Light. There are rumors that his Master, Kai Nolan, still searches the galaxy for his lost pupil.


Nemo wondered the galaxy, torn between the lost of his loved ones and the fact that he no longer accepted the Light Side of the Force. He turned his attention to the Dark Side, and began his self-training on his ship near the Acarr system. He wanted to keep an eye on the Dupar's till he was strong enough to confront any of them. He created a group of mercenaries and stray Rogue Jedi and taught some the power of the Dark Side. But they were to weak to comprehend its power, until one fateful apprentice appeared. This hopeful, by the name of Semyon Cain entered the group led under the banner of Dupar, and caught the eye of Nemo instantly. Through months of dedication and loyalty, Semyon became Nemo's right hand man.

The two established a unformal alliance with each other. But after Nemo abandoned his group of mercenaries he hesitated to take Semyon with him, but eventually did. Over the course of a month, the duo spied on the a powerful group Dark Jedi assembled under the name Clan Plagueis.

During his time in exile, he secretly monitored Gaidal and his so-called "friends" in Exar Kun. He also built himself a new, double-bladed lightsaber, and trained himself in its arts. While tested himself with this new form of fighting, he kept his teachings with Semyon, harsh and effective. He brought the young Dark Jedi from a Jedi Hunter to the level of a Sith Warrior, with knowledge applied as well.


It was soon after that he caught wind the Crimson Tide was going to attack Plagueis, he immediately contacted the leader and requested permission to help them in their quest. Obviously, Calliban seized the chance to have a force-sensitive on his side, and declared him in charge of espionage. Nemo's only request was that Gaidal be given to him, so he could deal with his cousin in whatever way he seemed fit.

The last encounter between Nemo Dupar and elements of the Brotherhood came about on Ziost, after the rogue Jedi had kidnapped his cousin in a mad bid for revenge. Although the information is inconclusive as to who actually killed him, it is known that his lightsaber was presented to Gaidal at his Knighting eight months later.


His hatred for his cousin Gaidal overwhelms every other aspect of his being and clouds his judgement. Nemo is convinced his cousin knows of the whereabouts of his long lost father Darius, althought there is no actual proof such knowledge is available. Still, to the day he died, this rogue Jedi remained obsessed by the idea.