Template:Krath charinfo
A Guardian in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and a revered Lieutenant General in the Southern Arkanian Army, Aidyn Wolfwood is most known for his services during the Second Southern Arkanian Revolution which resulted in an Alliance with the Arkanian Dominion bringing a 7-year war to it's close. After the end of the war, Aidyn took the position of Chief Commander over the Zachar Territories and began the first recontruction efforts since the region fell under attack by the Dominion, and Zachar City was completely destroyed.
Aidyn was previously a Colonel in the New Republic Military, the Commander of the Rebel Squadrons Commando Division, and a highly known Jedi Knight. His career was cut short however; when his brother Vivoil Zyzen tricked the New Republic into believing that Aidyn had orchestrated a recent attack on his own command base on Salsasia IVb. At the same time; a distress signal was intercepted by Aidyn from his former Apprentice Nirai Kanai, a Kushiban Jedi Knight on the planet Bethlamore. Upon arriving on Bethlamore, Aidyn was ambushed by both Vivoil, Nirai, and a team of Jedi Knights from the Bethlamore Temple and a short battle ensued, though Aidyn was defeated by his brother.
Though Vivoil intended to sever Aidyn from the force and eliminate him, a Sith Knight known only as Esca intervined and saved him. His powers had been greatly diminished and his skills almost none existant, a scar that would follow Aidyn for many years to come. Guising himself as a Light Side Jedi, Esca took advantage of the weakened Aidyn and slowly crafted him with his Dark powers. Beginning training under Esca, Aidyn quickly regained a strong majority of his skills; becoming far more powerful than he had been previously. But despite his new training, his downfall to the Dark Side was secured when Aidyn failed to save his daughter Aaeryn from Nirai who murdered her at an abandoned weapons factory just outside of Bela Vistal on Corellia.
Character History
Aidyn was born in 26 BBY in the Southern Arkanian City of Zachar on the planet Arkania. A strong majority of the population were mainly scientists, however select groups studied secretly in the force without the Arkanian Dominion knowing. His father, La'Koole Zyzen was a famous Arkanian General, who served under the central heirarchy in the southern reaches of Arkania in the city of Zachar, the capital city of the Arissi Tundra and the Zachar Territories. Shortly after Aidyn's birth, La'Koole was given command of the Zachar Territories by the Arkanian Dominion. His mother, Kai'nei Synestria-Zyzen, is believed to have died shortly after his birth, due to internal complications. La'Koole began Aidyn's training at the early age of 3, teaching him the Arkanian ways, the history of Arkania, as well as the galaxy before the Republic, and during the time of the Republic.
The Southern Arkanian War (18BBY-9BBY)
The Imperial Invasion (18BBY)
Three months after Aidyn turned 16, an Imperial Fleet under the command of Admiral Michel Harper attacked the Arkanian Homeworld and after a fierce fire-fight, Zachar City fell to Admiral Harper. After the capital was taken, Aidyn was rescued just mere minutes before being found by the Imperials, by a small resistance group that had previously been against his father's rule. After the attack was over; Aidyn's father never returned from the war-torn capital, and was believed to be dead.
Nicholeb Gheils, the leader of the Arkanian Resistance viewed Aidyn as an asset, where as the other resistance leaders viewed him as nothing more than a miniature version of his father. Six years would pass, and numerous battles would continue to happen between the Resistance and the Empire. During one attack, however, one of Nicholeb's spy's returned with information that would allow Zachar to be infiltrated from the south; allowing them a direct shot to the Shimmering Tower, the capital building of Zachar City, where Admiral Harper had been confirmed to be residing.
Aidyn joined with Nicholeb to plan an assault on the capital to try and finally end the war with the Empire, and retake what remained of their homeland. Infiltrating the southern gate with a small group of soldiers, they quietly worked their way up the towering capital and marched on the Presidential Offices where they found not only Admiral Harper, but also standing in their way was none other than Aidyn's father General La'Koole Zyzen.
The Zyzen Family Crest.
La'Koole reveiled that he had planned the entire war from the very beginning, even having allowed the Empire easier access into the city when it was first invaded; in exchange for a position in the Empire. He also had made a deal with one of Nicholeb's soldiers, to get Aidyn into the resistance to keep track of their movements. Aidyn then had learned that because of his mother he had a connection to the force; as well as to the Synestria Sith Line. Before Aidyn could react however, Nicholeb forced Aidyn and the others to flee, while he stayed to give them some time. In both anger and sadness Aidyn obeyed Nicholeb's order, and as his last order made Aidyn the new leader of the Arkanian Resistance. As they fled the tower, gunshots could be heard which confirmed their worst fears; Nicholeb Gheils, was gone.
