Robin Hawk

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 06:05, 2 November 2007 by Robin Hawk (talk | contribs)

Template:Sith charinfo
“If I had not known at all, would I have still ended up the way I am.”
-Robin Hawk, in reference to her parents, as she was being sent to the Brotherhood.

Character History

Early Years

Suwea Belifay was 9 years old when she found out that her parents and older brother weren’t what she thought they were.

One day she came home early from school and was going to go change out of her school clothes when she heard her parents arguing around the back of the house. She was good at sneaking up on her much attuned brother and tickling him to the ground, so sneaking up on her parents was not a problem. It also helped that her parents had a great arboretum that surrounded the house were they lived, so she could hide amongst the shrubbery.

When she got close, her parents were talking about her as if she was not their daughter and talked about her parents having a colourful past with the Sith. When she heard this it made her almost trip onto one of her favourite plants that she took care of since old enough to do so. That fumble made her parents aware of her presence and came up on her just as she was collecting herself from the fall. They did not find her in tears but with a face full of shock. She managed to slip away from them and run into the forest and climb the highest tree her older brother and her always raced to. Well not her brother, as she would have thought.

She hid in the tree for a long time until her parents could get her brother, who was away at school, to show them the way. They were worried for her because being alone in at night was not a good idea as there would be creatures prowling for food.

It was getting dark and thought she heard her parents calling, which made her feel like they cared. When she got to the bottom of the tree, she found out that it was just the wind that was bellowing over some reads. This left a feeling of hatred in her and she started to get her more upset. As she was about to climb back up the tree a carnivorous Gojura got between her and the tree. She quickly looked around for another tree to climb but they were all too short. The large reptilian paced back and forth rubbing its forked tongue along its sharp teeth. As it was about to pounce she ducked into a near by bush but not in time to get scraped across her back by one of its talons. She screamed in pain.

Meanwhile her brother just got home and they just finished explaining what had happened when they heard the scream in the forest. They started to run into the woods after their son who knew the way. When they arrived at the tree, they found Suwea Belifay at the base of the tree with the Gojura lizard dead at her feet and her school’s decoration knife in her hand with the creature’s blood all over her and the knife.

Teenage Years

13 ABY
After that day in the forest her “parents” and “brother” never looked at her the same way, treated her differently and were somewhat scared of what she had become. When she was old enough they sent her away to Kuroshin were she became a tour guide. She did this for years before realizing that this was not what she was meant to do. She changed her name to Robin Hawk to provide some distance from her family.

Adult Years

18 ABY
One day a Keibatsu member approached her and saw her potential but they did not believe that they could help her at her age and for other reasons to this day she doesn’t know, so she was sent off to apply to the Brotherhood.

Dark Brotherhood Years

27 ABY
Robin Hawk joined the Clan Scholae Palatinae under the direction of Braecen Kunar and became and Apprentice to Master Rasilvenaira StormRaven in the year 27 ABY. She quickly went through her studies, but was eco swept when she got perfect on her Lightsaber studies.

To this day, although it reminds her a little of her “family”, she still grows and studies flowers and plants. As a hobby she is continually experimenting with plant fibres to find the right mixture that will allow her to create Synthskin armour. Through it she is starting to realize that a mixture of a vine like fibres and spider webbing would be ideal. Occasionally she goes exploring to different worlds and hopes to find spiders that have the strength and agility that is required for the Synthskin. Hoping to one day find the perfect specimen that might potentially have force ability. This will then enhance the skins abilities.

Members Recruited

Neuri Velox #9306
Kelivar Tamaskan #9480