
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Lambow, the Mysterious Wookiee
Biographical Information



11 ABY

Physical Description





2.2 Meters


Mixture of light and dark brown


Dark brown

Personal Information

Korvyn Elvendar, Anarya Elvendar, Arania Lawakiro Palpatine



Chronology & Political Information




[ Source ]

Lambow, the Mysterious Wookiee, is relatively new to the general Brotherhood membership. Trained by unknown mentors in the Force, he was requested to come assist the Brotherhood by one of the more prominent members they have, Arania Lawakiro Palpatine.

Exactly how they met and if she was his mentor in the ways of the Force are still unknown, as the Wookiee rarely talks about himself. In fact, his reluctance to say anything about the time before he started working with the Brotherhood earned him the Mysterious Wookiee moniker.

Character History

Childhood and Early Life

Nothing is known about Lambow's early life and childhood, except for the fact that he was born on Kashyyyk. He didn't stay there long, as it is clear he had moved about the galaxy very often.

Young Adult Events

Nothing is known, other than he successfully completed his coming-of-age Hrrtayyk ceremony.

Initial entry with the Brotherhood

Lambow quietly entered the Brotherhood scene after the events of the Ninth Great Jedi War during 30 ABY. His obvious advanced knowledge of the Force earned him the rank of a Krath Epis, which someone objected to. The Wookiee immediately demanded a duel, and if the Wookiee won, he'd get to keep his rank and no one could further say anything. The challenger agreed.

The Wookiee ripped of his challenger's face off in less than thirty seconds, and tore his torso into shreds within twenty more.

No one since then has challenged the Wookiee.



Lambow looks like your average Wookiee, with no real distinguishing features. About the only thing out of the ordinary to the sharp observer is that the Wookiee has careful, economical movements. The Wookiee also is constantly looking about, and aware of everything that is going around him. The Wookiee is also usually heavily armed.

Oddly enough, the Wookiee has had a cybernetic vocator put into his throat. This allows him to speak Basic and other similar languages, although oddly accented by the vocator.

If the vocator is shorted out by an ion pulse, he can still talk, but only his native Shyriiwook.


The Wookiee really hasn't socialized with many, and few can claim him as a friend. He also doesn't attend many social functions, and if he does show, he normally is quietly nursing drinks. Any attempts to talk to him are frustrated since he tends to ignore the person speaking.

Hobbies, Penchants and Talents

The only real talent that has been exhibited by the Wookiee is a natural talent as a mechanic, which obviously had provided him before with a living.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

None as yet.

Outstanding Achievements

None that the Wookiee has been willing to share with anyone.


  • The "Lambow" name came about through sheer chance. It was actually created by using an online Random Star Wars name generator. The name sounded amusing, so it was chosen.
  • The "Mysterious Wookiee" business is mainly because this is a new character. There had to be some explanation as to where this Wookiee came from as a full-blown Epis, so it was best left as a mystery to be fleshed out as the character is used more often in official DJB business.

External Links

For more information, check out his dossier or ACC Character Sheet.