Events had changed dramatically, as well as the entire course of the war. Now, it was more than just freeing his homeland...now, it had become revenge. A revenge that would forever change the course of his life for the better, and the worse. This was the beginning, of the Southern Arkanian Revolution.
Aidyn's acceptance as the leader of the Arkanian Resistance was not very much liked; however the officers chose to accept it since it was Nicholeb's last wish. The first several months after Nicholeb's death, La'Koole's forces vastly outnumbered Aidyn's, however word had quickly reached, that La'Koole had not only killed Nicholeb during the escape, but he also murdered Admiral Harper; who apparently was a puppet of La'Koole's, and other factions who were against his rule, joined up with Aidyn. Over the next several months, Aidyn trained profuciously in preparation for what he knew he would have to do.
Aidyn knew eventually, the fate of his entire homeworld, would come down to a battle between him, and his father La'Koole.
Three and a half years passed since the beginning of the Southern Arkanian Revolution, both sides suffering heavy casualties. Several lucky victories placed the Resistance within battle-distance of Zachar, and in the middle of the winter-season, Aidyn planned a final assault. On the Arinel Plains outside the city, Aidyn gathered the entire Resistance together, about roughly 20,000 people, and began his march towards the city. La'Koole had anticipated this; however, and awaiting them
was a mixture of Imperial Stormtroopers; and Arkanian Soldiers, about 27,000 in total.
The battle that ensued; was one that is long remembered by everyone on Arkania even to the current day, though many historians claim it never happened. The battle itself, was one of Aidyn's darkest hours as a Commander due to his overconfidence and drive for revenge. The battle continued on for over 10 hours after it began, blood splattered everywhere as well as limbs and corpses. By the end of the night, the Arinai Plains looked like the remains of a slaughterhouse. Not a single soldier from either the Resistance, or La'Koole's forces was left standing, no one except a severely wounded, and barely concious Aidyn. Somehow, not knowing how, Aidyn had survived the battle, though after seeing the ruin around him, he felt deep inside that he shouldn't have been allowed to live. Aidyn felt disgraced for what had happened; especially since he knew he was the reason they were all dead.
As he crossed the Arinai Plains he saw the bodies of close friends, both friend and foe whom had fallen during the battle, remembering fond memories they had, the families that they would never return to, the ones who had given their lives to help him. As much as his body wanted to give out and collapse into the snow; he knew, because they had gave everything they had, even their lives, to fight against La'Koole that he could not let their deaths rest in vain.
"Why did it have to come to this..? Why so much bloodshed; why?" he asked himself as he entered Zachar. Several soldiers advanced on him, however stopped several feet before, standing there in silence as they saw the condition he was in. La'Koole sent orders for them to kill Aidyn, however as he moved through the central part of the city, not a single guard made a single intimidating glance at him. Aidyn knew they were doing it purely out of respect for him, managing to stand his ground against his father; who betrayed them all. Reaching the Capital Tower, Aidyn is stopped by several of La'Koole's guards who are quickly taken down by several of the Zachar Soldiers that Aidyn had passed. Aidyn thanked them as he advanced into the Tower, and made his way to the Presidential Chambers, where La'Koole awaited him.
La'Koole and Aidyn discuss what happened, and why he turned on the Arkanians like he did; even betraying his own son as well. He agrees to answer his questions; only if he can defeat him in combat. Not really looking forward to it, Aidyn agrees, knowing it is the only way. Already severely injured; Aidyn was at a disadvantage, however during the battle, he was able to slightly see his father's movements, just mere seconds before he made them, probably the only thing that saved his life. After several minutes of fighting; Aidyn saw an opening, and with a quick suttle move, took down his father.
Aidyn shortly after the Southern Arkanian Revolution, wielding his father's lightsaber.
La'Koole, in his last breaths, told him the truth about everything. His true intent; was to test Aidyn, to see if he could unlock the abilities that he gained through his mother, Kai'nei. Because of her; Aidyn was the first in the Zyzen bloodline to aquire midichlorians; the connectors to the force. Because of his force-sensitivity, he was able to forsee his attacks, due to his emotional and spiritual connection he had at the time. He also told him, that his mother was not dead, however was kidnapped by his brother, Vivoil Zyzen after she had given birth to Aidyn. La'Koole in his last breath, asks Aidyn to save her, as he knows she is still alive, somewhere.
