Template:Sith charinfo
"Vladek, you've reached levels of retarded that are beyond mere dumb. You are, in fact, dumbtarded." - Xayun Erinos
File:XayunWB.gifXayun's warbanner
Xayun Erinos - Character History
Birth on Yaga Minor
Xayun Erinos was born five years before the destruction of the first Death Star, on Yaga Minor, a staunchly Imperial planet. His parents were both members of the Empire, and their love of the Imperial order was projected onto their son at an early age. As a child, Xayun would listen to his father's stories of being a TIE pilot, engaging in vicious dogfights with the 'evil' Rebel Alliance. As he grew up, his hatred of the Rebellion grew - they were, in his mind, trying to destroy his home and family life. It was no surprise when Xayun wanted to become a pilot himself, and soon after he reached enlistment age, he was on the way to the Academy.
Xayun: TIE Pilot
Graduating from the Academy with his wings and full honours, Xayun was assigned to the Carrack-Class Cruiser Vindicator II. Embarking on endless patrol duty, he was angered at the rise of the New Republic and the fact that he was seemingly being barred from taking revenge on the 'jumped-up Rebels'. Then, on one such tedious patrol route, a group of Republic fighters emerged from hyperspace. Seeing his chance, Xayun shot down the attackers before the rest of his squadron had fully comprehended what was happening.
Over the course of the next few years, Xayun worked his way through the ranks of the Imperial Navy, eventually turning down a position in fleet command to continue flying TIEs. His career was to be cut short, however - ironically, with another patrol flight.
Joining the Brotherhood
An unidentified fighter had made it's way into the no-fly zones around Bastion. Xayun and his flight group were sent to identify the mystery pilot and, if necessary, terminate him. Watching the ship heading for the planet's surface, the squadron followed it down into the atmosphere. Once they had cleared the ozone layer, the fighter attacked, blowing away Xayun's flight group an causing the young pilot to crash-land on a deserted part of the planet. Regaining consciousness and finding the mystery pilot waiting for him, he was told that his abilities had attracted the attention of a group far more powerful than the Imperial Remnant, and that he could either take up the shadowy organisation on their offer of power - or remain stranded in the wilderness of Bastion. Intrigued, and refusing to have his life end now, Xayun accepted, and followed the man back to Brotherhood space.
The Dark Brotherhood
Clan Naga Sadow
Upon first joining the Dark Brotherhood, Xayun was drafted into House Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow. Coming into the clan at the beginning of the 5th Great Jedi War was extremely disconcerting for the young man, and he gradually faded from events. In two years time, however, he returned to find his former clan a changed place - they had new leaders, new members, and his former house had been closed by Malik Sadow during his time as Consul. Joining House Ludo Kressh, Xayun now tries to amend his two-year absence by working as hard as he can for his clan. As the Clan Envoy, he is in charge of overseeing new members to the clan, a job he tries to do to the best of his ability. His job as Envoy also brought him into a friendship with his Aedile, Malisane de Ath, eventually becoming the Sith Warrior's Black Guard. Now a Dark Jedi Knight and with his term of service to de Ath over, Xayun still remains Clan Envoy, although how much longer he plans to stay in the position, no-one knows.
Xayun is a tall individual, towering over most at six feet, two inches. His mop of dark brown hair falls over one blue-green eye, and his usual attire is his black-and-red robes over a black flight suit or, more recently, white stormtrooper armour taken from his time in the Empire.
He has a small crescent scare running from the outside corner of his right eye, received in a training duel with his former master and Quaestor, Xia-Long.
Xayun is a master of the Makashi saber style. The finesse of the style greatly appealled to him, and he devoted large amounts of time upon reaching Knight status to master it. He is also proficient with blasters, vibroblades, and of course is an excellent combat pilot. He flies a slightly modified TIE Hunter - the same he crashed into Bastion, which he was able to salvage weeks later.
File:TIEHunter.jpgXayun's TIE Hunter
- Nickname is 'Cajun Chicken', thanks to Korras, who had Cajun on the brain.
- Often states that Vladek Solander is the biggest closet case in the DB, a fact which is backed up by several other members of the DB.
- Is Manesh Sadow's favouritest member of the DB.