Marshal of the Armies of Tarentum - Marshal Maxamillian von Oberst-Tarentae
For information on ranks, please check out Tarentum's Military.
Tarentum Navy
Naval Chief of Staff: Vice Admiral Kessian Armus
Task Force Piranha
TF Piranha is tied with I Corps, making it UCC-1
Combat Commander: Rear Admiral DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae
Task Force Commander: Vice Admiral Welshman Corsair Erinos Tarentae
Commander, Air Group: Commander Archean Erinos Tarentae
Deputy Commander, Air Group: TBA
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Magnus Kaerner (Flagship)
Captain: Captain Adien Corsair
Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser Corsair
Captain: Captain Troutrooper Tarentae
Bothan Assault Cruiser Doomsday
Captain: Captain Merlance
Belarus-class Medium Cruiser Phlegethon
Captain: Commander Dranik Tarentae
Belarus-class Medium Cruiser Cocytus
Captain: Lt.Cmdr. Apollo
Belarus-class Medium Cruiser Reqiuem
Captain: Lt. Commander Kazarelth Talîsmarr
Tarentum Home Guard
XQ4 Platform Aegis
Combat Commander: Governor-General Rekio Corsair Tarentae
Role: Stationary Garrison and Depot - The Aegis is the home base for all of Tarentum's ships, be they shuttles or the ISDII Magnus Kaerner. Acting as a resupply depot for all ships, and as a stopping point for all wishing access to the undersea stronghold: Castle Tarentum. Combined with II Corps, the Aegis will comprise UCC-2 (Yridia Home Command).
Ground Forces
Army Chief of Staff: TBA
I Corps is tied to Task Force Piranha, making it UCC-1, under Sith Bloodfyre.
I Corps is the mobile ground assault and strike force of Clan Tarentum. Grouped with Task Force Piranha, and designated UCC-1 (aka Yridian Space), the Corps headquarters are aboard the Magnus Kaerner.