Aidyn sits there, regretting what he has done...but also knowing it was the right thing to do. With the Southern Arkanian Revolution finally at an end, peace returned to Southern Arkania. In 7 BBY, two years after the end of the war, Aidyn leaves Arkania without saying a word, abandoning his position, and leaving in search of his mother.
A Hero's Journey (7BBY-16ABY)
Reeksa the Hutt (7BBY)
After leaving Arkania Aidyn already ran into his first of many problems. Because of Arkania's natural darkness, it quickly became difficult for Aidyn to see during the daylight hours on most worlds as well as in space when anywhere near the suns. He traveled to Nar Shaddaa where he knew of several of his father's previous contacts and underwent extensive eye surgery to darken his eyes and lower his sensitivity to light.
Word got out however of his arrival however, and an assassination contract was filed with a young Bounty Hunter named Elline Misai by a Hutt Gambler named Reeksa the Hutt, who had previously had a negative encounter with Aidyn's father La'Koole. Shortly after departing the clinic, the building went up in a huge explosion. Aidyn knew he had nearly overstayed his welcome and had to find some way off of Nar Shaddaa, but just recovering would make it impossible for just himself.
As he left the area towards a local bar; another person followed him. Entering the bar, Aidyn was ready to take him down however blaster shots quickly take down 3 other people around him. The person was a Mandalorian named Morone. Firing shots at others as they left; Elline watched from above like a hawk. To her, this was certainly one of her more interesting hunts.
Aidyn learned of Morone's connections to an Alliance faction, as well as his previous encounters with Elline.
The Path of Enlightenment
Several years would pass and Aidyn and Elline would face off head to head multiple times with neither being the winner. In 4ABY their battles came to a head however when during their final battle in Coronet, word reached of Reeksa the Hutt's dead. Both of them were at a standstill. Her vibroblade at his neck; and his lightsaber at her chest. They knew then despite the battles they had fought, the anger and grief exchanged...they had fallen in love.
Celebrations rang through Corellia with the destruction of the Empire and the death of Emperor Palpatine. On the same night; Aidyn and Elline were married under the famous Crystal Fountain of Vreni Island, southwest of Coronet.
For the time being Aidyn ceased his search for his mother and settled down with Elline, and just barely a year later twin daughters were born named Aaeryn and Jen Zyzen. For the first time in his life, Aidyn could never have been more pleased or happier than he was then.
(To be added shortly.)
Information Covered: Aidyn's acceptance into the New Republic Military in 8 ABY, and joins the New Jedi Order. Aidyn is assigned to the Rebel Squadrons where he assumes the position of Commanding Officer over the Commando Division.
Elline's death in 10 ABY, Aaeryn and Jen dissapear; believed dead. Aidyn ascended to full rank of Jedi Knight, recieves promotion to Commander.
Betrayal (15ABY)
Aidyn served as the Rebel Squadrons Commando Division Commander for a tenature of 7 years, quickly rising the New Republic ranks; achieving the rank of Colonel in 9 ABY after successfully countering an infiltration takeover attempt inside the Knight Spire, the headquarters of the Commando Division on Salsasia IVb. Despite the love and fame he had within the Commando Division; certain people were displeased that Aidyn was still in power. His skills as a Jedi Knight; and a Fleet Commander, would prove to hinder them in the near future. They knew something had to be done.
In 13 ABY, a distress signal was recieved from Bethlamore, the planet where Aidyn trained as a Jedi. What was strange about it though, is the message was sent by Aidyn's former padawan, a small Kushiban known as Nirai Kanai.
Unsure what was going on, he took a leave of absence from the Commando Division and returned to Bethlamore. It had been 4 years since he had been back, after his ascention into Knighthood. Aidyn traced the distress signal to the Tomb of Sha'do Issai, southeast of the Black Pit in the Evil Forest. Feeling something was wrong, Aidyn made sure to land his ship far out of sight and hidden, grabbing strictly his beacon locator and his lightsaber, running towards the Tomb. Arriving at the tomb, there was no one to be found, no signs of a battle or anything else like that.
As he reached the entrance he was greeted by Nirai's Lightsaber flying past his head. What awaited Aidyn next suprised him as behind him stood his former apprentice Nirai, a small group of Jedi Knights from the Bethlamore Jedi Temple, and his brother Vivoil.
