Hel-Pa Taldrya Sklib

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
She's Got It Where It Counts, Kid.
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A Brief History

Hel-Pa Sklib was a Corellian originating from Saigetopia. His father was a CorSec agent and since Hel-Pa's childhood, he wished he could grow up and be like his dad. After his father's death several years ago, Hel-Pa developed a thirst for revenge against the one who murdered his beloved father. One of Hel-Pa's most distinguishing marks is a scar in his left hand running from the bottom of his thumb to the bottom of his hand near the wrist.

Hel-Pa was 17 years old when his father died. His adolescent mind sought the utter destruction of whoever murdered his father Tarth. Now several years since this tragic event, Hel-Pa had a clue on who the murderer was, but refuses to believe it. In the mouth of his father's corpse was his mother's favorite cosmetic appliance. Hel-Pa still was not totally convinced it was his mother, but nevertheless he cannot exclude that possibility

Hel-Pa has just begun venturing into the adult world. His recent promotions in the Brotherhood have wizened him and as Tetrarch of a Battle Team, Hel-Pa handles more responsibility than he ever has in his life. His first "test" as an adult was the Sixth Great Jedi War, where he exemplified all the qualities an Obelisk should show during the Great War.

After spending nearly a year as both Guardian and Jedi Hunter within his clan, Hel-Pa became perturbed by his position as Jedi Hunter, and often was seen in fits of rage, destroying many things in his path, and even nearly slaying a fellow Battle Team member. At the down of another year, and after a time of peace within the Brotherhood, Hel-Pa Sklib witnessed the birth of House Archanis within Taldryan. As the House was gathering its roots, Sklib further felt the tensions and stress of his inability to wield the prestigious lightsaber and was often seen having tantrums in his quarters by members of his Clan Summit.

Two events within his Clan altered this current mindset, and Sklib's energy was invigorated. During a Clan Meeting, he was surprisingly awarded the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, with praise from fellow Ektrosians Taku "Crix" Matsuki Taldrya and Alanna Taldrya; even the great clan leader Duga Taldrya Arkarso. During that same meeting, Sklib was given the honor of receiving the Claw of Dinaari. This trophy represented Hel-Pa's great achievements in battle and advanced combat prowess, surely a sign of his great potential as a warrior for Taldryan.

Hel-Pa is now in the midst of a "golden age" in his abilities and potential as a Dark Jedi Knight, and only the future can tell if his servitude as Tetrarch will lead to other responsibilities and positions within his beloved clan.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

  • Hex Tetrarch

Outstanding Achievements


  • Hel-Pa Sklib was runner up for one Tally: Best Newcomer