
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 15:58, 29 April 2009 by Selika (talk | contribs)

Template:Ship (individual)

Vessel Info

The Star Galleon was the Imperial Navy's response to the Rebel Alliance's surprise attacks on Imperial convoys. During the early years of the Galactic Civil War the Rebel Alliance heavily relied on stolen Imperial technology and craft to fit their needs. This led to an alarmingly high amount of raids on Imperial convoys which led to the implementation of the Star Galleon. It is able to haul large amounts of cargo while being protected by heavily shielding and defensive firepower. The interior of the freighter has one of the best anti-intruder defense systems on the market and even the cargo hold could be jettisoned and escape via a built-in hyperdrive.


The Star Galleon is essential a cargo ship that acts as its own escort. This ship is powerful and strong like a fearless warrior sent through enemy territory on a vital mission. Our Star Galleon frigate, the Fearless, was obtained during the Fleet Modernization Act and serves in the Clan's Home Guard forces. If Karufr were to be attacked this ship can transport large amounts of important material and supplies to the CSD Justice, a neighboring planet, or all the way to our backup locations across the galaxy. The Fearless gives us the ability to move our headquarters to a new place incase of an emergency. In more peaceful times, the ship can help out in whatever business ventures the Clan might have.