Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 00:27, 27 September 2006 by Koskdtana (talk | contribs)

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History of Koskian

Character History

Born in 17 BBY on the planet Taanab, Koskian exibited limited Force potential early in his teen years, as well as tendancies of anger and violence. Most of his arguments and altercations ended in fighting. Never really liked by his birth family or those he grew up around, he became embittered towards the world and hateful of most anyone. He was about 21 at the time of the second Death Star's destruction and death of the Emperor. Shortly after this event, which had wide spread affects among the Taanab goverment, a Jedi Hunter named Priyum Patel was sent for purposes that he never revaled to Koskian. Finding the Force sensitive, then known as 'Psyko Prefect', he conviced the dark spirted young man to come with him. This was how Psyko was eventually introduced to the Brotherhood, and therefor Arcona.

His first Consul was the great Nighthawk Arconae, and Gavron Elliad was his first Quaestor in the House Qel-Droma. In Qel-Droma he would meet his future brothers in the Force, Voranyen and Alex. Shortly into his career, the Grandmaster of the time decreed that Houses should reflect Order, and Psyko was moved to Galeres as a soldier of the Obelisk. Here he found his Master, Tuojas D'Eraii, and eventually his first Apprentice, Gavin Dahl, who would also become his one of his brethern.

He rose to the top of Galeres several times, betrayal leading to his resignation more then once. He currently leads the House once more, with the intent of strengthing the heartbeat of Arcona that is Galeres.

Odd Weapons, for a Jedi

Koskian is viewed with much amusement by many Elders of the Brotherhood for his reliance on strange weapons. Primarily this is due to his creative use of plastic cutlery known as 'sporks', a spoon/fork hybrid utensil found in fast food restaurants across the galaxy as a cost reducer. Various manipulations of the Force allow Koskian to shape and mold these plastic utensils into weapons of war to be used in battle. Among his creations, some of the more notable were: Spword - A plastic sword, usually about three feet in length, hardened to steel like quality, and a razore edge. Spip - A surprisingly mallebale, six to eight foot length of plastic cable, that would be used as a whip. Spaltrops - One of his more devious creations, several sporks combined could make a 'spaltrop' which would have three to four inch spikes that easily penetrated most foot wear.

His other happily perferred weapon is the short barrled shotgun he lovingly refers to as 'Lucy', and it has seen combat many times. While most view a weapon using solid ammunition obselete, Koskian views it more as 'creative', in that it's almost impossible to deflect a double load of buckshot pellets, compared to the number of blaster bolts most weapons fire. Among other things, he's used the weapon with solid slugs, inciderary rounds, and on one occasion blanks just to fool with an opponent.

Many attribute this eccentric trait to insanity, and Koskian has never really denied it.

Expanding on Traditions

Koskian has taken an unusual turn from his usual methods as of late, taking up the pen more then then blade to help instruct the next generation of Arconans. At the time of this writing he has made no less then three seperate tomes, only one having been released to a number of others in the Clan. He has also been helping on expanding the descriptions of Arconan holdings and attempting to make the Clan's own history more enriched through various historical fiction materials.


Koskian has been Quaestor four times now, all of House Galeres. Koskian has been Battleteam Leader for Soulfire three times.