Jorm "The Jester" Na'trej

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Jorm "The Jester" Na'trej
Biographical Information

Nar Kreeta

Date of Birth:


Physical Description





1.92 meters


95 kilograms


Dark brown, almost black



Personal Information
Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Acrobat, infiltrator, impostor, jester, saboteur, Sith


Member of House Excidium, of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Personal Ship:

modified YT-2400 "Fool"



[ Source ]

Character History

Birth and early years - Nar Kreeta - 7-13 ABY

Jorm was born on Nar Kreeta in 7 ABY as the son of Kiffar mining engineers working on the planet. His parents perished in a hovercar accident not a year later. Since he had noone left to care for him, he was put into an orphanage which accomodated children of multiple species. Under such circumstances, it was all too natural for him to grow competative and independent; he was recognized as a tomboy. In this environment, Huttese became his first language.

Late childhood and Adolescence - The Errant Circus - 13-23 ABY

When Jorm was six, he was adopted - read: sold to - by an errant circus. From then on, he lived the life of a nomad, never setting foot on a planet for more than a few weeks at best. The circus had only rather slow ships and toured in Wild Space, so Jorm was forced to spend a lot of time in confined spaces. But since he was mainly trained as an acrobat and couldn't perform unless he had gym time in a freight room, he was plagued by boredom. To distract himself, he aquired the basic skills of carpentry, piloting, navigation and mechanics. Within his ten years in the circus, he became proficient enough in each field to start a carreer, but disagreements with his foster parents/buyers and an unforseeable event guided him onto a different path.

Early Adulthood - The Blazing Chain - 23-33 ABY

When Jorm was sixteen, the circus was attacked by a raiding Blazing Chain flottilla. The pirates, themselves force-users, discovered his sensitivity for the force and his status as a de facto slave and offered him to join. Since Jorm had nothing to lose and much to gain, he accepted the offer and began a carreer which would span over a decade. He quickly adapted his acrobatics into unorthodox combat skills and his stage talents for infiltration purposes, and over the years raised a little unit of similar individuals. This little group was stationed aboard the CR90 Thief's Luck, which operated semi-independent from the fleet. It was a good time, but the duties of leadership and his heavy focus - and reliance - on physical and mental abilities, as well as the limited teaching offered by the pirates, left his potential in the force mostly unexplored. Due to these circumstances he never developed further than a Jedi Hunter. Despite this, life was good until the Chiss decided to put an end to the ship. Jorm is reportedly the sole survivor, but received burns in the face and a concussion which weakened his connection to the force.

A Fresh Start - The Dark Jedi Brotherhood - 33-35 ABY

Still recuperating from injury he sustained during his last raid with the pirates, and far from his former strength, Jorm decided to join the DJB to properly learn what he has only touched before. After some time, however, his nomadic past called out to him, luring the then Jedi Hunter away from the Brotherhood and into unknown adventures.


In 39 ABY, Jorm found reason to return to the Brotherhood. He rejoined the now Clan Scholae Palatinae and immediately made his presence known.



As many male Kiffar, Jorm has long, dark hair, but unlike them he doesn't wear it in dreadlock fashion. He styles them into cornrows instead. His features are overall handsome with tendencies to sharpness, and his build is athletic.

Whenever he's not wearing his formal robes - always - he will don a casual but practical attire made up by cargo pants, T-Shirt, and combat boots.

Also distinctive is that he doesn't have the typical Kiffar clan tattoos since he didn't grew up in his species' culture. People usually take him for a human if he doesn't correct them. He also looks a few years younger than he really is. However, he has a large tattoo of a blazing chain, representing that very organization, winding around his left hand and forearm. It is made from powdered gems and gold dust and radiant beyond words.

Bacta treatments have removed all scars, which is a status quo he preserves.

Personality & Traits

"We're all wearing our masks. I just don't hide behind mine."
―Jorm Na'trej

Jorm is an outwardly very moody character who strives for pleasure in everything he does, ignoring or attacking unpleasantries. He likes to deceive enemies with his conduct and makes them play the game after his ever-changing rules. From this attitude and his circus experience stems his motto about masks. Fair play means little to him.

Among friends, he is much more open and reveals a well-developed intelligence, empathy and even modesty, but there are no living witnesses of the latter. He doesn't take himself too serious at any time.

Jorm is one who can't sit and wait for long. He either needs physical or intellectual activity, lack of both will make him twitchy and aggressive.

Throughout his carreers in the circus and the Blazing Chain, he has developed a taste for uncommon tactics and weaponry. His choices on both matters will often enough make enemies and allies alike question his sanity - which he will state as inquestionably lost when asked - and underestimate him. He is very unlikely to lose his temper, as his favorite weapon - his fist - doesn't allow for the wielder to get carried away by emotions. He is a hard-to-surprise veteran of countless brawls, skirmishes and even a few battles, and will take anything coming at him with a smile and a proper - and possibly devastating - reaction.


Although he has lost and regained his physical and mental prime by the events that seperated him from the Blazing Chain, he still retains a lot of abilities learned over three decades. This includes experience in the fields of mechanics, stagework, piloting and combat as well as a fairly large amount of street smarts.

Apart from Huttese, he speaks Basic, Twi'leki and enough Vong to start a fight. He also understands simple Shyyriwook, Rodian and Sullustan.