Template:Sith charinfo
Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor is a kind, yet strong and brave fighter, who wants nothing but to further explore the Dark Side of the Force and become one of the greatest Dark Jedi the universe has ever known.
5 ABY to 20 ABY
Aabsdu was bored five years after the battle of Yavin on the planet of Onderon. His parents were both into politics, his father being a representative in the New Republic Senate for the planet and his mother being his father's handmaiden. The problem, however, was that his father and mother were not married, and their relationship had been keep secret to all save for close friends and families. As such, his birth was kept relatively a secret; it was known he was his mother's son but not his father's. Therefore, the public simply thought a representative's servant had had a child with a lover, unknowing that the lover they thought of was actually very well known to them.
One of the older cities of Onderon where Aabsdu was supposedly born, it hasn't changed much from the times it was ruled by the MandoloriansFor his toddler years, his mother let him grow up just as any other boy. He went to school, had friends, and so on. His relationship with his dad was known to the boy, but he had been taught not to tell anyone for various reasons. His father use to tell him, "There are a lot of people out there who don't like me. If they know you are my son, they won't like you either"
Aabsdu loved to liked, and liked to be loved, so was smart enough to keep his father a secret just as his parents did.
In his teen years, he started to show signs of a very smart individual. He was quick thinking, well read, and skilled with a blaster. For these reasons, his father started teaching him some of the first lessons taught when training to become a diplomat. It had been his father's dream that his son would grow up to take his place once he was gone.
He learned enough to become very dignified, hence why he prefers to where smooth elegant white robes rather then the typical black ones. However, his lessons stopped once he reached the age of thirteen, and started showing odd signs. Aabsdu started to do things with his mind that most kids couldn't, early signs of someone who was force sensitive. Due to his father's reputation, he had not been tested by the jedi for fear of being found out who his dad was. His parents had never thought anything would come up in him, though, since as far as they knew the only relationship they had to those force sensitive was ancestors from before the Clone Wars.
They started to grow weary of what he was becoming. They knew that the jedi would never take him, but were also aware of the evil done by the dark jedi, who were still known from the Galactic Civil War. They told him never to try to use any of his power he had, for it was the devil's power and could only lead to bad things. He listened, but started to dislike his parents more and more as he moved towards the age of fifteen. Everyone around him started to notice that something wasn't right with the teenager, and started to separate themselves from him. He hated the world and everyone in it more and more, especially his father who went from loving his son and teaching him the ways of diplomacy to thinking his son a freak and avoiding him at all costs.
One night, a fire erupted in their loft. His parents had been arguing, and in a small scuffle his dad had knock over a rack of oil that fell right onto the burning stove, thus catching on fire and it all went downhill from there. Aabsdu had been in his room, listening to the fighting through the walls. The last thing he heard was his dad curse, and then his mom scream. He ran into the kitchen to find it almost engulfed in flames, and his mom lying on the ground unconscious.
His dad told him they needed to get out now, but just as they started to leave the room, which was now spreading fire to the rest of the loft, a portion of the roof collapsed right on top of his mother. Aabsdu watched as his mom disappeared forever under a pile of rubble. He grew very anger, especially at his dad. He had to take it out on someone, and it just so happened his father was right there at the time. He pictured everything swelling up inside of him, the dark voice in his head controlling all his actions. By the time his dad turned from his deceased wife back to his son, his son was gone. Instead was a new Aabsdu, a darker and much meaner one.
It is unknown what happened next, but it is known that Aabs used what force he could access, fueled by dark rage, to murder his father. He took his mother's ring out of her jewelry box, an artifact he wears on his hand even today, and escaped before the entire floor collapsed.
Rise of a Jedi
20 ABY to 21 ABY
Jedi Knight Genako HaofaeAs stated before, Aabs isn't stupid. He knew that what he had done was bad, despite not being completely himself at the time. Thus, instead of staying behind he ran where no one could find him. By the time he turned sixteen he was roaming the streets of Onderon, helpless, getting by on whatever he could. Then, one rainy day, he came across another person much older who seemed to be in the same situation as he was. As it turns out, this scavenger had actually been searching for Aabs, having sensed him through the force.
His name was Jedi Knight Genako Haofae, and he had been banished from the Jedi Order for various reasons not needing to be pointed out here. He had been flying by the planet after his exile when he sensed Aabs' dark rage against his father. It had taken him five months to find the young boy, but he did nonetheless.
Aabsdu was desperate, and really wanted to learn more about what he considered the awesome gift bestowed upon him. Master Genako took him in and taught him all that he would need, or at least what he needed to know. He learned how to better access the force, to an extent, as well as wield a sword, but not a lightsaber, which Genako had had taken away from him.
Aabsdu learned as much as he could, although what he learned was probably the equivalent of an Acolyte. He got cocky, however, with his new powers, and decided that there was nothing more his weak exile of a teacher could do for him. One night, almost like he had done to his father, he killed Genako, who had been so unexpectant of the attack and been able to point up only a small fighter before falling the much younger and stronger opponent.
Fall to Darkness
21 ABY to 23 ABY
Afterwards, the new Aabs decided that the light side was no good for him. During his training, Master Genako had only told him what he needed to be all-good. However, the now seventeen year old had realized that the dark side was much more fascinating, fun, and powerful. Again, he grew power hungry, and started searching around for a way to put his skills to the test and continue to train.
File:EE-3.jpgAabsdu used a typical EE-3 Carbon Rifle when hunting, wearing occasional armor and a few grenadesHe found it in bounty hunting. Over the next year and a half, he took bounties here and there, mainly in the outer rim, earning a good deal of income along the way. He preferred to take smaller jobs that he could take his time with, thus learning more, so he never faced any real matches.
