
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 16:19, 3 April 2007 by JaganRoda (talk | contribs)

Template:Sith charinfo

Jagan Roda is a Human from the planet Onderon. A former Jedi, he abandoned the order shortly after the Great Jedi Purge, feeling betrayed by the weakness of the order he abandoned his lightsabers into the depths of the Kashyyk underworld, and left any trace of his former self behind him with it. After leading a life of seclusion for many years he came out of hiding around 10BBY, when he took up a new life travelling the galaxy as a hired mercenary for any who could line his pockets. In his fairly old age he currently resides in the various ruins of Dantooine, living off the great force contained in its various crystal caves and ancient enclave

Character History

Early Life (41BBY - 22BBY)

Jagan was born to Filan and Belle Roda on the planet of Onderon, just outside of Isis. Jagan's father, Filan, was a merchant. He was not all that succesful though, bringing just about enough money in to keep his small family going. Due to his lack of credits, it was lucky even that he could afford a place for them to live, yet he managed to purchase a small, one-room house a few miles outside of Isis. It wasn't as close to the markets as all of the top traders, but it was close to enough to get a fairly good days trading. For Jagan though, life in the outskirts of the city, on the edges of the jungles of Onderon was great. Even from such an early age as 6, Jagan was able to navigate the forests easily on his own, jumping from tree to tree with ease

Jungles of Onderon

Coruscant Bound

Clone Wars (22BBY - 19BBY)

Order 66

Into Hiding (19BBY - 2BBY)

Criminal Mastermind


Jungles of Kashyyyk


Fall of the Empire (0BBY - 11ABY)

The Grey Jedi (11ABY - ? )

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Outstanding Achievements

Completion of 25 SA courses earned him the Antein Cross
Scholar of the Month Award - awarded a Dark Side Cross
Crescent with Emerald Star awarded for Graphics competition
Dark Side Scroll awarded for submitting 10 pages of writing
