Template:Krath charinfo
Summary of the character. Delete this note to add your own.
Character History
Early Years
Zin as a child began his learning with his parents and would start by being introduced by the many fine arts of combat while at coruscant. Seeing as it was a world of trade and commerce it had many things to do, and so much time to do it with. For Zin he would learn combat with a instructor given by his parents. His parents reviewed each instructors credientials wanting to know exactly what they did, but also wanted it to be a good experience for this eager fighter. So once they had picked, it was decided that Zin would begin his combat training on coruscant with a individual called Z'hal. He was a twilek fighter, but he had many skills that could teach zin the ways of combat and skill training. So it was a unique adventure Zalabim would be undertaking. As for start of his training, his instructor provided him with many weapons but only watched him in class, and gave his a rigourous procedure upon which to do his combating.
Later Years
As Zin had experienced more and more combat involvement with his instructor so would his keen intellect with the ability to read onto further course instruction on the ways of combating. Soon he would find that there was something of anger parrelleling his way to what he essentially wanted to accomplish. The anger that he did have would actually lead him to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and his initial training in the ways of the dark jedi.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
List positions that are important.
- Promoted to Apprentice in CSP
- Promoted to Novice in CSP
Outstanding Achievements
Anything you're proud of.
Interesting or important facts that do not fall under the other two categories.