It was then that Aidyn's world came crashing down around him. Nirai informed him that because of his crimes against the New Republic and the murder of his second-in-command in the Rebel Squadrons Command Division, that he was under arrest. Despite his attempts to try and explain things, Nirai and the other Knights attacked Aidyn.
Refusing to injure his friends and especially his former Padawan, Aidyn was quickly defeated. After being defeated, Vivoil turned on Nirai and the other knights using a powerful Force Storm and knocked all of them unconcious. Instead of allowing Aidyn to be arrested, Vivoil had entirely different plans for him. Vivoil then attempted to sever Aidyn entirely from the force, entering his mind and slowly started to tear everything apart.
Despite his best efforts; Aidyn was completely helpess. However, a mysterious figure quickly intervined and threw Vivoil away from Aidyn. Severely weakened, Aidyn passed out after getting a small glance of the man's yellow eyes.
Aidyn later awakened back on the Ryvius, with his knowledge of the force almost non-existant as well as his ability to feel or sense the force. The mysterious man introduced himself as Esca and proceeded to explain what had happened. Aidyn had become a fugitive of the New Republic, wanted on the charges of Conspiracy, Murder, and Betrayal. He also explained that with his help Aidyn could once again regain not only his previous abilities, but become much more powerful than he ever had been before.
Reluctantly Aidyn agreed; however this move would push him further away from everything he once believed, and held strong. Even though Esca had good intentions, he kept his true intentions and powers hidden from the weakened Aidyn. Esca, was secretly a Dark Jedi...and his ultimate goal would become the downfall of the once honorable Knight, no matter what he would have to do.
Aidyn began his training under Esca, and as promised had began to regain much of his abilities. He still remained unaware of the Jedi's true form and intentions as he was slowly being crafted into what Esca wanted. Despite his new training, he proved resistant to Esca's brainwashing and still continued down the path to returning as a Light Jedi. Esca's plans took a sharp turn as well when word reached Aidyn that his daughter Aaeryn was still alive, and living on Corellia.
Against Esca's wishes, Aidyn departed for Corellia to try and find her. Esca knew if he was to turn Aidyn, he would have to do it now. Otherwise he would become a strong liability, one that must be taken care of. Several weeks later; Aidyn had traveled almost all of Corellia with no luck on finding Aaeryn. His luck changed however when he ran into an old comrade of his, (Meow. Fix me.), in Bela Vistal; a small, neutral-based city in Southern Corellia.
Morone informed Aidyn of an old abadoned weapons depot that had once been used by the Empire just several miles outside Bela Vistal that had become the home of several Jedi Sepratists that had taken a disliking to the New Jedi Order, and one of them was a spunky young girl who had a strong adaption to the force; much like Aidyn in his earlier years. Together they traveled to the depot, however finding it heavily damaged and half destroyed. Many of the traps inside were still active and waiting, several of them pushing both Aidyn and Morone to their limits. After getting past the traps, Aidyn decided to go towards the Command Center while Morone continued on deeper into the depot.
Before Aidyn reached the Command Center however, Esca was already inside attacking Aaeryn with the force; holding her in the air choking her. Nirai dropped out of the air ducts, enraged at what Esca was doing. Nirai finally realised everything Aidyn had said was true. Before he could charge Esca however, Esca stabbed Aaeryn through the chest with his lightsaber; dropping her to the ground. Grinning evily, Esca closed his eyes and faded into the shadows quietly whispering '...now, it is complete.' At the same time, Aidyn walked into the Command Center and spotted both Aaeryn, and Nirai.
Nirai approached Aidyn attempting to apologise for his past actions, however is quickly attacked by Aidyn. Despite what really happened, Nirai's apology quickly became his own mistake as it looked like he had killed Aidyn's daughter and was apologising for that instead. With no way to convince Aidyn, Nirai fled into the air ducts after a short battle. Aidyn knelt down holding his daughter's corpse crying, as Esca walks in through the main doors.
With everything he held dear to him lost, Aidyn submitted fully to Esca's training. He truely believed the Republic had turned on him as well as all of his friends, and the only path to salvation is to become more powerful than he dreamed imagineable which Esca promised him. Henceforth, Aidyn was no longer the Jedi Knight he once was...but had become a Sith. All he cared about now was salvaging what he had left and exacting revenge on those who had wronged him.
The Path of Darkness (16ABY-25ABY)
The Second Southern Arkanian Revolution (18ABY-25ABY)
DJB Facts
- Was previously known as Drake Malone
- Helped Coordinate the first ICTE's ran by the DB and RS
Character Facts