He did, however, face two jedi. His bounty had been the jedi master, who at the time of their meeting was traveling with his apprentice. Why Aabs took the job he doesn’t know, but he did and went through with it. He was able to take out the youngling quickly from a distance, but the battle between him and the jedi master lasted but two minutes. Aabsdu attacked, was repelled, attacked again, repelled again. In the end, the closest he ever actually got to the jedi master was close enough to receive a thick scar down the left side of his cheek that is still there today.
This major defeat taught him a lesson, and he finally had it knocked, or sliced, into him that he needed training if he ever wanted to learn as much and become as strong as he wanted. His goal had been to continue to train and learn more about the dark side by way of bounty hunting, and in the end, he accomplished more then that.
23 ABY to 24 ABY
Around 23 ABY, Aabs same across a group of other dark jedi known as the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He was trained to the rank of Protector by Braecen Isradia, who eventually took him on as his student, and continued to train him until he reached the rank of Jedi Hunter. Only three months after joining the brotherhood, he was already but one step away from his first lightsaber.
Sadly, his long time master was forced to leave the clans for reasons never revealed to Aabs. Suddenly, the young hunter was left masterless, unable to continue his training, and still craving more knowledge he sought. He was quickly taken up by Aerick, who was his master for only one month before going MIA while on a clan mission. Again, Aabsdu was left without a master, and it seemed as if none would seek him out.
File:Cp logo.jpgClan Plagueis LogoThat's when one of the most influential people of his life came into the picture. A Dark Jedi Knight known as Gaidal Dupar, who had been training alongside Aabs for most of his career, but been aware of him, saw potential in the boy, and took him on as his first student. They trained for two months constantly, all the while becoming greater and greater friends. During this time, Aabsdu was offered the al'Tor family name, which Gaidal also held, and accepted it thankfully. It was also during this time that he started to make himself known in the clan. It was Gaidal, who by now was Aedile of House Exar Kun, who offered Aabsdu his first leadership position as Battle Team Leader of Battle Team Exar's Shadow. The still Jedi Hunter accepted it, and excelled greatly. He brought the team to new heights, while still a journeyman, and even after he was finally knighted and built his first lightsaber.
Aabsdu and Gaidal continued to be great friends, as the latter greatly infuenced and altered to former's life. Aabsdu continued to act as Battle Team Leader for the next six months, over which time he was promoted again to Sith Warrior. It was also during this time that Aabs became a blood brother of Gaidal, taking on the name Dupar. Life was good, but it seemed like deja vu to the warrior, for just like his childhood had gone from bad to worse, his DB career seemed to do the same.
In an attack on House Exar Kun by the famed Crimson Tide, Gaidal went missing. Suddenly, the house's aedile, since Gaidal was by now the Quaestor, was moved into the Quaestor position. Aedile was now open, and Aabsdu took the chance to do what he knew his great friend and brother would wish him to do, run for the position.
Sure enough, he made it, and from here on life was indeed great for Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor. He went from Aedile to Quaestor in a matter of three months, continuing to make himself more known in the clan and brotherhood, and becoming good friends with the clan leadership at the time. The brotherhood was doing good, the clan was doing good, the house was doing good, and Aabs was doing good. Everything was great.
Then, good turned into shaky, and shaky turned into bad. Then, bad turned into a Great Jedi War...
Dark Jedi
24 ABY to Present
DJB Facts
- Created and ran the House Exar Kun Battle Team War
- Mastered Jaysen Erdon to Dark Jedi Knight
- Mastered Jaden Kyrath to Jedi Hunter
- Mastered Senka Rakesh
- Mastered Niman Master
- Coder for Clan Plagueis, House Exar Kun, House Satal Keto, Plagueis Chronicle, and Plagueis Battle Team websites
- Third Prodigy of Plagueis
- First Exalted Lord of Kun
- First di plagia
- Various other duties that I cannot not remember done during my time as Battle Team Leader, Aedile, Queastor, and Proconsul
Positions Held
- Battle Team Leader of Battle Team Exar's Shadow
- Aedile of House Exar Kun
- Queastor of House Exar Kun
- Proconsul of Clan Plagueis
- EP of Marksmanship Exam
- Editor of the Clan Plagueis Chronicle
- Sentinel 1 of the Grand Master's Royal Guard
- Leaner of the Antei Combat Centre
- Oracle of the Dark Brotherhood Player's Association for Star Wars Galaxies
Aabs' lightsaber is covered in an autobiography of his life
- The name Aabsdu was created simply by combining random letters of the alphabet, and was made specifically for the DJB. Today, however, Aabs uses it for all RPG aspects, as well as an alias in real life when he is running from the forces. Di Plagis is a clan name bestowed upon him by Consul Sarin, Dupar is a brotherhood name shared between Gaidal, Aabs, and Jaysen. Al'Tor is a family name shared between Gaidal, Sunflash, Drodik, Galaphile, and Aabs.
- Aabsdu's lightsaber is covered in scripture of an ancient Sith text. It roughly translates into his life up to the point he joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Due to this fact that it covers a good twenty years of his life, the text is very small. At the end, it simply reads And thus, I was reborn into the darkness
- Aabsdu's warbanner is tan with a silver medallion baring the Clan Plagueis logo hanging from it. In the center is a picture of the moon to represent how one can change from light to dark just as easily as the moon moves through the sky.
File:Aabs Warbanner.gifAabs' warbanner has a significant meaning to the dark jedi