Jonathan deLuce

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Jonathan deLuce
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

20 BBY

Physical Description










Personal Information

Arcona, Wesley deLuce

Chronology & Political Information

Commodore of the Arcona Starfighter Corps


Eye of the Abyss II, ASC Commodore


Dark Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]

"You're to be a pilot, a commander and a dedicated one at that. End of discussion."
―Jonathan to his Son.

Jonathan deLuce is currently the Commodore of the Arcona Starfighter Corps and loyal servant of the Arcona Fleet. His son, Wesley deLuce serves as the Captain of the Silver Night Squadron in the Arcona Expeditionary Force. Moving to Selen after the Exodus, this decorated Pilot acted as a cornerstone of the Expeditionary Force himself, before retiring in 26 ABY to pursue a career as a piloting instructor. His hard-edged, traditional approach to tutoring was not deemed a success to the younglings who enrolled, pushing Jonathan back to the Starfighter Corps to retain his previous mantle. His son aided him in his quest, providing the avenues required to enter the Arconan Naval Forces. He soon shot to the fore, before being given the opportunity to lead the new Arconan Starfighter Corps.

Character History

Training and Early Life

Jonathan deLuce began his early career in his teens as a technician to a freighter pilot. Born in the midst of the Clone Wars His early life centred around a path to become a fighter pilot within the Imperial Navy. His dedication to the cause led him to his enrolment in 2 BBY. Although within the dying embers of the Galactic Empire, Jonathan's fiery passion still burned strong within him. Upon the collapse of the Galactic Empire's framework and its subsequent demise, the now Ace Jonathan deLuce had to fade into the background of the partly-established New Republic and keep his previous identity concealed.


As a decorated pilot of the Imperial Navy, Jonathan was quickly accepted into one of the smaller contingencies of Naval orientation within the Aurora Sector. The TIE Corps accepted him as one of their own, fully developing his skills as a master pilot. Jonathan's son Wesley deLuce was born on Selen, a small base of operations for the TIE Corps in 3 ABY and, within his years as a child, was quick to develop a keen interest in his father's career. Jonathan continued to rise through the ranks and excel at his duties as a pilot.

As Wesley began to grow, Jonathan took a keen interest in his development as a skilled pilot. It was evident that it was a genetic transference and it was something Jonathan had a great deal of pride in. Jonathan would regularly take Wesley into the throbbing heart of the hangars within the small base, beginning the child's tutelage at a young age. Jonathan's fondness for the Corps grew from strength to strength; however, this was something that soon plummeted into confusion and disarray.

Post-Exodus and Arcona

Following the Exodus split in 19 ABY, Jonathan returned to Selen and maintained active duty and loyalty under the Arconan flag: something he had, for years, been attached to. Again, the process of rising through the ranks began; his name was synonymous with success and his son soon began to following neatly in his father's footsteps. Jonathan, now a Squadron leader, served Arcona as a loyal subject; as if he was a Dark Jedi himself and this, in the eyes of the Arconan hierarchy, did nothing but good for the seasoned veteran.

After the graduation of Wesley, Jonathan decided to pursue a career in the flight school his son had graduated from. As a tutor, the renowned pilot did not show much prowess; he often brutally punished Cadets for minor mistakes and his attitude to the budding pilots was as a superior, not a tutor. This, in the view of Arcona was a positive; however, to the flight school itself, it acted only to antagonise the parents and guardians of the students. Subsequently, Jonathan was 'relieved' of his position as a tutor and made his way back to the Navy from whence he had so recently left.

It was much different upon the Bride of the Eye of the Abyss II for Jonathan; his fondness of front line battle, and his eagerness to lead from the fore was not best exhibited within the confines of an official suit and only a viewport to judge the battle. His success as the Wing Commander of the Arcona Starfighter Corps was not best suited to his style, but it was certainly tailored to his leadership techniques. In 34 ABY Jonathan took his mantle as the leader of the Corps, and since has been directing his men from a makeshift forward operation base in the Hangar bay of the Eye of the Abyss II.


Jonathan deLuce is a man in his early 50's; his hair, nearly all gone, has been replaced by his silvery side-burns that accent his features almost pefectly. He is of medium stature and slim build with sculpted features and a prominent stare.


His personality is, at best, tepid. He is a strong, cold-hearted and seasoned veteran of the Piloting Corps, and as such, has a traditional and focused perspective. Straight-talking and indifferent to the offence he may cause, Jonathan prides himself on saying what needs to be said. With this, however, does come a caring side; Jonathan takes a lot of pride in his pilots, rewarding them for their efforts when they return from a successful skirmish, or exceeding in training exercises. As a veteran of the very thing he now commands, he understands the pressures and strains the pilots endure, which results in a relatively understanding perspective when dealing with Pilot-oriented issues, but does so from behind a glazed stare and a thick defence.