Zagro Fenn

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Zagro Fenn
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

13 ABY

Physical Description





170 cm


70 kg


Dark Brown



Personal Information

House Scholae Palatinae

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information



Battle Team Member


Dark Jedi Brotherhood


House Scholae Palatinae



[ Source ]

"The secret to survival? Always fire first and have an ex-filtration plan. Strategy compliments of the Hapan Royal Marines." -Lieutenant Zagro Fenn, Queen's Royal Logistic Regiment

Zagro Fenn is a male Hapan member of House Scholae Palatinae and a assasin of the Krath order. Orphaned by the age of twelve he became a skilled slicer plying his trade on Hapes before being incarcerated for hacking into classified data belonging to the Queen Dowager. Pardoned shortly into his sentence he was conscripted into the Hapan Royal Marines and served with the Queen's Royal Logistics Regiment. Commissioned during the Yuuzhan Vong crisis he was elevated for gallantry during the Battle of the Transitory Mists.

After the war Zagro was transferred to the Intelligence Division where he was assigned to investigate the appearance of Force users on the fringe of Hapan space. During this assignment he made contact with smugglers enroute to Antei and learned of his own latent Force abilities. He accepted an invitation to the Shadow Academy under a false guise as a slicer looking for employment with the highest bidder. He is currently an Acolyte with House Scholae Palatinae.

Character History

Early Life

Beginnings of a Slicer

Fall and Rise in the Hapan Royal Marines

Agent of Hapes and Arrival at Antei

Current Assignment

Zagro has recently arrived on Judeeca and is living at the Imperial Winter Palace. Here he is struggling to progress in his nascent Krath training and facing his demons. While still afflicted with the narcotic dependancy he turned to in order to dull his guilt from the Vong war he has found solace in the Black Spur Cantina down below in Ohmen City. Alone here, away from his Scholae Palatinae and Battle Team Acclivis Draco bretheren he is attempting to let go of his past.

Service Record

Promotion History

  • Entered service in 38 ABY
  • Promoted to Apprentice in 38 ABY
  • Promoted to Novice in 38 ABY
  • Promoted to Acolyte in 38 ABY

Positions Held

  • Zagro Zenn was assigned to Battle Team Acclivis Draco in 38 ABY and serves as the team's computer & slicing expert. Due to his war experiences and jaded history he has shied away from offering his tactical expertise on Battle Team level exercises as yet but secretly harbors desires to once again lead men and women into battle.

Outstanding Achievements

  • Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star in 38 ABY for the 'Salute to Xantros' competition