Mks Ehn

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Mks Ehn
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

16ABY - 23

Physical Description













(see below)

Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

White Spectrum

Lightsaber Form(s):



Throwing knives

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Shadow Gate Member

Known masters:

Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae

Known apprentices:




[ Source ]


Moulded from Clay

Unnervingly, only fragments of data have been recovered in regards to the creation of Mks, but it remains a fact that his original identity was of an Arconan Miraluka, Maaks Erinos. Towards the end of his DB career, Maaks had a tendency to wander, without any indication of where he would go. It seemed to others that he was slowly distancing himself from the Clan, until he didn’t come back for a whole year. There were no leads to follow and he was presumed dead.

But he [i]did[i/] return, just not as he was.

A small security detail discovered him by a door in the inner sanctum of the Arcona Citadel. When they tried to take him into custody he killed them all, his white lightsaber cutting through them for the security cameras to pick up. Subsequently, one of the Arconae was made known and Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae soon assessed the situation. It didn’t look good. Mks was unable to perceive anyone through the Force and seemed to have lost the sense of touch. Regardless of what they threw at him, he wouldn’t react unless touched. The hallway was littered with sliced bodies and once they had been cleared carefully away (Strategos refused to traverse the corridor otherwise) his future Master moved closer. As soon as he was a meter away, the attack began with lightsabers clashing immediately. His weakness was obvious however, and the ease with which Strategos defended himself was shameful. They lured him into an empty container and when he was confused enough to pause once Strategos concealed his connection to the Force. It took a few minutes of knock-out gas to put him to sleep.

Crime Scene Body

Mks was handed over to a team of medical and cybernetic experts that worked to fix whatever they could. After their initial assessment of 48 hours, the head supervisor of the team called for an immediate meeting with the Arconae. The person that arrived was not who the supervisor expected. Timeros Entar Arconae stood before the smaller man and waited. He was told that it was a lost cause and that the costs outweighed the benefits. He produced report and report of the issues that stuck out.

From top to bottom he had been heavily tortured, as the little skin that was left on him was heavily scarred and rehealed. The only real skin that remained on him were on his hands, feet, face, neck and lower chest, the rest of it having been replaced with a messily connected exoskeleton. A lot of it had cut deeply into his muscle tissue, causing a continual unimaginable pain. His joints and limbs were stiff and constructed from a mixture of droid parts, again causing a continual aching pain. The entire team was baffled how he had managed to stay alive, until they had discovered the scars on his head. They had implanted him with neural chips to bypass his limits for pain, also limiting his personality to something barely enough to sustain someone. His lungs had been replaced by inefficient and very basic machinery and his tongue and voice box had been removed. The technology to replace it all was accessible but it was too risky. Either way, he had little chance of survival. Timeros took this information calmly and asked to be led to the team. They met inside the workspace and Timeros immediately killed the supervisor in front of the team, fear falling from him like a wind, only visible to those it touched.

The team was doubled and with an additional group of supervisors, they worked to normalise him as best they could. His flesh was covered in a synthetic skin, his cybernetic limbs updated and his tongue and voice box replaced. they performed a new endless amount of bacta therapies to renew the flesh and reduce the scarring. And finally, they removed the neurochips and awaited the Arconan to awake.

A Fated Return

Torture Tech


Physical Description

The Force
